Thanks for the patch. - Deleted my toons. GL.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vetplayer, Sep 24, 2015.

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  1. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Actually, his comment reminded me of a scene in Blazing Saddles :)
    Motherlee likes this.
  2. Muksil New Member

    OP is clearly a troll account. Ignore.
    Coronay likes this.
  3. Kiillz Augur

    whatever happened to back in the day when you couldn't unmitigatedly just waltz by mobs?? you actually were nervous about getting from point A to point B? omg getting thru Kith forest at night?? oh wait for it...damn had to plan a way, devise a strategy....omg gasp ....clear to it...nothing was free or handed to you
    Tarvas and Coronay like this.
  4. Cicelee Augur

    I believe the 160 days gold comment refers to how much paid subscription time the OP has left on his/her account.

    Having said that, for a cleric to quit because they lost invisibility is laughable at best...
  5. Leex Pewpewer

    Damn casuals!
  6. Demandred Elder

    What happened? Sony did away with it, and continued doing away with annoying time wasting things. Now dbg is removing conveniences . It's a flip flop of the highest, will they rescind auto grant aas because it'll be more of a challenge to earn them? Or nerf exp gains to make it more of a challenge(maybe have half exp holiday weekends for those hardcores)? Will the 23 expansion be the removal of one of the previous expansions? From the crew who suspended hundreds of accounts, i couldn't have less expectations.
    Vetplayer likes this.
  7. Leex Pewpewer

    Time wasting things? I'm sorry but back in the day when I would run from point A to point H I'd have to watch my in the zones between, for the very reason that mobs weren't anything to mess with solo and I didn't want to die. That's not a waste of time, that's being aware in your game and SoE took that away because people were crying about it, when in reality it was one of those things that made EQ, EQ.

    EQ was never an easy game, it never handed you stuff like it does now. It didn't let you purchase power as it has started to recently..I'd like to see it get back to that point, these are just small changes they are doing and at the end of the day the only person it hurts is those who aren't careful and are on lazy mode.
  8. Kiillz Augur what I was alluding to in my post prior....thanks mr mage
    Gyurika Godofwar, Tarvas and Leex like this.
  9. Demandred Elder

    Think TLP is for you than. Live it up in 1999, or don't use invis running through new zones. No one is forcing you. I played in 1999 and after an hour on LJ, I was ready to go back to live. They took aim at the ability that makes a high level bard and unnecessarily nerfed it. Look at my post history, I'm only recebtly back from a 2 year hiatus after they brought in autogrant. I'm not for easy mode I'm for don't make dumb decisions, and rather than blame an ability, blame lazy designers for designing zones that lack the challenge.
  10. Leex Pewpewer

    TLP is fun, but I was around for that time so I know what it was really like and the TLP although is a throw back, isn't classic or anything close to the original EQ experience.

    Blaming the devs isn't going to do anything positive, you aren't going to get your way. You just look like a child throwing a temper tantrum because their new toy was taken away.

    And just to make it clear....Live>TLP
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  11. Rhodz Augur

    People get tired of the cycle of buffs and nerfs which always manage to hit every player in jewels at some point. Yeah I'v delete chars in anger, monk PoP nerf, and yep its pretty dumb like so much done in anger.
    This is why I continue to point out how it is just a sign (and a good one) of lazy development. There is no vision to build around and so things wander off in random directions.
    Right now this instant if there was a well run MMO I would never be back. There have been game run well for a time EQ among them but the corprate dumb-bug bit all of them.
    The visionaries of the genre are long gone and no one is left to replace them so may as well ride a dying game in a dying genre to whatever end occurs until finally enough is too much and just stop.
    No getting around it this game is in a downward spiral sometimes slow sometimes fast but so are all of them doesnt make the truth any less that these matters all boil down to same end.
    Garshok likes this.
  12. Demandred Elder

    Absolutely tlp is not original. Maps, nuff said.

    Just point out this is not a shiny new toy taken, this is a childhood keep sake like Linus and his blanket.
  13. Laronk Augur

    I think that the fade nerf was also to combat the fact that everyone had a get out of jail free card on a 3-5 minute timer that allowed for risky play or allowed dps on raids to go all out then reset their agro 45 seconds into the burn making it so no one actually has to manage their agro on a raid (or a named). On a raid thats hard where ramp has gotten loose "Clerics fade, ramp is loose". I think fade really has become a crutch for a bunch people.
    Tarvas and Leex like this.
  14. Laronk Augur

    Not using a skill to handicap yourself is different then it being made harder by the skill being taken away.
  15. Laronk Augur

    I figured out how this effects clerics!

    You cant fade halfway through turn undead when you use it on raids anymore =( RIP
  16. Vetplayer Elder


    whatever happened to back in the day when you couldn't unmitigatedly just waltz by mobs?? you actually were nervous about getting from point A to point B? omg getting thru Kith forest at night?? oh wait for it...damn had to plan a way, devise a strategy....omg gasp ....clear to it...nothing was free or handed to you

    Nothing was free or handed to me. I paid to play, I paid the AA's for the abilities that are now nerfed.
    You got one thing right .

