What classes do you think today are underpowered?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fian, May 25, 2023.

  1. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Monks do need a boost. One of the thing that sucks about monks is their lack of "special" attacks on humanoids or other mobs that a zerker decap would work on. Give monks some sort of "special" attack like rogues and rangers have on humanoids, and you'd be golden.
  2. Annastasya Augur

    Need Major Overhauls:

    Need Minor Tweaks:

    Need Something But Will Continue To Be Shrugged At Because No One Knows WTF To Do With Them:
  3. Highwizard Augur

    Wizard is getting better, at a snails pace. I am hoping with the new expansion they buff our base spell damage on our new spell gems higher than they ever have. Manaburn is also a pretty lack luster AA, and I would make changes to our burn timers. The problem with wizards is we need alot of adps support our base line dps without adps is really really bad. With full adps support we do decent but still lag behind mages and necros by a good bit comparing apples to apples.

    I hear melee classes are in need for some love as well, monks perhaps? Berserker?
  4. Iven the Lunatic

    It is hard to compare class power as there are so many factors today like FTP or AllAccess and T1,T2, or raid gear. Also raid situations are so different to the single group and solo experiences. The PC level is another big factor which does make it wrong to only say that class X is OPed or UPed. It does all depend on the PC level and does change often for most classes which does mean that there is and never was a consistency of power over the whole level bandwith.

    What I can say is the following:

    Paladin below lvl 65 is weak in many aspects: Aggro, tanking, DPS, healing.
    Make this class stronger in some areas, especially in aggro, which does grant the class something outstanding. Could be a master in using shields and aggro and the healing spells should receive a small buff.

    Wizard below 50 is OPed and maybe the best solo class until there. Nukes doing much damage at the cost of much mana which does make sense. The class does receive way to many similar DD spells and should be specialized into something instead. An AE nuke boost and a spell line against creatures of the darkness (Ro vs Mistmoore = vampires, akhevans, shadows, ghosts, shadowed men) should be a thing, just like other classes do receive bonuses against some creature types. Wizard and magician are to similar during combat regarding their spell choices which is all about DD nukes. Short duration fire DoTs could be also added. The class should also receive a rune spell line at lvl 30 as they die to fast when being attacked.

    Druid: Always OOM at higher levels without contributing enough DPS over time. Should receive stronger healing spells and less mana intensive DoTs and be the second best healer class instead the shaman = +30% heal boost, -20% DoT mana costs.

    Berserker below lvl 65 is causing to much aggro. Grant it an aggro reducing ability at lvl 16 which could be just added to the Head Strike stun line.

    Rogue: Boost and consolidate the poison AAs. To much similar stuff there which is irritating. Rogue could receive a small DPS boost over poisons (AAs and potions).


    Monk below lvl 80: Very similar to the ranger in melee combat but with about 50% more DPS and only slightly less tanky which is OPed, also when being compared to the rogue. If the monk is meant to be a light tank or offtank, it's DPS should be nerfed. Basically it does combine many of the strenghts of the rogue and the ranger in one class without having a drawback. It can even snare mobs with one of it's special kicks.
  5. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    I retired my wizard so take a guess :)
  6. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Cleric needs the most help right now. They've been ignored for over a decade.
    Wizards need a massive boost.
    All the pure melee (Monk/Rogue/Berserker) need attention.
  7. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Are you the origional account holder or?
    going by your sig, Ranger melee is nothing compared to bow.
  8. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    In raids, 1 wizard attends.
    Necros are over powered (that gives them attatudes). :)
    2 druids.
    Rarely see Zerkers.
    Trolls and Iskars are always welcome ( have to pick on someone other then fuzzy feet players).
    So there you go.
    Skuz likes this.
  9. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Paladins are mostly fine. They just aren't nearly as good a tank as warriors and SKs. But doesn't make them bad or weak. But warriors and SKs can't be main healer in a dps or caster group either. Give and take.

    Monks and zerkers feel like they need a lot of love.
    Skuz likes this.
  10. Thren Lorekeeper

    Not sure about the Paladins on your server, but personally, I tank Tol, and NoS, with no healers at all, I run a second account with an enchanter, and two dps( rogue) mercs. I can , and have, do any content without a healer , exept missions, and only then because I lack the dps , not heals. If a Paladin is utilizing what they have, paired with self heals, im overhealing if anything.
    On the dps front, yes, our dps stinks , yeah, yeah, I know bu, bu Undead... In raids I make heal parses so, I consider that as my contribution vs dps.
    bbanz, Krazzi and Skuz like this.
  11. Bigstomp Augur

    I've seen pallys being very good tanks. Sometimes they get stuck being healers but they tank very well.
    Krazzi, Skuz, Ozon and 2 others like this.
  12. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    This was supposed to the expansion, like CoV, where melee beat out the casters. No new spells versus new melee weapons. Now the only ones I see making consistent Top 10 are rogues and occasional beastlords. Casters are way too OP, especially given the unfriendly nature of these raid events to melee classes: 80% slow auras, bounce golems, silences, and so on.

