The problem with low exp per kill of mobs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ozlaar, Jan 29, 2023.

  1. Shakara Augur

    I do not think my criticism of overseer stemmed from it impeded group formation. It was in response to people touting it as a viable alternative to gaining experience. You are right there are a myriad of other issues with group formation, but I also believe overseer contributes to it.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And what exactly is the problem with overseer? People seem to be blaming it for having problems finding a group when that has been a complaint long before overseer was introduced.
    Yinla, code-zero and Rijacki like this.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And what exactly is the problem with that? I don't see any issues that having overseer provide some gains and no reason to nerf it.
    Rijacki likes this.
  4. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    I already outlined the problems with it in the post you just quoted, but then you attributed someone else’s argument to me.
  5. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I was just responding to your post that was responding to me.
  6. Shakara Augur

    Again you are putting words in my mouth. Never said anything about nerfing it. The problem with I have already addressed. Its a dev time sink that can be done by other and easier methods in addition to it de-incentivizes actual gameplay.
  7. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Your chosen game play is not the only game play by actual players of EQ. Just because you have trouble finding groups at every level doesn't mean others are having the same issues. If there wasn't a lot more to the game than just 120, every TLPs would be a ghost town. Just because you don't like playing at anything other than max 120 with the best gear without any effort doesn't make any other gameplay only an ancedote. Your reality is not the game.
    Celephane likes this.
  8. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Again, I fail to see how something that players spend a few minutes doing when they log in de-incentivizes gameplay.
  9. Tappin Augur

    Just because you don't have trouble finding a group, doesn't everyone else doesn't...
    Stymie likes this.
  10. Tappin Augur

    Do you actually believe what you say? Groups were hard to find prior to Overseers, but Overseers was the final nail in the coffin.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I still fail to see how something that takes so little time is preventing people from grouping.
    Rijacki likes this.
  12. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    The days/times I only log in to do Overseer, I do not have time to do any grouping. If I have 10 mins before I need to go to a meeting for work, I might log in and do Overseer with my breakfast. I do not have time to group up or even go out and solo. If I didn't log in to do Overseer at those times, I wouldn't be logging in that day at all. In fact, on days I don't even have that 10 minutes because of overlapping meetings and/or other real life activities takes up even that small snig of time.

    Do those who think Overseer "prevents" people from grouping also think that anyone doing tradeskills is being prevented from grouping because they're choosing to spend time crafting?

    Or is it just and only a matter of people choosing not to group with them whenever and where ever they deem are the "real" problem?
  13. Dwimmerlaike Elder

    That's fine and good. My problem isn't with the Overseer, it's in the fact that the closer you get to 120, the more pointless augmenting your exp by getting into an imperfect pug is. The Overseer basically IS your exp because going out and grinding becomes so pointless. It feels like you are the South Park gang in "Make Love Not Warcraft" who level to max level spending weeks in their newbie zones killing billions of mobs for 1 exp each.

    Once again though, I can do the progression. I can grind. I can whatever. Obviously not everyone can and it's absurd to try to force exactly 1 solution on everyone. I know that I don't bother to even buy exp potions for levelling now when it's above 110, it just isn't worth it.
    Stymie and Windance like this.
  14. Shakara Augur

    Well ill try and spell it out one last time. Everytime you get an overseer reward that is stuff you would have needed to play to get so the more stuff people received through overseer the less they need to play. Less people playing means less groups forming.
    Dwimmerlaike likes this.
  15. Dwimmerlaike Elder

    My point to! With the added part that I can personally do all of the above, but you and MOST others can't. That is the issue. That has ALWAYS been the issue in EQ. People who can do it perfect, while in the minority, dictate on the forums over those of us who are different. Goes back to Rashere running it, did he ever move out of his mom's basement post TSS btw?
  16. Velisaris_MS Augur

    All these people hating on Overseer remind me of folks that don't like a particular TV show and would rather spend time, energy, and money trying to get it taken off the air instead of just not watching it.

    Don't like Overseer? That's cool...nobody is forcing you to use it. But please stop crapping all over it because a whole lot of people DO find it useful.
    Rijacki, Yinla and code-zero like this.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And there is a significantly larger portion of the game that can't be done at all through overseer. There are many things that players want to get done that can't be done with overseer and require them to go out into the world of Everquest. It is a false claim to say that overseer replaces the need to group and play the game.
    Rijacki likes this.
  18. Shakara Augur

    The problem with Overseer isent that its not useful. The problem with Overseer is that it is a terrible way of doing a very simple job which is log in rewards. Overseer is also an issue because people use it instead of playing the game.

    If a new player comes to EQ and is like "Man I am lvl 103 and I am really struggling to progress what should I do?" I would love to be able to tell him "Oh yeah head over here and you will find some people to play with or here is a good spot to molo and level up." But I can't instead I have to say "well the fastest way for you to level is to open up your overseer panel and fill that out every day." How is that a good experience for anyone. Sure all you max level veterans begrudgingly click your buttons and get some nice bonuses that make it worth it, but this is no reason to say Overseer is actually good or even deserves to exist. At best its a wash and at worst it actively hurts the game.
    Stymie and Bernel like this.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You don't find it useful but others do and that isn't preventing both from playing the game and grouping.
    Rijacki likes this.
  20. Shakara Augur

    Look we are now 5/5 for you trying to claim I am making arguments that I am not.
    Stymie likes this.