You can unlock TBM now...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sam Hyde, Dec 12, 2018.

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  1. Sam Hyde I'm a monster but not an NPC

    As everyone knows, past expansions used to become "free to play" after 2 more expansions came out.

    TDS was the last expansion to become F2P. It did so when EoK went live. When RoS launched and it was time for TBM to become F2P, all we got was a vague "there are no plans to unlock TBM at this time...". There was never any reason given for the change. Commenters came in to confidently state "I'm sure it will unlock around April, just like all the rest". It never did.

    It wasn't funny then, and it's not funny now. I have way too many accounts to ever buy them all a new expansion. Even if I did, I would just have to do it again the next year, when they pump out another hastily-made DLC expansion. I'd essentially be paying Daybreak to allow me to work a full time job (as opposed to doing so for free), only to have all that work (endless camping for gear and augs) thrown in the trash the following year. That kind of money is simply not an option for such an unstable game (the constant server crashes and insane patch downtimes) which seems to always find new ways to take fun things away from the playerbase and cramp their playstyle. My only option for my many alts is to play through the newest F2P expansion... Well, it was my only option. I've finished TDS, CotF and RoF on my alts. Looks like I will be spending a lot of time in VoA soon.

    If you have changed the practice of unlocking older expansions for free, you could at least make an official statement. The way it was done was not very friendly. You allowed us to get our hopes up for the next big thing, and then left us hanging. I purchase kronos and station store items all the time, especially during sales, so I don't want to hear any lectures about the company needing money to stay afloat, or that I shouldn't expect everything for free. I have played since early 2000 and have 10 (ten) accounts so I have done my part, possibly more than any commenters below who might be tempted to drop a snarky line and run away.

    Thanks in advance for the one or two relevant replies I will receive, and a firm "Come at me bro" to the inevitable Debbie Downers that will say I am just whining (of course it's not whining when they have a complaint).
  2. Ceffener Augur

    I agree they should make an official announcement.
    I disagree that they have any responsibility to make it free, but because they have on the past an announcement should be made.

    The “I did my part” argument though. I’ve given McDonalds plenty of business but for some reason they still keep charging me.

    What is/is not F2P should be consistent and well communicated.
  3. Sam Hyde I'm a monster but not an NPC

    First comment and already I have to clarify due to lack of comprehension. Sorry, no offense but it gets so tiring communicating with people on the internet.

    The "I did my part" argument does not mean "Give me everything for free because I gave you X dollars", it means "Don't dare think you can tell me I am being greedy or cheap because I have pumped more money than I can count into this game and never made any demands before"
    FawnTemplar likes this.
  4. Ceffener Augur

    But you are now demanding something be free, because you want it to be.

    Never called you cheap or greedy, but you want it for free that is factual correct? Because they did it before in the past, you feel they should do it again, correct?

    They should state what their new policy is moving forward and F2P can make decisions based on that.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  5. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Ok they changed the policy of FTP. They stopped giving out the expansion of two previous for free. Get over it. Roxxy stated no TBM for F2P last Dec. Nothing vague about that. The stuff about May was if the PROGRESSION part would unlock.

    You could have just purchased all expansions for $17 when they were on sale last month at 50% off. There is nothing that says F2P DESERVES anything but what they/we already get. I feel the $17 was well spent for my F2P to play in all expansions - EOK and under. I handed in my change at the bank and wound up with $8.56 - half of what I needed to buy it.

    I highly doubt you did everything in the 21 free expansions that F2P already get. But what you did do was fun and free. A TRIAL period. So now its time to pay up or shut up if you want to play in more expansions. :D

    The lack of any announcement has no bearing on anything. They can change the rules when they want and how they want. Its their game.
  6. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I'm confused by all the "it should be free" comments. I have bought through (and past) TDS on all my accounts. But the zones are still locked. It's not a question of "free", it's a question of "locked", correct?

    LOL, nevermind. I thought this was the "unlock TDS locked zones" topic.
  7. AlmarsGuides Augur

    I'd gladly pay DBC for the older expansions if they'd just put the darn things in the Daybreak Shop.

    I think that would be a good way to make some extra $$ off old outdated xpacs too.
  8. Brutalis-trak Journeyman

    to quote :I'd gladly pay DBC for the older expansions if they'd just put the darn things in the Daybreak Shop.

    I think that would be a good way to make some extra $$ off old outdated xpacs too and add esp if they were collectors editions at the normal edition price !
    Coagagin, Leigo and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  9. segap Augur

    For one month every year, you can pay about $17 to get all the then current expansions. That's a good deal.

    You're just wanting to be able to farm plat, buy krono with it, go all access and hoard your free 500 DBC/month to buy expansions at no cost to you. If you enjoy the game, surely you can find $17 to support it instead of freeloading off of plat farming.
  10. complexication Kassina

    It is most certainly vague, especially when you're misquoting the hell out of it.
    Keyword: Right Now.

    This isn't a matter of who deserves what. If the F2P expansion list has indeed ended at The Darkened Sea, there was no statement on it beyond Roxxlyy's statement of "not right now".
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  11. Brutalis-trak Journeyman

    again i pay for my accounts dont care but i want past collectors items !
  12. Zamiam Augur

    I agree with this !! i would pay good money for past items from previous expansions !!
    Hint Hint ... DB .. Wanna make some easy money !!
    Brutalis-trak likes this.
  13. Zamiam Augur

    and since you guys (dev's) dont want to make certain /claim items heirloomable why not put a digital unlocker in marketplace that will make an item have the heirloom tag ..

    can be a container (2 slot) put item that you want to make heirloomable into container hit combine and viola !!
    there ya go another great idea !!
    I'm making you guys money already all you have to do is implement it ..
    Make it so #1
    Brutalis-trak likes this.
  14. Bigstomp Augur

    Just buy the new expansion. All the old ones are then able to be played in too.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  15. Flatchy Court Jester

    But but hes got 10 accounts! (9 of em free , one he prolly paid for at one time) :eek:
    Brutalis-trak likes this.
  16. Aurastrider Augur

    If you really wanted to play in TBM that badly you have had over 3 years to purchase an expansion to play in this content. On ten accounts you have had three different expansion discount offers so you could have basically spread that out over the last three years and spent about 60 bucks a year over the last 3 years on expansions and had TBM available to you. Complaining that said content has not been handed to you because you have "paid your part" is rather ignorant. This entire argument is just silly from the complaints about throwing your money away on new expansions because you will have to grind all over again and obtain new gear which is pretty core to the game to the fact that you think because you have the ability to create an account which takes less than five minutes you are some how entitled to something.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  17. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    1. They would have to duplicate every single no drop item in the game that is not already tagged as heirloom.
    2. They don't want to make those items heirloom for a reason, or they would have already.
    They don't want to give people the ability to double claim the items.
  18. Coronay Augur

    They should just unlock all content except the newest.
  19. Zamiam Augur

    I'm not talking every no drop item .. it would just be for /claim items that are no drop that should be Heirloomable .. for example: teleport clicky to brells rest, or Cresent reach clicky, or that big dragon illusion that is sittin in my /claim cause i have soo many toons i play on i dont feel like /claiming it on just one toon ..
  20. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    That's the thing; you might just want those, but Joe will want these other ones, and Sally will want still other ones. There are arguments to be made for thousands of no drop items being made heirloom, but they all start down the same slippery slope and solutions like this are more work than they are worth. If the Devs wished those items to be traded at all between characters on a single account it would be infinitely easier for the Devs to simply make them Heirloom rather than the method you are suggesting.
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