Aggro on raid mobs/burn mobs with no fade

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Arcainos, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. Whulfgar Augur

    Only 1 Zerker out of all raid guilds on all servers .. is having issues ?

    Highly suspect if you ask me. (yes we all know gear does not equate skill) I was once guilded with a warrior who was ranked top 4 in all servers gear wise, yet was not able to hold aggro over a pet of any class .. Ever, yet constantly in Vent hollered at those pet classes as if it was their fault, he was not able to attain / hold aggro over them. (incidentally he was promoted to officer for some unknown reason)

    Aggro management is 90% = Warriors .. 10% other players. This is not even something thats debate able (even trolls wont debate that fact)

    I play a warrior (Whulf, Whulfgar originally from tunare) I've played a warrior almost exclusively threw out my EQ career. I have absolutely NEVER .. had issues with any class what so ever when I wanted aggro I took it like a fat kid takes cake .. believe that. (People in RoV, Inverse logic, Triton, Lunacy unbound an many other guilds will tell you whats what about my tanking style.)

    If 1 person out of the unkown numbers that plays EQ is crying aggro management sucks .. in 1 guild, on 1 server ..

    That makes the inevitable conclusion that your tanks are either being lazy .. not doing what needs be done .. Or something accidentally happened on their end. Period.

    Aggro management from Warriors right now is soo friggen high its stupid rediculas for us to be able to push literally 1 button an lock aggro for 30-40 seconds at a time .. (thats not even attempting to build aggro on top of that fact either)
    Fenudir likes this.
  2. Behelit Augur

    Except its more than 1 Zerker.... and considering how few good Zerkers there are out there... I find it much more likely that the guilds not complaining have average Zerkers that wont see the same issues. Guess what, average Zerkers also has zero endurance issues, that doesnt mean endurance isnt a problem for the class when its played to its potential.
  3. Whulfgar Augur

    This post is making me wonder how many zerkers there wre now exactly main active players overall
  4. svann Augur

    Stop letting your tanks die and you wont have agro management problems.
  5. Donutsz12 Elder

    Sorry to say but if your tank is losing aggro to melee and casters then your tank for your guild is not very good. Warriors have so many disc, and aa's to compensate for more aggro and a good chance they are not doing it.

    Maybe you should consider firing your warriors and actually get one that knows how to play their class :)

    and yes I do play a warrior as a main in a raiding guild and have no issues at all since this patch.
  6. Random_Enchanter Augur

    I'd give it an approximate guess and say there are about half as many main active raiding zerkers as there are main raiding enchanters.

    That being said zerkers can always pay enchanters off to blur the mob. no more agro problems after that
  7. Brudal Augur

    Magelo lists 154 level 105 Berserkers (lowest of the 16 classes); although not every player has a profile it is an indicator.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  8. Riou EQResource

    Melee DPS aggro should have only increased by about 1/3 in the Patch, Paladins gained 50% aggro mod and Warriors gained 19% aggro mod. All 3 tanks also received the same passive 1/3 melee aggro increase (+boosted from their aggro mods on top of that to be even higher).

    So the aggro that Tanks got, should have easily compensated for increased melee aggro.
  9. Espiritun Augur

    this is the ONLY method that will get their attention
  10. shadowgod Augur

    When do you manage agro when silent casting is going during your burn ? Ya I didn't think so.
  11. Phlare New Member

    Personally, coming from a berserker that is currently raiding end CotF and early TDS content I did notice the new difficulties in aggro. But that was not really a surprise, previously I would use our fade right after my main burn is over since I tend to get pretty high on the aggro list. Not in jeopardy of stealing aggro from the main tank but more out of concern for if the tank goes down or during a switch out of the MT (due to disc expiring).

    It is still pretty soon after the changes, and I think many classes are trying to work out some kinks; but this change does lower my enthusiasm for the last patch since on initial read of the patch notes it sounded like this patch and the last previous major one seemed to also be trying to throw the class a bone by upping DPS.

    I guess it is a 2 steps forward 2 steps back kind of thing...

    I would guess that to the guilds that have encounters like Arx1 on farm status, the changes may be less noticeable. Arx1 is a challenging target for the group I raid with and the aggro issues were noticeable, how much adjustment it will require. I'm definitely okay with adjusting my style to account for the changes but its never fun having to relearn an encounter when you had just gotten the feel for it.

    Oh I would say there are 6-10 zerkers that actually raid on the server I am on and I suspect some of those are not actually mains. 95% of the time I am the only zerker at the raids I attend, which I am told is pretty normal for other guilds as well. So no, there aren't very many raiding zerkers out there and you probably won't get many weighing in here.
  12. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    I didn't realize every fight in the game lasted 90 seconds....Oh wait, they don't.
  13. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Current jolts (Jarring Smite) are 9520/9996/10496 reduction every 12 seconds. There also Distraction Attack which last a 1:40 and lower hate each swing for 1400 every 20 minutes (hasten to 10). One person mentioned it for more ranks which I assume the class got. What else does the class need to control hate?
  14. Silv Augur

    You realize that this ability has a re-use timer, right? Also to your earlier post that melee should get the same thing... why? I thought people weren't fond of the cookie-cutter ability farming-out... kindof like fade!
  15. Behelit Augur

    Distraction Attack is a proc with a low proc rate, for -2500 hate per proc. Its near useless compared the hate we're building on a burn.

    The Jarring line helps when it lands, but its also on a shared timer with Volley line so we're sacrificing ~6k sustained dps for -10k hate. Most the agro benefit comes purely from a timer conflict that lowers dps and thus agro before even taking into account the -hate on Jarring.
    FawnTemplar and Tarvas like this.
  16. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    I misread the description on my zerker for Distraction Attack. I thought it was like the Ranger's Imbued Ferocity AA. As for the Jolt v. Volley sometimes that the decision that has to be made when your climbing the agro meter.
  17. Elricvonclief Augur

    Half of the comments in this thread are off topic or ignorant of what the OP is saying.

    Something changed with the last patch, turning Berzerkers into dead meat if they burn hard. We've been farming these events since early January, we can do them in our sleep.

    That's what this post is about. I watched all (yes, all) of our zerkers tip over repeatedly last night, popping up in the Extended Target window every once in a while.

    At first I was snickering, later on I realized how much had changed. Zerkers got shafted again.

    OH, and go figure. The only alt I play is a Zerker...:(
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Hiladdar like this.
  18. Tanols Augur

    I have been out of the raid game since last March so my experience does not reflect current changes but in the 8 yrs prior to that I raided full time and maintained an almost 100% attendance record. With that said I agree completely with those that have said that properly played warrior should be able to get and hold aggro indefinitely or until death of themselves or the mob.
    The exception might be in the case of multiple adds and rapid clearing of them. IF (and this is an important IF) a Berserker is willing to sacrifice a little dps by delaying going all out there is no possible reason other than death of the warrior for them to gank aggro. NONE what so ever short of some damn fool blurring the mob. Knights are another issue all together but again properly played by both the knight and the Berserker they should attain and keep aggro. Put away your EPEENs and sacrifice a few positions on the parse and play smarter. And pray your tanks have a clue. Note: I know of at least 3 other warriors besides Wulfgar that I was never able to pull aggro from as long as they were alive and had a little endurance. IE were not jumping back into the fight after a rez and had no end no buffs rez effects still going etc. Even under those conditions if i was smart and they were playing to their full potential I survived.
  19. Tanols Augur

    Curious as to how often a dead zerker ate AE ramp and got low hp aggro just before dying.
  20. Tanols Augur

    Also agree with those that have stipulated that zerker ability to dump aggro has always been lackluster at best.