Not A Bug dru Reptile buff overwrites pal Protection buff

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Szilent, Jul 17, 2021.

  1. Szilent Augur

    dru Reptile defensive proc heal buff (spell 59364-59366) overwrites the pal Preservation of the Grotto (58898-58900) defensive proc self-buff.

    This appears to me to be a bug because the other two tank classes experience no parallel conflict.

    Shifting the proc on Preservation of the Grotto out to slot 8+ (this appears to have been the solution for the ranger defensive proc self-buff) ought to resolve this cleanly.
    Mizoo, Kaeladar, Feth and 12 others like this.
  2. Soulbanshee Augur

    So its feedback not a bug
  3. Wulfhere Augur

    This has always been true because they provide the same benefit (a heal). Paladins block Reptile typically, in favor of the +hate mod on Preservation.
    Skuz likes this.
  4. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    So ideally the paladin version should block reptile and overwrite reptile but not the other way around?

    That way tanks can benefit from the hate mod without needing to block reptile, and in typical gameplay they can have reptile land on them when they don't have the paladin version.

    Non-tanks can opt to buffblock the paladin version to avoid its extra hate mod.
    Fenthen likes this.
  5. Wulfhere Augur


    The paladin spell is self only. Working as intended. The only benefit to letting them stack is for paladins, and only paladins, to gain the benefits of Reptile alongside Preservation. Sure sounds like a sweet deal to me :D
    Fenthen likes this.
  6. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I didn't suggest them stacking together, but I wasn't aware it was self only.

    I do think reptile should be prevented from overwriting it though.
    Fenthen likes this.
  7. Wulfhere Augur

    Well your OP suggestion would have them stacking. SPA 323 is a defensive proc buff that can have any effects. The Devs might be able to add SPA 148 (or maybe 446-449) to Preservation in order to control stacking wrt Reptile. Anyways paladins easily solve this by blocking Reptile.
    Fenthen and Skuz like this.
  8. Szilent Augur

    I disagree that blocking Reptile (either through a dev change or an in-game action) is a valid solution. Other tank (and non-tank) classes do not have to eschew Reptile to benefit from their self-buffs. More to the point, druids aren't blocked from aiding the other classes with their ability. That the conflict is more readily resolved with a change to one class' self buff instead of the targeted buff that interacts in entirely satisfactory fashion with 15 other classes does not mean it's a paladin issue. The stacking does not need to be "controlled", it needs to be accommodated.
  9. Wulfhere Augur

    If we bug report that Frenzied Growth overwrites Stormwall Stance would you still disagree?
    How about Opaline Blessing vs Armor of Steadfast Grace?

    There are plenty of other examples were spells having the same or similar effects do not stack (coexist) by design.

    Why is Reptile to be given the exception? Maybe because there are two counter examples:cleric Shining Aegis and shaman Ennui. I'll vote up the issue because it can be a nice boon to the paladin class.
    Fenthen likes this.
  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I like buffs. A lot. I don't like burning 45aa and not getting my destruction glyph buffed on me because I'm at my limit. Before we go hog-wild on buffs stacking / adding to what we can do, maybe we need conversations regarding merging some buff lines together? It's bad enough I'm using 4 spell slots for short-duration self-only buffs.
  11. code-zero Augur

    There have been long standing incompatibilities between Druid and Paladin buffs.
  12. Kibeth415 New Member

    Should be easy enough to simply make the paladin self buff overwrite the shaman buff, its an unncessary problem
  13. Ratalthor Developer

    This is not a bug and is working as intended.
    Wulfhere likes this.