Lack of official communication lately / TLP instancing taking away from the next expac?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sheaffer, Mar 4, 2016.

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  1. Sheaffer Augur

    Lately there has been a pretty strong lack of communication from the team. There have been some posts on specific issues, mainly TLP related, but no overall post about what's going on now and what will be happening over the spring and summer months. Also we haven't had any kind of explanation for some pretty large nerfs that have been happening. It would be nice to see a post of some sort from the team, or better yet a Q&A where they answer the hard hitting questions and not just the fun ones.

    Also, is anyone else concerned that all the focus on the progression servers is going to make the next expansion even smaller? From what I can tell, the team will be doing POP and Luclin instancing during the time they'd normally be working on the next expansion. Will this cost some zones/raids/quests?

    What other issues would you like to hear about?
    Gyurika Godofwar, Sancus and Iila like this.
  2. Reval Augur

    I heard the Time Locked Progression servers are planning on dropping the logins of accounts of players that play on other live servers as item drops to leverage the weak security and customer support to provide maximum fun to the TLP Players. They also added a special sword that drops from Nagafen and can delete a player's account in a single swipe known as YOLO's Sword of Bereavement.
    Tatanka likes this.
  3. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Visual hint for you, sir:
  4. Vdidar Augur

    These posts have 0 value. It will not solicit a response or an answer from a dev. This is the Everquest we play. We are in their world now and sometimes it's pretty darn ugly.
    Faana likes this.
  5. Fanra

    Sirene_Fippy and Riou like this.
  6. Time Burner 2 Augur

    They haven't upped the subscription rate to keep up with inflation in like a decade(?), and the customer base is likely shrinking, what can you expect?
  7. Vdidar Augur

    This is being filtered to so its no guarantee your going to get your question answered. There is also 0 reason to believe them anyways. At this point just be happy they give us a platform to play on. And don't get gouged again when they sell a couple zones. I paid more for the least content I've ever purchased throughout the life of this game when I bought TBM. It was also promised no unfinished content and we all saw how that went. Like I said 0 value and 0 reason to believe what your told.
    Vrinda likes this.
  8. Sheaffer Augur

    I don't really expect a direct answer from the devs, I know they tend to especially not respond to posts directly asking for a response. I know they do read the boards though so I'm hoping they read it and maybe can incorporate some of the feedback.
  9. Iila Augur

    Want to have some fun? See how far back you have to go on Holly's twitter to find something about eq1 live servers. Then check Roshen's posts here to see how often he replies to anything that isn't TLP related. Hell, you could even check the ratio on TLP vs non-TLP dev posts since TBM went live.

    You could even hop on the eq2 forums to check out how many devs post over there.

    Maybe it's just me, but I get the distinct impression that EQ live servers are viewed as a nuisance that almost no one wants to deal with. They'd rather be doing TLP, TLE, or EQ2 related things instead. But since we still pay for sub and expansions, they're forced to put in some token effort to continue getting that revenue.
    Elricvonclief, Imrahil, Yinla and 9 others like this.
  10. Vdidar Augur

    I'm about sure the only responses we have gotten about anything was Prathun saying they fixed the eyes on the corpse which is debatable and absor saying he is alive or something to that nature. They are quick to suspend you though for saying anything negative. I know that haha
    Faana likes this.
  11. Koryu Professional Roadkill

    They've responded to bug reports regarding typo fixes...
  12. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    One of the devs or Roshen mentioned that they will have a surprise/news on 17th Anniversary events. I look forward to that.
  13. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    The sad thing is that once they have the TLP servers where they want them as far as handling high player loads they can just start a new one over and over and get as much cash from it as they probably get form all the Live servers combined. They dont have to create new expansions or features or art they just rake in the cash. The only thing that may be saving us is some peeps on the TLPs also play the Live servers. We are so Shadows Of Luclin. *sighs*
    Ishtarrak and Iila like this.
  14. Derd Augur

    At the beginning of march you want info on the next expansion ? And you've decided it's because of the tlp's that you haven't got any answers. As in the past they've always replied to these super early questions on next expansion news as being way too early to say anything other than we are working on the next expansion. I guess many of you didn't notice the thing about tbm stuff having lvl 110 Which sorta looks to me like we'll be getting a level increase expansion probably around oct or nov 2016.

    I'd estimate because of the money brought in by the tlp's our expansion probability is higher than it was before they were released. I say our because going back to old content and killing bugs has zero interest for me.

    A odd thing about business is that the more money it makes the more you get. So for those worried, purchase the expansion for the box's you've been "waiting" to get it on especially if your a grouper you can gear your box up to either 4 k or 3.6 hp per piece with tbm gear blowing away most all tds gear , reup your subs and spend some dbc and not just the 500 you get for free each month. Or don't, the only thing that will change is how things are evaluated for what games get what.
  15. Zamiam Augur

    derd you must be a dev in disguise or someone with something to gain for trying to upsale EQ subs/expansions lol .. I have 7 accounts 4 of which were sub'd and had all tds expansions before TBM came out .. so i was supporting EQ also purchasing krono's and DBG cash .. then TBM was released and found out just how much DB really cares for us .. so now all my accounts but 1 are F2p and i only purchased 1 TBM expansion for my main account . rest of my accounts will stay f2p and I no longer buy anything from the marketplace or DB website until DB proves they want my money ..
    Indrigoth and Faana like this.
  16. segap Augur

    The Producer should have put out some sort of communication about the sorry state of TBM at launch and announced a plan to fix it. She has been completely disengaged from this game for the past year. She didn't even show any sincere interest in the TBM video cast beyond cats in bags. If she gave the community any sense of engagement, there would probably be fewer worries and questions. When the leader of a project is awol, things typically do not go well.
  17. Abazzagorath Augur

    Not to defend DBG, but, its just now March. Absolute earliest you'd expect a real expansion would be October, more likely November. I wouldn't expect even an announcement with the name until August.
  18. Iila Augur

    There was a lot of speculation that TBM's lower price point, smaller scale, and that it used less than half the in-development zones, meant that we would be moving to a short "expansion" cycle.

    Maybe the special anniversary announcement is that Return to Kunark comes out in May, beta starts at the end of April, and it'll cost $35 for one reskinned zone and 3 L110 Kunark zone copies. None of which are Sebilis.
    Indrigoth, Agrippa and Riou like this.
  19. segap Augur

    I'm expecting the announcement to be that the nerfs have successfully driven away enough people that population is now small enough to not make a single merged server fall over. That we'll be getting instanced zones ala TLP and have one mega live server.
    Indrigoth and Faana like this.
  20. Sheaffer Augur

    That sounds a lot bettern than a Return to the Buried Sea with mobs you need to take latin class to fight and a bunch of mediocre zones, none of which are Solteris.
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