Super-Speed Force Is Too Slow

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kobeoncount, Apr 2, 2015.

  1. kobeoncount New Player

    Isn't it ? it doesnt satisfying enough,it should be like this :

    or this;

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  2. ChuckLess New Player

    Our worlds/instances are too small.
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  3. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Super Speed in general is broken. In multiple ways and multiple plays, it is broken.

    It can't hover, it can't run around in the air and STAY. If there's not a tall building to jump off, there's no way to even get into the higher atmosphere.

    CC bounty high-flyers like Raven and Fire are SOOO hard for Speedsters to snag. Even after all this time, there are still occasional Exobit spawns that are problematic for Speedsters to reach.

    And then there is the "fun" way that Speedsters can run right at building, right up a building, and suddenly be flipped 180 and running away from the building at top speed. Just supa-awesome that. GAH.

    In the words of Mepps and Spytle in a couple of webcasts: "Sorry Speedsters"
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  4. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    lets just hope they get the variants correct lol
  5. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    In My (Not So) Humble Opinion, I think an overhaul of Super Speed to fix the problems might need to wait until they put an end to PS3 support. IF they drop the PS3 support and get everyone to move over to PS4, PC, or (eventually) the Xbox One, then they can modernize the game engine to eliminate bugs being caused by dumbing everything down to run on 10-year old hardware.

    Just my 2¢, For What It's Worth.
  6. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Speedsters is the only movement mode that can move quickly around the battlefield. Flight has the ultimate disadvantage in every instance.
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  7. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Acro is good too.
  8. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    I think we move about that fast already and to be real, as long as DC Universe Online is more like DC Caves, Tunnels, Hallways, and Passageways Online then there’s no point in having the movement modes adjusted in such a way.
  9. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    I want to be able to do this with Super Speed.

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  10. SgtRevhardd Active Player

    Do like me and buy a Pterosaur trinket. for exobits & farming in general.. or CC bounties if you haven't finished them.
  11. DarkNovaBlaze Dedicated Player

    I think they're selling enough movement respecs already with the release of SM. SS is by far the best for pick ups.
  12. boredbean Level 30

    That look would be awesome, but I would be happier with an actual super-speed power set. I wish they can turn the SS skills into a viable power set that could compete with quantum or celestial. I would be the happiest gamer EVER! lol
  13. ChibiMechaX78 New Player

    I've been flight too long to have the heart to switch my main from it. Plus muscle memory is too used to how I play with celestial.

    I started an electric healer and got super speed. I actually didn't get super speed because it makes sense for electric but I was concerned about not getting around the battlefield fast enough for people to recieve my heals. I feel so spoiled with Celestial's range...

    It's funny how the fastest movement mode on a straight away is Acro if you know the motion to do. Superspeed just has to be slow OP. Be thankful it's far more useful than flight in instances.
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  14. roballan New Player

    You know, I'm pretty new to the game (less than a week in,) but as a huge Flash fan I created a speedster and have a bit of a different take.

    I don't think the problem with SS is the movement in and of itself. There's lots of networking and graphics issues you have to address the faster movement is, and even on modern hardware, there's a lot the devs would have to account for since it's multi-platform. Also, at some point, the movement speed would exceed your own reaction time, so they'd have to slow other players grouped with speedsters in-instance to really give it that feel. That ***** the other players so just isn't a realistic solution.

    All of the above being said, I think a way to make SS seem more like in the lore is to add a premium power or two to the set that don't directly impact an encounter. Examples would be:

    -Using the speedforce to "travel back in time" before dying. Basically would increase health/power meters and spawn character near beginning of boss instances or whatnot. So it would work like a general buff, but make it seem like you've "traveled back". This is probably not quite right, but there's a grain of an idea there somewhere.

    -Tornado feet... so let them move their feet really fast to allow for limited flight to reach hard places. Would be higher than the super jump thing speedsters do, but also not endure like true flight so nobody that has a flying power feels their selection is now gimped with an overpowered SS. And some restrictions on how much lift it will actually give before the "wind" isn't making contact with the nearest ground surface.

    -Phasing... just being able to phase through buildings (or walls in instance)... As far as I know this isn't a thing in the game, but seems like an obvious one that could be done. This could also be one of those "iconic" powers so people doing Martian or other builds have access.

    Sorry for long first post. Just think "fixing" SS isn't so much about movement as maybe a changeup in powers. But like I said, I'm new so maybe there's stuff I don't know or pitfalls I don't see.