Error NBE 1013 Cannot access game from patcher

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Corwyhn Lionheart, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Having the same problem and I live in Canada not China :)

    The message that comes up is: Error NBE 1013: We have detected there is a problem with access to this game. Please check here for possible solutions.

    When you click on the link it leads to a page that no longer exists in the knowledge base.
  2. Xanadas Augur

    Getting the same. And I can't get into the account management system to view my subscription info.
  3. Rowacorn New Member

    Ditto. I'm in Colorado and my ISP is Comcast.
  4. hobo New Member

    Same here and I live in Texas.
  5. Dharken Elder

    Same problem from Oklahoma. Not account based, tried 8 accounts. Even tried my mobile hotspot.
  6. Wyrdrune New Member

    Just checked, and also happening for me. I and a lot of people had this same issue Wednesday morning. It resolved itself in a couple hours, but I never saw any announcement from SOE about what the problem was. Likely this will be the case once this issue resolves itself also......although it would be nice to know what the problem was and how likely it is to keep happening.
  7. Perplexed Augur

    Am having the same trouble on 3 accounts. Oddly I was able to log in normally at 2 pm est on this account. However, 30 min later when I tried to log in the other account the buy CoTF message popped up and all toons were deleveled. I validated assets on those 2 accounts then got hit with error NEB-1013 and unable to log in.
    When I logged out this account, the buy CoTF popped up, and sure enough all toons on this account were deleveled.
    Seriously /boggle. I've been paying yearly x3 for 12+ years, this sort of thing is becoming more than tiresome.
  8. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I tried to view account subscription info too and it said I had to enter a game to be able to access it. Sounds like this is some weird account snafu. I noticed the Online Help Chat is filled to capacity atm. Trying to open a support ticket and its just hanging at the submit
  9. Roshen Brand Manager

  10. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Just got into game.
  11. Dharken Elder

    I was unable to log in with the Error from the post, however, after clearing my Cache, Cookies, DNS Cache and Front cache (Using C-Cleaner) My login was allowed immediately. Dont know if it was a coincidence, but it worked.
  12. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I was just able to log in I think they are currently clearing the issue up so anything people are doing to log in is just coincidence.
  13. Shiea Augur

    Was unable to login, closed launcher window, did ipconfig /release then /renew and viola! Was able to login again.
  14. Rowacorn New Member

    ipconfig / flushdns fixed it for me.
  15. Mintalie Augur

    For the REALLY technically challenged, might one of you nice folks explain in layman's terms how I do this so I also may log in?
  16. Shiea Augur

    Windows Key + R, type cmd hit enter. Then in the command prompt window type ipconfig /release, let it finish then ipconfig /renew.
  17. Mintalie Augur

    BAM! That did it. Thanks, Shiea! Hope Luclin is treating you well!
    Shiea likes this.