    Bards got the shaft in beta when devs took away song upgrades.

    Paladins got the shaft when they were promised "new" things to help keep them aligned with shadow knights, and that never happened. Champion's Oath, wru??

    Clerics have just been boring for a really really long time. They're due for an existential change in how they are played.

    Monks need timers reduced by 50%, and a "deadly kick" or some other decap/assassinate/headshot type ability. They have literally no identity right now: not pulling, not tanking, not DPS.
    Zachton Soulstriker and alanus like this.
  13. Iven the Lunatic

    Paladins are easy to trick because they are so trustful. :D

    Because they are getting played by mercs only outside of raids. ;)

    Quite a few classes could be re-positioned including zerker, wiz and drood. Zerker always was a stange class without much flavor and a poor clone of the rogue. I never recognized why they got added at all. Maybe a dev just did red to much R.A. Salvatore who seems to be the inventor of dwarven berserkers. My theory is that the newer classes (BST, BER) and the animal PC races, only got added for their easier gameplay and a younger target group which would not be a bad idea.

    It is somehow funny that monks were once the kings of pulling in the early years. Many groups didn't wanted to start hunting without one. The easiest way to put the class back into the monkly business would be to revamp FD. It does take way to long until NPCs do forget about their target. I do see monks definetly more in an offtank role between tanks and melee DPS and not being top DPS even that they was that for a long time. Their primary stat basically is agility. They should deal more melee dmg than the ranger tho because they do lack spells.
  14. Emilari UI Designer

    Lies. Some of us still play our cleric exclusively inside and outside raids and would really like to be able to pop a merc and have enough DPS to whack some EoK mobs and not die if we suddenly end up with 2+ (wanderer, repop, etc). All the other classes can do that.

    Yes... cleric dps really is THAT far behind where I still regularly get my butt kicked by EoK mobs while the rest of the classes can waltz in there and handle multi-pulls no problem.
  15. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I feel like the laundry list of class issues boil down to class development being largely non-existent for years, outside of some DoT changes.
    The devs have just been dialing it in on classes because they barely have enough of them to do the copy-paste routine, any emphasis on class improvements is so low down the list of priorities it fell off & rolled under a filing cabinet.
    First they need to resolve the lag issue, then they should have a renewed focus on class development & balancing, and not just take a "well we did that for a month" and instead make it a part of the works schedule to do something actively, regularly.

    The amount of neglect is sad and hurting everyone, maybe we need each content developer to take ownership of a class or two & be their champion, but more than that the priority of doing stuff with classes needs to be uprated.
    Dre., Ssdar, Metanis and 4 others like this.
  16. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    Most of us really don't want a decap/assassinate/headshot ability. Consistently, when we are given something that moves us up, we are campaigned against to have it nerfed. Restoring things like Thunderkick to proc off of all kicks rather than just the initiating one would likely put us close to where most think we should be.
    Ssdar and I_Love_My_Bandwidth like this.
  17. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    This is likely a good solution, and shouldn't be too difficult to implement or test.
  18. Bigstomp Augur

    You are probably exaggerating a little. I semi-regularly pop into EoK just out of curiosity of what I can solo with my cleric. Never an issue with survivability 1,2,3,4,5 ect.
    I will agree on the dps though.
    I have to start this early in the day so I do not fall asleep before the mobs die.
  19. Emilari UI Designer

    Can I manage in the outdoor zones like Lceanium, Scorched Woods, and Frontier Mountains? Yes. Droga, Chardok, and Kor-Sha? Nope... too many wanderers and see invis. Do I believe my class should be able to solo to an extent in every single zone of an expansion that is 6.5 years old like all the other classes can? Yes.

    I struggle in T1 RoS as well. I'm talking legit actually using my spells and abilities and not the DA hammer.
    Annastasya and Fenthen like this.
  20. Wulfhere Augur

    Aye and part of breaking and holding a camp is having enough DPS to beat the respawn rate.
    Emilari likes this.