I want a TLP where selling PL's is forbidden...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Salte, Mar 2, 2021.

  1. Gnothappening Augur

    You know they meant plvl their alts :p
  2. Gheed Is not reading your response

    Are people in this thread really suggesting loot become NO TRADE? These forums are pretty sad lately.
    Yeroc likes this.
  3. Brunlin Augur

    Its a good point, I have to agree.
  4. Xoner Baby Joesph Sayer

    Lately? You must be new here. Welcome to ForumQuest! The audaciousness is what keeps many of us coming back!
  5. NoMoreTLPs Journeyman

    not all zones are created equal.. and being denied the choice to access a few of the more popular/lucrative/ZEM zones because of industrialized powerleveling from botters is nonsense
  6. Hirbow Augur

    I agree with the original topic/poster.

    I would also love a TLP in which everyone started at 0 kronos. What is the point of a New TLP/Server when people bring their 20-300 Kronos with them. How is that a fresh server? How is it that you allow a Casino Player that has been in the last 5 tlp's bring her 5000++kronos, this is just as bad as the 24/7 Farmers.

    Keep your kronos, use them to pay your monthly accounts, but don't make them Tradeable.
  7. Accipiter Old Timer

    That is the very reason krono were created. What's the point otherwise?
  8. Digler Elder

    You're missing the entire point of Krono.

    You understand, every Krono begins life as a purchase from DPG? They are not "looted" in game.

    If they aren't tradable, then they are pointless.

    Also, "excluding" krono from a specific server, would only lead to an inefficient market where people trade krono "off server".

    As an explicit example, lets say I have a Fungi Tunic that I just looted on New-No-Krono Server. If I wanted to sell that for 2 Krono, I could simply give it to a player. Then log into a Character on Vox, and collect 2 Krono from a character controlled by the dude that received my Fungi tunic on New-No-Krono Server.
  9. Ssmiter Journeyman

    Yeah imagine that, it isn't like the company that ran or runs the game changed bard songs and made them almost useless or SK abilities because of that reason...definitely not. You're so smart. Defintiely joking you, because you know everything except clearly don't know anything.
  10. Ssmiter Journeyman

  11. Hirbow Augur

    I think you are the one that doesn't understand what I have proposed. Allowed me to rephrase it:
    You can't trade Kronos acquired from other servers. So the two Kronos you got for selling your Fungi tunic and receiving it from a character that I had 4 years ago in Vox, its meaningless and it does not affect the economy of the server. Since you can't trade it for plat, you can only claim it to pay for your monthly account.

    So, the only way to generate Kronos on the new server and the new economy is to actually buy them from the EQ Store. So this creates new $$ for EQ and eliminates everyone's fluctuating unbalanced economy from day one.
  12. Tweakfour17 Augur

    But the krono you acquired from the vox character can still be traded on other servers so now its "wtb 30k plat MythicalTLP, paying 2kr on vox". AsDigler mentioned you just added extra steps and a layer of risk that will increase petitions for dbg while not getting any extra revenue.
    This is like the 6th modern tlp cycle, all the chronic re-rollers who complained about others bringing their previous server krono stash to day 1 in the past haven't saved any up yet?
  13. Lejaun Augur

    Plus there will be more of some certain websites: "Selling this amount of plat for this amount of real money".
  14. Yeroc Journeyman

    Every mmo has a token of some kind you call sell for plat. Ff 14 is probably the calmest of these you have to buy a level boost to get it. Even in 1999 people bought plat. this is nothing new, get over it or play on a low pop .
  15. Tweakfour17 Augur

    People use krono to buy/sell things on low pop servers too. It's a part of the game that isn't going away.
  16. Yeroc Journeyman

    Yeah low pop live servers I was saying if you don’t want Kronos go to an emulated server which all have pretty low pops, no aocs, no modern conviences
    Tweakfour17 likes this.
  17. Accipiter Old Timer

    So you are saying they can buy a krono and the only way to use it on this server is to redeem it for play time. Why would anyone do that? Sub is $15 a month. A krono is $18.
  18. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    I think he means you can't bring Krono to the server that you didn't buy while on the server. So your success in acquiring Krono on another server wouldn't impact the new server. That would be a nightmare to develop and nobody who actually buys Krono would want it to work that way. It's a bad idea.
  19. Corydon Coles Elder

    PIC from a few weeks ago. Pretty dead again now. But last night 3/28 a SUN night there were only a dozen or less in LFG and almost all only want PL/aoe. Few weeks ago - In PIC only 1 ENC avail out of 7 for anything but PL/aoe
    (system is telling me that facebook, picture can not be embeded)

    I've said the same, Salte many times over the years
    (You a dwf pal?)
    The reason I give benefits EQ = MORE subscriptions. That's it. That's the reason. Logic is people would spend more time on the server and the population would be larger. The reason why Aradune is busy and the rest of EQ is dead is Aradune has population.
    The reason most of us hate PL is
    1) PL = Pay to Play is a subscription - Killer. You give everything to a player in a month or two that would take the player several months or longer
    2) PLers are doing it for REAL money. I've found over and over on the web kronos for sale - not from EQ
    3) Just last night I was trying to find people for a GE group and most of the people in LFG were only looking for Deep PL/AoE
    4) Most players can't use a zone because PL people take over a whole zone.
  20. Accipiter Old Timer

    I went back and reread Hibrow's post. His idea is that krono purchased ON the new TLP are tradable but krono purchased on another server aren't tradable. Yep, all kinds of wrong with that, including the fact that kronos are purchased on the Web site irrespective of server. And then tracking each individual krono based on what server it is tagged for is a non-starter.