My Thoughts on Phinny So Far

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Frenzic, Dec 13, 2015.

  1. Frenzic Augur

    Almar wtf! I thought we were bros!

    Besides, having a big ego is not a character flaw, it's what divides successful people from drone workers. Narcissist he says... Since when was it wrong to be great and know you're great? Shesh...
    Elkay likes this.
  2. Numiko Augur

    I'm afraid to post in case I make a grammatical error and get my post graded by professor Ladysoth!
    Ladysoth and Frenzic like this.
  3. Bobbydomino Elder

    Sounds right. People don't understand that in those early levels we have no skills, few buffs, we fight 10 people to kill about 15 static spawn orcs..
  4. Ladysoth Augur

    I can also discuss the history of Germany, both world wars and the interwar period with expertise /corncobpipe /tweedjacket /elbowpatches
    Valeron likes this.
  5. Batbener Augur

    I am going to have to jump in here. If you think ego is what divides successful people from drone workers, you are incorrect. I can show you plenty of studies where ego comes from success. Level playing field, the hardest worker wins.
  6. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    Thanks for the good laugh.
  7. AlmarsGuides Augur

    I never said being a narcissist was bad! Most narcissists will happily admit they're narcissists as well. Feeling good about oneself/having a high opinion of oneself isn't at all bad imho - it's at least far better than people who hate themselves or are constantly depressed for being an underachiever.
    Elkay likes this.
  8. Vaclav Augur

    Eh, you can be self-deprecating without being depressed about it. Pride and depression aren't polar opposites.

    Some of the most depressed people I've met are proud when things are going well, then suddenly fall apart the minute something goes wrong.
    Ladysoth likes this.
  9. Nolrog Augur

    According to my calculations based on estimated number of hours supplied by others, it would take between 7 and 17.5 hours a week over 12 weeks to hit max level.

    3 hours a night for 5 nights a week, 15 hours a week fit well within this range, infact comes near the upper end, so there is no reason to expect these people won't hit the cap by the time Kunark comes out (based on the assumptions provided in that other thread. You can check my post history if you are interested in reading my calculations and the discussions on the numbers that went into them).
  10. TarewMarrForever Augur

    As intended by Holly, unfortunately. ;-(
    Finwen likes this.
  11. TarewMarrForever Augur

    My observations are pretty much in-line with Frenzic's. If we had progression based on either 18 weeks or content completion + 14 weeks, and if the slower xp rate had been announced, it would be pretty much perfect (along with no Krono).

    The DBC grab over pots and bags don't bother me, as I don't buy them.

    Unfortunately, we know they will never prohibit Krono, not to mention that you really can't as people can always trade off-server. But one can dream...
  12. Xanadas Augur

    If you don't want to put some weekend time into this game then you shouldn't have any say in things like xp rate of the entire frickin server.

    Another case of a casual expecting the same reward as a committed....

    It's also not the end of the world of kunark drops and you're only level 35. That's exactly why kunark has its own low level / mid-level zones.
  13. Tachyon Augur

    I am the Nightrider!
  14. -GRIM- New Member

    I came into launch expecting to grind straight to 50 in a few day's time. We quickly realized that wasn't going to happen and at first I was quite unhappy about it. However, the exp isn't THAT bad - just get into a decent group and kill for however long you are able to play.

    I did notice a considerable slowdown in exp while frenzic was tanking, however :).

    Also, I am LOVING the community so far vs rf/lj.

    After the first weekend playing, I am overall very satisfied with this new server
    Frenzic and kraggnar like this.
  15. taliefer Augur

    chalk me up as another person who is enjoying the exp rate itself, but dont think its a good idea to pair it with a faster progressing server. at least dont start the 12 weeks until the content is beaten.

    or if they are dead set on having 100% predictable unlocks, make it 14 weeks.
  16. Raynard Augur

    Sorry dude, playing more doesn't make you better than me. Most of you try hards aren't even very good. You've just found a game that rewards time invested above all else, and are threatened by changes that limit the benefit that it provides.

    I don't enjoy grinding, never will. Enjoy the rule set while it benefits you, I'll continue to lobby for changes that benefit me.
    Jaxarale01 likes this.
  17. bobjones1208 Augur

    I fall into the casual category with the 3x5 schedule that is consistently referred to on the forums. Right now I'm level 12 with 14 hours played. None of my old EQ friends are playing, so I am 100% reliant on getting pickup groups. Thus far, I haven't had any issues finding groups and getting xp and a decent clip. It looks like I shouldn't have any issue hitting 50 unless things change at the later levels.

    Not to say I'm happy about slow XP but I still think it's manageable.
  18. Trevalon Augur

    Things do change, The time to go from 30-50 is around 2-3 times the time it takes to from 1-30. So if one to 30 is going to take you 40 hours (which at your rate seems right( then 30-50 is gonna take you another 100-120ish, so 160ish hours, so at your 3X5 schedule you will hit 50 in 11 weeks. Hey Congrats! You will hit 50 and the very next week you will need to get to 60, which takes longer than getting to 50! So 11 more weeks (at least) to get to 60...Oh look, its Velious now, well at least your 60 and now you can go back and do the Classic/Kunark raids that you missed cause you were leveling the whole time, but dont worry in just 12 short weeks you will have to AA grind over 150+ AA's to be ready for PoP!
  19. Until We Felt Red Augur

    Agree on most points, but the experience rate is too slow. They overdid it--especially at lower levels. It should slowly ramp up. I am having a good time for the most part, but I'm experiencing a boredom I've never felt before while playing EQ due to sitting at the same camp for hours and hours and only getting a level in that time. This should be adjusted to keep the bulk of the players interested. Players like the OP are a tiny fraction of the playerbase.
    Elkay likes this.
  20. TarewMarrForever Augur

    Same here, but you can't add instancing to only one of RF or LJ, unless you also open server transfers. To do so would be unfair to existing RF/LJ players.

    If you add instancing an allow txfers, the other server *dies* instantly. The vast majority will flee for the other server, so that's a non-starter.

    I believe the solution here is as I said in other thread:

    - merge RF and LJ, which I predict will happen before SoV unlocks on RF
    - repurpose server hardware to a new TLP which has Phinny Ruleset plus RF/LJ exp rate plus 18-24 week automatic progression (4.5 or 6 months).

    This costs DBG *nothing* other than a bit of time.

    I guarantee that server would have the best population of the three, but I still think all 3 would be viable.

    But I do agree, there aren't enough players to support 4 "newer" TLP's all < PoP.
    Elkay likes this.