Test Update 06/11/13

Discussion in 'Test Update Notes and Bug Roundup' started by JChan, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    I agree, the Hero's Forge update is great & this is how it should have been from the start. I think I have 20-25 toons with Hero's Forge myself & always liked the system but I think this makes it even better. I do like the concept of the quested Shissar set, that would be a great way to get the other sets as well such as Insidious, Valiant & Noble which are very rare on Test.

    Thanks for the new hot zones as well. Hopefully that will ease over crowding in certain zones & lower the fighting & training over various camps as well, some people get really crazy over a camp & will go way overboard to steal it from you unfortunately
  2. Naeeleu Elder

    Bloodforge plate before and after.. so cant wait for this to go live.[IMG][IMG]
    Axxius, Straahdx and Ishtass like this.
  3. Kyreth Elder

    Ooohhh that will be so pretty on me! Time to buy myself all the armor sets now before it goes live..
  4. Falos Augur

    With these changes to hero's forge boots, how are any of us expected to reliably explore luclin now!?
    Zalmonius likes this.
  5. Caudyr Augur

    Wow they finally fixed Hero's Forge, eh? Now people won't resemble Transformers! :D
  6. Mykaylla Augur

    I think it's hilarious that you can use the new or old Hero's Forge size, so if you want to still wear that football padding in your BP, you can.
    (But seriously, MUCH better looking, and a compromise for people that like the silly if they want it, that works for everyone)
  7. Liliana Augur

    Hotzones are:
    20 - Warsliks Wood
    25 - Marus Seru
    30 - Frontier Mountains
    35 - Dawnshroud Peaks
    40 - Jaggedpine Forest
    45 - Burning Wood
    50 - Corathus Creep
    55 - Bloodfields
    60 - Sunderock Springs
    65 - Plane of Air
    70 - Wall of Slaughter
    75 - Oceangreen Hills
    80 - Hills of Shade
    85 - Old Bloodfields
    90 - Valley of Lunanyn and The Grounds
  8. Angahran Augur

    Whats with the lower arm/gloves being completely different colour to the rest of the suit ?
    Apart from that, looking pretty good.
  9. Riou EQResource

    Hmm, it seems like they didn't get re-textured like the rest of the suit
  10. Naeeleu Elder

    i didnt have the full set on test. the bracers are chain and dont have any gloves.
  11. Darrkin Skies Elder

    I wanter HER outfit
    Tegila likes this.
  12. Thrillho Augur

    It's not preferred.

    Long fights with massive rampage, like Vulak, I tend to use both of these discs every time they're up. Mind you SR is still broken and doesn't like to fire 100%, even against some 50K+ hits (no fix in this update?) but more often than not I'm waiting for the timer to decay so I can use it. And I need some sustained DPS against him, or his adds - something my other discs cannot provide. We're losing DPS with this change. Chelsith is another good example of using both discs frequently.

    Please don't combine frequently used discs.
    sojuu likes this.
  13. Rashari Elder

    Seeing the correction for Black Powder Pouch - but never seen it dropping in game somewhere,
    same applies to Leather Roll.
    Any update on this?
  14. Angahran Augur

    Been asking for someone to check the drop of the Black Powder Pouch, Leather Roll and Writing Ink since release and no reply.
  15. SpamFactory Augur

    Character Race: froglok
    Character Gender: female
    Armor Set Name: valiant plate (new set only)
    Armor Piece(s) with the issue: head and feet have wrong textures on the "wing" design of these pieces
  16. SpamFactory Augur

    thanks for giving us a choice between old and new HF.

    just tried valiant/insidious/eternal grove plate sets on test and I actually prefer the originals. I don't mind plate being a little bulky. the new HF is the opposite extreme where it's too skinny (on female characters at least). I really dislike the new texture on insidious too (it's more of a salmon pink now rather than fire engine red).

    for chain/leather/silk I prefer the new HF, but for plate I'm sticking to old.
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Sylvian old and new looks

    Eternal Grove old and new looks
    [IMG] [IMG]

    Insidious old and new looks
    [IMG] [IMG]

    Bloodforge old and new looks
    [IMG] [IMG]

    Nobles old and new looks
    [IMG] [IMG]

    Valliant old and new sets (incomplete set)
    [IMG] [IMG]
    Ishtass likes this.
  18. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Character Race: Erudite
    Character Gender: female
    Armor Set Name: Nobles
    Armor Piece(s) Chest

    Seems to be missing its textures, see picture above 3rd from bottom
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I'm going to have to complete that valliant set now, I like the denim look!

    Disappointed we have lost the shaped skirt portions, Eternal Grove and Sylvan look too much alike. Nobles always used to be my favorite, but it has lost its rich floaty fabric feel. It always reminded me of dress fabric now it reminds me of a cheap tee-shirt.

    But overall the new stuff looks much better than the old...you can see my eyes now!

    Can we have this chest look please for our normal set of armor drops instead of a robe please? Chest is actually a White Scale Tunic, the rest is my current raid gear, yes this is what females wear under their robes! So much detail shouldn't be hidden. :)

    Ishtass likes this.
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Anyone found where the corrupted shissar fangs dropped? killed a few in Chelseth and didn't see one drop. Or do they drop in the old shissar zones ?