So Professor X was in Star Trek?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by melvinpox, May 3, 2013.

  1. melvinpox Devoted Player

    You guys do know that I was being sarcastic, right?
  2. The Jeff Well-Known Player

    Little known fact. Many years after the events of the X-Men, Xavier underwent an experimental procedure that both restored his legs and gave him longevity. After leading a long and fulfilling career as a mutant, he hid his powers, enlisted in Starfleet and went on to have a highly successful run commanding the Enterprise.
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  3. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Didn't he also travel back in time and do some Sheakespeare?
  4. JayJay2515 New Player

    What was wrong with posting in the thread you said this in?
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  5. The Jeff Well-Known Player

    He is able to use the reflectivity of his head to bend light and create singularities to any point in time.
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  6. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Probably could have and should have. Especially since that is a thread about what makes a thread take off. I'm stupid. Idiot! Moron!
    Get back to work. You are no good at this mult-tasking thing!
  7. HealerHollidae New Player

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  8. BlueVariable Committed Player

    after he traveled back in time and did Shakespeare, he then traveled even further back into a past so distant it was like the future in another universe where he fought the nasty Harkonnen off as a Fremen, then waded through time until he reached the present again and decided to take a job as a Doctor in an asylum where he would be used as a vessel for a vampire lifeforce.
  9. melvinpox Devoted Player

    This guy has done it all. I am truly impressed.
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  10. The Jeff Well-Known Player

    Patrick Stewart once daydreamed about what he would look like with a beard. Chuck Norris sprang into existence at that exact moment.
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  11. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Close the thread...we have a winner.
  12. The Jeff Well-Known Player

    lol *bows*
  13. Jew63088 New Player

    That's great