Gold for SC

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Varacka, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. Varacka New Member

    Anyone know how to buy gold membership for sc cash? Ive seen thing all over the offical site saying its 1500 but only option is for a recurring sub.

    I have no desire to pay by credit card so...

    Plus i wanna use my triple station cash on it tomorrow.
  2. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    They disabled this awhile back.
  3. Rouan Augur

    It was disabled because of the triple and double SC promotions. Right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing I guess.

    If you see it still officially mentioned on parts of the site I'd recommend PMing Piestro who will hopefully find someone to remove that mentioning of it so nobody else gets mislead.
  4. Pizacatto - CT Augur

    It caused quite the kerfuffle on the forums, too.
    Leerah likes this.
  5. yaddab Augur

    Not us!!!, no, you are wrong we all took it on the chin in a calm and rational manner
    Geroblue and moogs like this.
  6. NickDanger Elder

    Kerfuffle? Pish posh.
  7. Leerah Augur

    Grrrrr snarl bite bite claw. Oh wait, this thread isn't about us not being able to buy RoF with SC, LIKE WE WERE PROMISED!

    Carry on.