    Yes.. 10 days after live servers were up I started EQ on .... 3 accounts back. /wink. Those were good days. That was was sixteen years ago.
    But,16 yrs later, when your a high lvl player.. your given better AA's and Spells.
    You have restrictions to buy those AA's or Spells. That is time, other AA's, experience and money ( gold status).
    You play with that. Your play is with AA's and Spells you have purchased. Years have gone by, you're a veteran now.
    ONE thing about these forums.
    No one cares from the company.
    Players try to bash you creatively.. not even knowing what ' gold ' means.
    Or how the changes effects a class.

    OF CORSE I remember the old days.. where Clerics didn't invis running to give a corpse a res. OF CORSE I know what it is like not to see in front of your face.. Kith forrest.. bla bla bla.

    YES I know I can carry around Invis potions. but, WHY do I need to do that when I bought the AA?

    " oh because there is a cool down timer on the Divine Peace" OK. but if it worked as intended/description of when I bought it.. WHY do I need to do that? It worked fine before.

    There is no RIGHT way to say I am not happy with the changes and effect it has on my toons.
    Try it yourself. You will be called troll. As one did. Again, I don't even need to explain why this is a new forums account to post this.

    Those that did read the post, and not even comment, are thinking.. your right.. .I can see where you are coming from. Some even comment to say .. your right.. .my this class has had there this that and the other taken away in the past.. Mage, Wiz.. whatever class.
    And, some don't even give a ...

    Point is, it is about time you realized.... the bamboozling that is being done to us players.

    These decisions are uncalled for. I don't need to step back into time and waste more time to play where I have earned what I have purchased via Spells or AA's even Experience to be treated as a noob.

    It is human instinct to speak up when something is stolen from you.
    In real life there are laws against this.

    There is no professionalism in taking abilities away from a players toons. No matter what level they are. These 'ideas' of these decisions are YEARS old.
    I don't see where the money is being spent correctly in this company with these results and decisions.

    One posted about wishing to have the game be like the old days.. That is somewhat what the Progression Servers are supposed to be about.
    Then, you evolve from there. This is where we are at now. LIVE servers.
    We have already gone through that.

    ( although, I don't see what was wrong with a player logging in, running to a zone.. start killing a mob and have a guild leader say.. HEY, didn't you get the memo.. we are on a rotation .. you are breaking the policy of the ' agreement ' the GM's put out for this zone ... ) HUH? lol. o ok. :)
    I read that and I was like.. wtf ?! LOL. he agroing it.. the guy didn't ks it.. there was the play nice going on. GM Rule what ? LOL..
    Yah yah ... bash that paragraph I just did. ( and no I am not that player ).

    Thank you for your comment Kiillz.
    Motherlee and Ibadan Kun'Tirel like this.
  17. Kiillz Augur

    it is what it is. its the same old post but is different styles here, not just your argument. nerfs have existed in this game for years. EVERYONE has dealt with them, yes even monks, we can talk QUITE A WHILE if you want to on nerfs to my class. Anytime your froggy, leap my way we ll chat. Difference is? I didnt rage quit, I dealt with it and I moved on. Did I get in a GM or Devs ear along the way? you bet your bottom I did, but again? I didnt quit.

    Call it bamboozling if you want, your entitled to your opnion, opinions are like butt holes everyone has one. At the end of the day, I guess its up to you on how you wish to play and how much of a challenge your up for and not letting the mother company dictate you but how you wish to adapt to the situation at hand and around you. Hell if it was easy everyone would do it its the hard that makes it great.
  18. Cicelee Augur

    I have some questions for the OP-

    I have the feeling you are angry because you lost invisibility from your fade. If this is correct, why don't you just buy cloudy potions?

    If you are not angry because of lost invisibility, why are you (as a cleric) angry with this patch? What does this patch prevent you from doing that you could not do on Tuesday?
    mystic37 and Kiillz like this.
  19. Vetplayer Elder

    Sorry, Don't feel bashed here.. I don't have to explain to anyone :)
    I think you missed the point that I explained above. ( and on other threads ).

    It is like this, I would be open minded on those that said there wiz got nerfed.. I feel bad for the guy.. I don't play a wiz.. I have never played a wiz.. I have other classes that have been nerfed..For MY experience on that Class at that time.. I know how I feel. I don't know how YOU feel with that same class.

    I don't play the style you do. I'm more aggressive then sitting back healing. ( not saying you aren't)
    Don't you have fun with your Cleric? Never mind ;) that is YOUR business.
    If you have not expanded the ability to play a Cleric you would not understand.. as you wouldn't have the experience in playing the Cleric as I do play mine.
    Fade/invis for a clr is not the only change recently done.

    Look, if you don't like what you read.. skip the thread.

    Have a better day.. be peaceful!
    I am not here to bash players. In fact, I enjoy having played with players. I appreciate there comments and concerns as I do yours.
    But, I see this is going into a negative situation. :)
    I am not here to antagonize the thread to keep it rolling because I'm mad or upset or disappointed .. whatever.

    Thanks for your comment Cicelee.
  20. Coronay Augur

    I may be missing obvious stuff, but what are the other changes done?

    And I'm just curious how you were using the Clr fade so specifically.
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