Possible Solution to lack of TDS raids

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Soltara, Mar 8, 2015.

  1. Axxius Augur

    Are you a dev? Or a former dev? Or what do you base those assumptions on?

    They would have to recreate everything from scratch?! :eek: No they wouldn't.

    Even based on your description:

    Zone geometry: copy/paste Solteris into SolterisB.
    Mobs: copy/paste with new IDs and tune up to lv 105.
    Spells: copy/paste with new IDs and tune up to lv 105.
    Special items: copy/paste with new IDs.
    Event scripts: copy/paste and replace old IDs with new ones. Go over any hard-coded numbers and adjust them.

    Yes, it would require testing and tuning. But they wouldn't need to design ANYTHING from scratch. Just a lot of copy/pasting. None of the things you listed require redesigning everything from scratch.

    I'm not saying that all this is not a lot of work. But it's a lot less work than actually creating content from scratch. It's a faster way to give us more raids.

    And unless you can show any proof of your expertise in creating EQ content, could you refrain from using such language:
    Thank you.
    Repthor, Caixaa and Soltara like this.
  2. Warpeace Augur

    If Daybreak was to hand out more raids for this expansion Solreris raids would make the most sense and fit in TDS. Would require more that just a bump to level 105.
    Hiladdar and Yinla like this.
  3. Tyraxor Augur

    To re-create Solteris some work has to be done...shocking O_O
    Can't be that bad, considering they have done it for NTOV which also came with a decent sized expansion (with more copied & tuned up content).
    RoF is proof that it would be doable and most likely not even that time consuming.
    RoF is proof that it would be what they should do, it was the last successful exansion.

    A lot of things *would* be doable, but adding something to TDS now doesn't create money *hint hint*
    Or maybe it would, Raiders are prolly so desperate they would pay for Solteris B.
  4. Seldom Augur

    I can't remember which Developer said it, but there was definitely a prominent one echoing most of Tearsin posts not to long ago. It was when it was being explained how complicated/time consuming it was to make old events fabled (most of those being non instances/scripts). Also, that it was even more difficult to go back and revamp a script, to the point that it was quicker/more efficient to just do a brand new one.
  5. Kegwell Lurker since '99

    Wasn't Gems introduced for those real looooong trash clears?
  6. RangerDanger#1 Lorekeeper

    Please, no more, ever again, not even once, zero trash clears. With the long time between new content, dull, mindless trash clears would, I believe, lead to a decimation of the raiding guild ranks.
  7. Silv Augur

    They should LOY it up... and you're right- I'd gladly pay a reasonable fee for a midseason "extension" while waiting on another "expansion". I'm sure many probably wouldn't share that sentiment (omg moar money?!) but given the regular expansion cycle is probably broken (who knows when it will come... apparently they don't), anything would be great. The new anniversary content is coming just in time but that will only last until everyone has their augs and clickies (not long). And I'm not saying they should specifically cater to raiders but what they gave us is really pushing the limit in terms of lack of content...

    No wonder I died so much in VT and MMM... the Clerics were all playing gems! I guess I'll have to make sure I'm playing Flappy Bird next time they want Clarity :D
    Hiladdar and Ferry-Tunare like this.
  8. Ferry-Tunare Augur

    I would definitely pay for early access to additional zones as long as they opened those zones up later to F2P or in the following expansion purchase.
  9. Voth Elder

    I wouldn't pay a damn thing. We already shelled out $36 per account on LoY: Next.
  10. Splody Journeyman

    Well Mr. Negativity does bring up something true. I'm no dev myself, but I do remember the reason they stopped keeping up fabled content as years went on was because of how complicated it would be to tune up older raids, specifically because they were script heavy. Something about that wasn't so easy. Now was it because it was a ton of work, or just too much work for non-expansion related happenings.. I dunno~
    Ferry-Tunare likes this.
  11. Betenoire Elder

    Is it too much to think that there are, let's see; Katta, Tempest Temple, Caverns, Bro Island, Degmar, Thuli, Combine (leaving Arx out because there is already a raid version of it) so, couldn't we a raid (maybe 2?) off of each zone along the part to Arx? Idgaf if you base them off of the Flintstones, just some more raids? I mean I guess with the Solteris theme, 1 event per zone leading up to Sol Ro fight, but put the DZ NPC's in those zones (get everyone to do progression or have a reason to, right?). Doesn't have to be Solteris based but you see what I'm saying.
  12. Silv Augur

