Wrath of the Wild Has Destroyed Zek

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Roguexx, Feb 17, 2019.

  1. Roguexx Journeyman

    The Druid AA Wrath of the Wild has destroyed the Zek Server. Can you PLEASE make this not have an effect in pvp, or go to song window at least or something? Melee literally cannot be played in pvp. 60k per hit DS that is not mitigated by runes, and goes into regular buff window.. The buff lasts an hour and has a 2 minute recast, so basically everyone on Zek rolls around with it.

    This has made many people who played melee mains simply quit, as they have no viable option to even attempt to do any damage in pvp.

    I am not asking for much. But for the love of all that is holy, fix this on Zek.
  2. UberDru New Member

    This is far from what ruined Zek.
    Fohpo likes this.
  3. Time Burn Augur

    The underlying problem with zek is that people would wear this knowing what it is.
  4. Fohpo Augur

    Bronut likes this.
  5. Roguexx Journeyman

    If someone does not understand how destructive this is to pvp, I don't even know what to tell you. We are not asking for some huge change to the game. We are asking that one AA from one class be changed because it has completely caused melee to be unusable in pvp.
  6. Magedps New Member

    Can any GM/Developer please respond to this thread to verify if the intention is to leave this the way it is, or if it is being considered for being adjusted for pvp?
  7. Sam Hyde I'm a monster but not an NPC

    Just to give you some alternative perspective: Melee dominated for far too long, in both PvP servers and casual arena stuff, like the GMs used to host occasionally. Sparring with a friend 1v1, with equal gear, the melee always has the edge thanks to insane amounts of cooldowns which affect damage, as opposed to very hard-to-beat resist checks and a cap of 40% damage per nuke for casters. Melees get to use all their best abilities, but not casters. Most won't affect human players.

    So I say, too bad! Play a caster for a while. They will come along and nerf the damage it does to players eventually, so just tough it out and learn another class.

    Non-PVPers should know that this also stops Rogues and Zerkers from using cheat programs to warp directly to other players and one-round them. You can find videos of it on YouTube. One could even say the cheaters have the most motivation to complain.
  8. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    This thread is comical. A DS "ruined" Zek. LOL.

    Friend, if you are so blind to what ruined Zek that you believe the cause was a DS, you have far greater issues than contemplating what ruined Zek.
  9. Warzon Elder

  10. Bronut Augur

    Fohpo post FTW . your my hero lol