Dear Darkpaw : We are disappointed

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by I_Love_My_Bandwidth, Jan 8, 2021.

  1. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer


    CoV Raids, after MONTHS (literally) of the raiding community telling you what needed to be fixed (ie crippling lag) in these events, you elected to ignore us and failed to adequately address it.

    PLEASE for the love of all that is holy address the server performance issues. It's affecting raids, missions, groups, progression, and overall player satisfaction.

    PLEASE address the server performance issues.
    WeezFv, OldCa61, Duder and 2 others like this.
  2. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    In fairness, could their (budget) service provider be strained by COVID 19-related network traffic?
  3. KrakenReality Augur

    It’s obvious, you don’t raid.
    Dibab and Coagagin like this.
  4. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Trolling much?

    Lag is reported everywhere (PoK, Guild Lobby, Bazaar included), on TLP, and on other games (EQ2, Planetside 2).

    Perhaps, the shift to a different service provider or hardware came at an inopportune time (COVID 19 network congestion)?

    Edit: California is on de facto lockdown with 0% hospitalization capacity in many counties. I'd expect an uptick in network congestion with citizens at home if their server farm or systems are based within CA. (Darkpaw is based out of San Diego).
    Wyre Wintermute and minimind like this.
  5. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    I'm sure JChan will make a post in 4-5 months addressing the concerns related to lag and that they are going to look into ways of resolving them. Btw next expansion they are releasing a new line of procs for every class.
    Andarriel, Ssdar, Nniki and 9 others like this.
  6. Svann2 The Magnificent

    No because there is no such thing as covid lag.
  7. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Everyone and their mothers on Netflix and their shiny, new Playstation 5 or Xbox Series X.
  8. Fazin New Member

    How do you know they're releasing a new line of procs in the next expansion? I would imagine they are still working on the kinks on this expansion...
  9. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    But yet the rest of the internet is running totally fine. It's just anything related to DBG/DPG that is the problem.
    Zynt, Gyurika Godofwar and Barton like this.
  10. KrakenReality Augur

    He's joking. They keep adding more procs, and then procs on top of those procs. The game can't handle the 30+ calculations for a melee swing or spell cast across 54 players simultaneously. While, updating the pathing for numerous players, NPCs, pets, swarm pets, etc. Also, sending out health, mana, endurance, experience value updates of 0.001% to every client.

    They've designed themselves into technical problems. Which, will take a significant amount of man hours to fix their class design that operates based on procs.
  11. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I've experienced intermittent lag and outages on Fortnite and CoD. Surely, Epic Games and Blizzard can afford better infrastructure.

    I am suspecting it is a mix of budget infrastructure that was not intended to account for high loads or network congestion. Perhaps, Daybreak's performance estimates (before the changeover) were based on a more optimistic scenario (no pandemic, modest population levels).

    Edit: Daybreak has probably signed a service provider contract with a major penalty for early cancellation or changes.
  12. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Have you actually seen *netflix* lag or are you just imagining that it might happen? Because if internet isnt lagging enough to interrupt movie streaming then it isnt the cause of eq lag. Stuff like that takes WAY more bandwidth.

    Also, covid started a year ago. This major lag started last month.
  13. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I've experienced intermittent lag and outages on Fortnite and CoD. These are much larger and higher earning games.

    For Daybreak, it's probably a mix of budget infrastructure and high loads or network congestion. They likely signed a contract with a service provider based on optimistic scenarios (no pandemic, modest population levels) but said contract likely has a major penalty for early cancellation or change of terms.

    It is analogous to what is happening with United States Postal Service now. You can purchase Priority Mail 2-Day shipping for $9 but possibly experience 2-3 week delays (this happened to me over Christmas) or you can pay $40 for Priority Mail Express and really get 2-day shipping.
  14. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    No, this lag started when they migrated to the new service provider at around the same time COVID started up. There were lag complaints during ToV raid release (remember the infamous Kael raid crash for certain guilds?) and servers were down for days over the summer.
    Fenthen likes this.
  15. Febb Augur

    Normally NPC's rubber banding indicates a server side performance issue that's not related to network communication from server to client. If there was a server to client lag issue, you would see packet loss or high pings. I can only speculate what the actual issue is, but it seems to me, the more people that are on playing is when the lag shows up.

    So is it a capacity issue? Not enough bandwidth? Is it a code issue pegging the servers cpu out? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    Benito likes this.
  16. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Covid hasn't been a year yet. The first stay at home orders began the end of March. Yes, there has been research saying COVID was here prior to that, but there were no meaningful impacts on the internet until the end of march when stay at home orders began. So any problems with ToV raids, excluding maybe T3, can be attributed to COVID.

    Also not sure if anyone has paid attention to how much bandwidth EQ uses but it is very little. I think I tested EQ to be something very minute, like 50-100MB per hour of gameplay. I'd have to test that again, but I know when I play tethered to my phone it has almost no impact what-so-ever on my data (I have unlimited data but limited tethering). Point is, the ISP load for EQ is pretty small. Even Xbox uses very little data to game, as long as all your updates are done ahead of time.
    Gyurika Godofwar, Svann2 and Benito like this.
  17. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I think some people mentioned over the summer (when game was down for days) that Daybreak may be using virtual servers now (whatever that entails). The issues do seem to spike when population peaks.

    It seems like it should be addressable but it feels like they've been handicapped by an arrangement (contract).

    Yep, it's speculation though.
  18. Slasher Augur

    The issue last night was high pings actually mine was in the 800s
    OldCa61 likes this.
  19. Fanra

    Since Daybreak doesn't seem to post these things here, this is what was posted on Discord by Dreamweaver, EQ Community Manager, yesterday at 8:43 PM (I assume that is EST)
    I hate having to check five different social media sites to get what should be posted on their official forum but so be it.
    xeveq, Zynt, Andarriel and 8 others like this.
  20. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Dude, you're embarassing yourself. They've been using VM's for years. They also didn't move anywhere. They're still in Las Vegas. No idea where you get your information from. I know you want to defend them with all your might, but you might need more AC.
    Bigstomp, Andarriel and Coagagin like this.