    Just add modern raid loot to the current version of Solteris 3 and banish necros from the zone. Should be harder than Tita's Ghost for sure! :eek:
  13. Tearsin Rain Augur


    several things:
    having been coding other games in the same neighborhood of EQ in the mid-late 90s so generally being aware of the kind of structure these sorts of games are built with.
    having that sense be confirmed several times over the years by the snippets of code i have seen or things the devs have said.
    basic logic developed over 15 years of playing EQ, being in betas, paying a lot of attention to dev posts and what they reveal about the kind of work they do to make EQ, and chatting with them at fan faire.

    aside from the art assets, yes they would - probably.
    it's remotely (very very remotely) possible some of the scripting could be repurposed, but i doubt it.

    this proves the staggering degree to which you did not in any way understand my post or what i was explaining. i'm sorry, but you clearly don't get it.
    i'm not saying that to denigrate you, there's nothing with being ignorant of how EQ's code works - however, i will say that being obstinate about how wrong you are could quickly become questionable.

    see above.

    it really isn't, at least not to the degree in which you're talking about.
    in fact it's arguable that in some cases the opposite of true - if you're trying to recreate a particular complex or weird event script, that could easily take more work that just slapping together a tank-and-spank event.

    unless you can show any proof of your expertise in creating EQ content, could you refrain from questioning those who know better than you?
    Iila likes this.
  14. Tearsin Rain Augur

    mr. negativity? WTH?
    how in the world is totally agreeing that revamped content is fun, but knowing that "it's as easy as copy/paste and tune up" is 100% absolutely unequivocally wrong, being negative at all?
  15. Kellaer Augur

    Unless you have worked on Everquest before, you know just as much as he does.
    Axxius likes this.
  16. Tearsin Rain Augur

    this is an utterly ridiculous statement, which is patently false to anyone who knows anything about EQ, code or not.
    you don't have to be a dev to know the combat formula, or be a dev to know the softcap conversions, or to know any of dozens of things about EQ which certain people from years of experience and interfacing with the devs, and some people don't know because they have not had the opportunity to learn that information.

    i'm sorry if it's upsetting to you that my knowledge of coding means that i understand that one particular meme on the forums is absurdly incorrect.
  17. Grummy_NB Augur

    before they add new raids, how about the fix the ones we have. for the last month, it seems we see a new "wrinkle" each time. Like an emote that is for a different event, showing up and other events, behavior of spells acting differently some mobs doing their thing, faster than before.

    Ya we still win, but it is annoying to be having events "tweeked" all the time. we all know when they touch one thing, it breaks 4 others.
  18. Axxius Augur

    Heh, now you cannot even be questioned? :)

    You still haven't shown any proof of your expertise. Being involved in some unnamed project 20 years ago in no way means that you know anything about EQ data and code. Everybody has every right to question your judgement (as well as the fact that you even know the subject). One doesn't have to be an EQ dev for that.

    You are fast becoming a meme yourself. A few more arrogant statements not backed up by anything but more arrogance, and it will be complete. ;)
  19. Tearsin Rain Augur

    okay axxius, whatever you say.

    the fact that the devs have publicly stated that near every event post PoP has too much scripting that can't be easily converted clearly is no indication to what i'm talking about.
    the fact that they stopped making any fabled content despite how popular it is clearly means that they're trying to spite you personally.
    the fact that anyone who knows anything about the EQ community and has been paying any attention for the last 8 years knows that i know more about EQ's systems and coding than just about any other active player left in the community means nothing.
    it's all just a conspiracy to annoy those of you who have been bleating about "just copy/paste and tune it up!" when it comes to revamped content.
    clearly i must hate new content and i'm trying to keep the proles down, with my wanton claims to having a rational, justifiable, and easily verified bit of info regarding the technical inaccuracy of those who think it's "so easy" to revamp an event.
  20. Kellaer Augur

    I'm sure you're really awesome but I still don't see the part where it says you worked on Everquest.

    For the record, I do also believe that revamping a zone takes more work than changing variables, but the fact of the matter is you don't know, I don't know, nobody but people that have developed Everquest knows.