FAQ: What Things Are Not Allowed on Phinigel?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Roshen, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. Roshen Brand Manager

    Since the question "what things are not allowed on Phinny" has come up often, we've added this to the True Box Progression Server FAQ.

    Q: What Things Are Not Allowed on This Server?

    A True Box Progression Server is a place where players are only allowed to play one EverQuest account at a time on their computer.

    Doing any of the following on Phinigel may result in action being taken against your Daybreak Account:
    • Playing multiple characters at the same time from a single computer.
    • Using 3rd party software.
    • Any method to send one key press to multiple characters.
    Doing any of the following on ANY server may result in action being taken against your Daybreak Account:
    • Unattended Gameplay: Any method that lets a character take actions while you’re not at your keyboard.
    • Playing on virtual machines.
    • Any attempt to circumvent the /pickzone timer.
    Nickatropolis and PathToEternity like this.
  2. AlmarsGuides Augur

    You should put a notice upon connecting to Phinigel as it doesn't say it anywhere besides on the forums. Since the patcher is currently spitting out an error for me I was forced to connect to Phinigel using lavishsoft's stuff to reserve "Almar" and it worked just fine connecting there. I of course disconnected and have no desire to ever play there but someone who doesn't know this/doesn't read the forums could connect to Phinigel with this software and be completely unaware of the rules in place.
    Batbener and DirtyWhistle like this.
  3. Numiko Augur

    message of the day would work for this too.

    Interesting that they are going to try and stop key broadcasters.
  4. Works Elder

    MOTD on Phinny clarifies this pretty well.

    I'm already hearing people reporting each other in /general and it doesn't look like they're doing much investigation beyond "Oh snap they have four characters!!" before they fire off a /guidehelp.

    I kinda feel bad for the GMs. There were several in Gfay just a bit ago, they're probably getting deluged with bad reports.

    Please be careful everyone and think before you cry wolf.
  5. Agrippa Augur

    In the meantime, when was the last time we've had any real GM events on any server? I know my ranger is still waiting for his Oakwynd.
  6. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur


    Awesome, thank you, Roshen.
  7. derpderp New Member

    would have been nice to know this prior to launch. i just had 4 accounts suspended for using hardware that broadcasts keystrokes (in the true classic way). not using any assisting software.

    woulda been quite happy doing it manually if you actually said. all the emphasis was on software.
  8. sumoldguy New Member

    Hery Roshen, I logged into phinnie and can not find anyone NOT boxing...

    I think they saw the words "aka No Box server" and their response was more like:
    Rorce, Dre. and AlmarsGuides like this.
  9. Tudadar Augur

    People were hoping for this info before the server launched
  10. Dre. Altoholic

    Agrippa likes this.
  11. Agrippa Augur

    Working swim, bard songs, melee weapons on pets? I'd say leave it to GM discretion really, but you know people are going out of their way to grief others.
  12. Nicolos Journeyman

    KVM switch to use 2 computers, 2 monitors but 1 keyboard and mouse; is this acceptable. I have seen many responses from forum posters in the past they say it's perfectly fine but would love an official word on this.
  13. Works Elder

    Because you can't get multiple PCs to do anything simultaneously with a KVM (there will always be a delay while switching), I can't imagine that this would be an issue in any way. It's actually less effective than just having two keyboards and two mice.
  14. Nicolos Journeyman

    Thanks. Yeah it is less effective but one of the machines is a laptop and with my current set up its more convienant. I didn't think there was an issue doing that from everything I had read but I wanted to know for sure. The last thing I want is to get banned just for being ignorant of the limitations.
  15. SithWizard Elder

    Well what do you know, the XP has been nerfed down severely. Why? We finally have a server without boxing and instead of giving us a little reward for not boxing we get punished? I hope this is just a temporary bug. It would be nice to level up multiple characters 1 at a time but with the XP penalty it currently makes it a pain.
  16. Hludwolf Developer

    Looking at the logs... In your case, the GM who talked to you let you know what you were doing was not ok. And you continued to do it.
    Jadefox, Nitrix, Grisnkh and 26 others like this.
  17. Tweelis Augur


    Were you around when EQ was in its infancy? An XP nerf today would actually be "closer to classic EQ"...this is probably intentional. :)
    Simone likes this.
  18. Tweelis Augur


    If you ever get to the Seattle area let me buy you a beer. :)
    DirtyWhistle and Zujilli like this.
  19. derpderp New Member

    what ? i had no GM talk to me? a bunch of players hit me up but no one announced as DBG staff spoke to me. check your facts yo.... or you have staff posing as players?
  20. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    I hope you weren't near qeynos.... LOL