Can somone explain Berserker Nerf

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tutankamen, May 21, 2023.

  1. Tutankamen Augur

    I've been hearing they nerfed Berserkers too much and no one is raiding with them anymore etc... can someone explain exactly what was done to Zerkers to make them so useless?

  2. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    We still have Berzerkers in our raids, zero wizards though.
    Skuz likes this.
  3. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Their dicho line, which is a significant chunk of dps, was basically twin casting and landing twice, ever since it was made. So they waited until zerkers fell behind casters to finally "fix it", so making the disparity even worse.

    That, and general casters being OP atm.
    Skuz likes this.
  4. Igorath-Bertox Elder

    Well the only nerf I heard about zerkers happened at the same time as a nerf to rogues and rangers. Bascially zerker's decapitation, ranger's headshot, and rogue's assassinate got a dev's panties in a bunch and since they couldn't make them go away entirely they limited them as to how often they fire. They can no longer proc more than twice in a minute. But they rarely proc'd anyways and the change of 2 within that time was even more rare so its barely noticeable. But now the dev can sleep well at night knowing they socked it to those nasty classes.

    The end.
  5. Tolzol Augur

    I don’t think any berserker gives a damn about decap, besides the fact that it’s complete dog water compared to assassinate and headshot. To me that’s fine cus all three of them are cheesy and shouldn’t exist. The issue is what was mentioned above about dicho.

    With that said it’s not just berserkers that aren’t very good it is all 3 melee classes. Rogues just don’t look as bad cus they have some things to assassinate this year.
    Fenthen and Skuz like this.
  6. Cadira Augur

    Dicho "fix" definitely hurt but i think the main culprit for zerkers in particular is the fact that they don't benefit much like the other melee classes for increasing their hdex each year anymore. They hit the crit cap awhile back, and each year all they get is weapon upgrades and aa upgrades (lol) whereas the other melee classes get the same but also keep increasing their crit chance and have a long way to go before they hit the crit cap.

    Multiple easy and effective solutions have been offered but the devs refuse to do anything, including several things they promised in beta we have yet to see (mangling reuse reduction. Other class stuff like reavers bargain not done yet too, etc).
    Fenthen, Gumstabber, Skuz and 2 others like this.
  7. Bobokin Augur

    When did that one go down?

    Don't forget the riposte on lower level mobs either. That isn't a problem in raids, but it is when helping lower level character catch up. Imagine the uproar if spells stopped working against greys.
  8. Thraine Augur

    sometime around TBM, give or take a year.
  9. minimind The Village Idiot

    0. Older nerfs include the epic click nerf (changing it from re-procable to flat duration) and the "Flurry Nerf/Fix" which fixed zerks flurrying much more than intended.
    1. The recent nerf is the technically a fix. Apparently, the berserker progressive ability (dichotomic, dissident, composite, ecliptic) had been double-firing since the get-go (?) and no longer does. This was anywhere between a 10-20% DPS hit depending on how you play.
    2. Zerks have been stagnated for many years (AAs and weaponry).
    3. Raiding Zerks hit 100% melee crit rate in The Burning Lands while all other meleeing DPS continue to increase their melee crit rate through increases in AAs and Heroic Dexterity.
    4. Caster classes got huge boosts over the last couple years. Necros are dominant with mages behind them. Even druids and shaman focusing on DoT DPS will out-DPS berserkers on many events.

    Despite all that, berserkers are far from "useless", they're just not the best DPS anymore (assuming all things equal). I'm yet to see a single raid org say, "No berserkers allowed".

    To give Darkpaw some credit, they've listened to some key feedback from the berserker community about the "ore"-based weapons from this expansion as well as making some retroactive AA changes.
  10. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    The fact Zerkers were balanced around a broken dicho and when the devs fixed dicho did jack-all to rebalance them really hurt, but all the melee dps are doing pretty bad really.

    If you look at the bigger picture class-development has been damn near non-existent for years outside of a few spell revamps, it's a pretty sorry state of affairs all round & it is losing the game players. but until the lag mess is resolved there is zero point in doing any class-development because right now the dps picture is too distorted by that lag.
    minimind likes this.
  11. Gumstabber New Member

    This post is spot on. With hdex cap reached they can work on hstr, but that provides miniscule DPS increase. Berserkers can dominate parses for 30 seconds, but then they are surpassed by all other melee DPS classes.
    Cadira likes this.
  12. FYAD Augur

    And all the casters, most of the hybrids and even priests.... sometimes warriors if the warrior is put in a group with adps support.
  13. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    This is the correct answer. The other melee classes have caught up to the crit bonus zerks have enjoyed for years, so zerks are no longer OP compared to the other melees.

    They were supposed to get a mangling timer reduction in beta to help balance this out, but the developers lied to us as they did for Champion's Oath as well. Zerks can occasionally make a Top 10-15 parse still, but are not anywhere near the Rogues, as Tolzol mentioned earlier, because of assassinate being so OP.
    minimind and Cadira like this.