Return of the Exiled - Cazic Thule

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Maedhros, Mar 20, 2015.

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  1. Maedhros High King

    Return of the Exiled is currently filling out our ranks on the Cazic Thule server.
    We are seeking outstanding players with years of raiding experience.

    We completed The Broken Mirror expansion 10th serverwide and look to move up the rankings next time.

    We expect applicants to have a strong ISP and a solid, newer computer that is capable of running Everquest with no issues.
    We are looking for skilled players that know the subtleties of their class, with a good understanding of common expectations of what their class should be able to do on a raid as well as the ability to communicate effectively in game or in our teamspeak via headsets.

    We do of course offer on the job training from some very talented people.
    We are not a casual guild, we will hold our members to a high standard.
    Our idea of fun is focusing up, kicking butt, and collecting loot in an efficient manner.

    Applicant Requirements:
    Current group gear or recent expansion raid gear minimum.
    Level 105 and 9000aa minimum
    Epic 2.0
    Up to date Magelo
    Good compliment of augments that are relevant to your class

    Some class specific items: (must attain within 60 days of app)
    Paladin - DA hammer
    Bard - Symphony of Battle clicky
    Druid, Shaman - Rez stick
    Bards and int casters - Orb of Tishan or The Lady's Entreaty

    Our raid schedule is as follows:

    Sunday - 6pm - 11pm EST
    Monday - 730pm - 11pm EST
    Tuesday - 730pm - 11pm EST (rare these days during farming)
    Wednesday - 730pm - 11pm EST (only during new content)
    Additional days may be added during new content.

    BETA raids are mandatory during new content.

    Think you have what it takes to be a raider in a cutting edge guild?

    Contact an officer in game for more information

    Updated May 22nd 2016

    The following classes are high priority:

    The following classes are low priority:

    The following classes are basically closed:

    Elite players of any class will always be considered.

    Guild Leader - Maedhros
    Officers - Duhbeast, Xdevlx and Chiaz
    Recruitment - contact a member and ask to be directed to any officer available.
  2. Eezel-Cazic Journeyman

  3. Eezel-Cazic Journeyman

    Arx1 down 3/30/2015
  4. Eezel-Cazic Journeyman

    Druids are closed

    Captain Tita's Ghost down 4/5/2015
    Praetor Vitio down 4/5/2015
  5. Solo mind set New Member

  6. Ricedogg New Member

    Thats errything stretchnuggets, only 2 weeks of raiding and keying folks.
    Eezel-Cazic likes this.
  7. anonymouscl0wn New Member

    My rogue would like to join but I'd need a PL =)
  8. Ricedogg New Member

    Send Ricedogg a tell on Cazic, I'd be more then happy to tell you to piss off on your Rogue.
    AirwolfSZ and Truklin like this.
  9. Maedhros High King

    I suppose 2 wipes and a win in PoWar on the third try is still news worthy. Nearly all classes are filled out pretty nicely, but we could use a few bards and rangers who knew their stuff.
  10. Oldschool Elder

    PLEASE, join their guild and fill up needed classes for them. That way I can stop getting 3 or 4 tells every time I log on my main to raid with my guild/alliance asking " Do you want to join a raid guild?"
  11. Maedhros High King

    Haha I will be sure to tell my recruitment officers to stop recruiting a player named Oldschool of an unknown class on an unknown server. We only want people that are interested in kicking anyway. By all means, continue to enjoy your alliance.
  12. Ricedogg New Member

    We are way full on Mages, not sure why we would try to recruit you Oldschool.
  13. Eezel-Cazic Journeyman

    Arx 2 - Principal Quastori Numicia is down 4/12/2015
    Oldschool likes this.
  14. Oldschool Elder

    Not a mage Ricedogg. Necro. It wouldn't be bad if it was once in awhile. But, when it happens whenever I log on my main to raid getting tells. Not so much that it is bad, it is just irritating, ya know what I mean? I wish you guys all the luck in the world ( I know and group with quite a few of you and all are good players/people.
  15. Eezel-Cazic Journeyman

    Im curious as to who your necro is? cuz Im pretty sure no one has been bugging necros every single day lol
  16. Eezel-Cazic Journeyman

    Arx 3 Principal Vicarum Nomia down 4/13/2015
  17. Eezel-Cazic Journeyman

    Arx 4 Principal Indagatrix Lucia 4/20/2015
  18. Eezel-Cazic Journeyman

  19. Eezel-Cazic Journeyman

  20. Eezel-Cazic Journeyman

    Bump - Looking for a solid warrior
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