Transfer Day - Tomorrow?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by King Dedede, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Wispur Elder

    Unfortunately we don't know.
    DBG has not give us any details at all about how any of this will work.

    I'm crossing my fingers that DBG will come down from their high tower and answer you though. We'd all like to know the answers to your questions. >.<
  2. Steampunk Augur

    I'm not sure where you put in your few decades in IT, but I have seen far worse and far sillier. In fact, that is exactly what the EQ client does when it can't read the designated custom UI file. It loads the default. It wouldn't surprise me at all if that's what happened. Pretty poor idea, but not surprising.
  3. Grish Augur

    Yes, it would be nice to have these answers today. I'd like to know as well.
  4. RainbowTest Augur

    The rollbacks we've seen thusfar have been due to server crashes where the saves simply weren't there to get us back up current to what we had done. The rollbacks on Lockjaw were to remove out of era content mainly which is why some were not rolled back at all. They are slowly but surely refunding all lost items and plat as the days go by cause it happened right when their backend maintenance was going on. Lockjaw is completely fine and probably better than ragefire currently is aside from the occasional tool logging in a box to try and recruit people to go to Ragefire tomorrow.
  5. JChan Developer


    A few minutes per character

    If your current name is taken on the other server then the system will prompt you to change your name to one that's available.

    Yes, you can but there is a limit to the total number of transfers an account can perform. So I wouldn't recommend flip flopping because you might end up stuck on a server that you don't want to be.
  6. Agrippa Augur

    I'm hoping that the number of transfers per account will be set pretty low. Even seven trips back and forth (14 character slots) could ruin the economy of either server more than allowing transfers in itself will.
    Fallfyres likes this.
  7. taliefer Augur

    the servers are practically identical at this point. im curious how transfers could ruin one of them?

    and because its the EQ forums, im genuinely curious as that thought hadnt occured to me, not tryin to be snide or snarky,
  8. Dikkan New Member

    There is a link to the knowledge base at the bottom of the main forum post....

    Looks like it is nearly instant.

    1. Click the "Transfer" button to transfer your character to your new server. You will be immediately disconnected, and your character will be transferred to their new home!
  9. Croak Augur

    There are some arbitrage opportunities in both directions if you spend enough time searching through

    As an example GEBs seem to have broken away from being "indexed" against the price of a krono the last few days on Lockjaw with them on sale frequently 2.2k whereas on Ragefire they seem to be at least offered for 3k a lot. efreeti boots
  10. Steampunk Augur

    Well, if somebody is smart enough and determined enough and devious enough, they are going to figure out a way to turn anything to their advantage. The real shame is that they can't seem to do it in real life, instead of sitting in front of computer monitor(s) and munching on Doritos and Jolt Cola in their parents basement.
  11. Rhodz Augur

    Well since we are talking server side not client side the example you give does not apply. Huge honking difference there but hey I have always suspected things in EQ were fairly loose although this goes beyond that.

    There is always at least a check sum validation which though fairly simple is remarkably effective barring serious malicious action. Now if a flag was incorrectly set then the file containing such would now have a different check sum and right there fail. Have to wonder though... the entire thing seems rather casual (muhahaha).

    Of course at work we were not dealing with a game but matters vastly more sensitive. However when we were building MUDs back in the early 90s (everyone needs a hobby) we at least kept a tight audit trail, but thats just standard practice and common sense. Maybe those days are why I am so critical of DBG (and SoE and FunCom and the like) we actually gave a damn about a labor of love.

    And no wont go into where I put in the the time in the corp dungeons. Less thought about those the better.
  12. nicemace Journeyman

    I'm sorry, I don't want to sound rude. But working at a isp as tech support does not count as working in IT. Any real system admin understands that happens. There are companies that lose millions of dollars PER HOUR due to unforseen or just unfortunate errors. This is the real world. happens, get over it.

    Everyone is a bloody armchair system admin.

    I'd suggest you sell your skills, you could make an absolute killing proving people with 100% guarantee super reliable infrastructure.
  13. Fallfyres Augur


    Cash laundering.
  14. Elkay Augur

  15. Steampunk Augur

    Software is still software, whether it runs on the local client or the remote server. Some person or persons design that software. If the same person or persons design both the client software and the server software, chances are they are going to approach solving similar problems in a similar way. Having no personal experience with the EQ software other than simply using it, I am only going by logic and experience. Programmers tend to have signatures. Standard practice is a good idea, but not a law, and varies from place to place and in varying degrees. Common sense is much less common than you seem to think.
  16. Nolrog Augur