Selfish people in this game..

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jchan0912, Jul 3, 2015.

  1. jchan0912 Well-Known Player

    Here's the story, so I pugged into act of defiance this morning on my lvl 109 ice tank and got a group with 3 dps's (2 munitions and a quantum, one t6 and two low t7s). I didn't like the group but I didn't leave because it was on villain side and things take a long time to queue for, also I knew I wouldn't die anyway because my tanking is on point. They stayed dps and we went about it okay but they were getting KOed a few times because they always got too close to the adds that weren't in my vicinity. Since there's no troll, it is only rational that I conserve power and only use it on shields, so I didn't do the pulls and taunts much. At the last boss, dps's were taking a bit more heat and got KOed 2 or 3 times and then one of the dps's got on the mic and started yelling for me to pull adds. I ignored him and kept doing what I was doing which was to keep my shield up and do wm on hydra, because I knew if I pulled adds I wouldn't have power to shield myself and I would get KOed which would be a group wipe. We finished the alert nonetheless, I had no deaths, one dps has 4 death, one has 3, and one has 1 death. I don't have a mic so I typed in chat that I couldn't pull cus I had to conserve power for my survival and the dude on the mic said I was a weak a$$ tank and I should have kept popping sodas for power. And then he left before I could cuss him out in chat so I had to send him a nice tell about my relationship with his mother.
    TL;DR I guess the main point of this post is to rant about these selfish people on this game. I was the only support role in this group and kept the bosses and most adds from attacking them while surviving the whole time and they called me weak cus they got KOed a few times.
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  2. sirzap Well-Known Player

    i know them feels bro
  3. ssvillae New Player

    Shoulda equip power restore on weapon and melee. No troll means you get power regen. Theres always gonna be players like that especially in pug just adapt to it. I wish the devs would make a sidekick that restores power would be cool as hell
  4. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Sidekick at full boost does restore power lol, quite a bit actually. I pop my sidekick anytime a healer or troller goes down so as to not faulter on keeping adds off those trying to pickup.
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  5. ssvillae New Player

    I only get health return..... Sorry i was driving but anyway i never noticed any power return and what do you mean by full boost?
  6. jchan0912 Well-Known Player

    I mean yea I could do that, I could mod half my gear with power instead of dom and def and make myself basically capable of soloing an alert but that's not the point. I'm not a charity that's there to do all the heavy lifting while these other people that never switch out of dps to stand there and mindlessly spam attacks and get the same reward I do with half the effort.
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  7. ssvillae New Player

    I might have been looking at it the wrong way i always look at it as challenge to myself. When im tanking i always check the damage in and deaths on my teammates the lower the better lol
  8. jchan0912 Well-Known Player

    I do that too if I had help, like at least one other support role in an alert. But if I'm the only support role (tank) with 3 dps's, I stop caring.
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  9. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Silliness like what you endured happens at times.

    It would be nice if it didn't though :D
  10. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I think both sides were in the wrong here. The damage player could have been nicer about asking you to pull adds, and he could have even offered soders. However, as a tank that has run numerous times without a controller, I can generally stay alive and pull without issue due to the healer-less buff and a shield here and there. I also go through my own colas when necessary.

    Generally, the power return from the controller-less buff is enough that I only go through half a stack to a full stack of colas. That is not a big deal, especially now that we're able to use soder cola extremes instead of crafted colas. I personally find it annoying that the OP is here complaining about using colas when we're talking about Soder Cola Extremes... And his message about the guy's mother... really? Is the OP 13 or just running with the maturity of a 13 year old?
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  11. jchan0912 Well-Known Player

    I do use soda and have used soda in this instance. You said you have run without a controller numerous times and had power to both pull and shield yourself but did you have a healer? Having a healer is a whole different story because you don't have to pop shield back to back which make power much more efficient. And may I ask what was your tank cr and what instance did you run with that cr? About the tell that I sent, I was just paying him the same kind of respect that he paid me. I don't see a problem honestly.
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  12. Makineko Committed Player

    2 wrongs don't make a right. I wouldn't have bothered replying to what he said with insults as it drags you down to their level. To go as far as sending a tell too really shows your level of maturity. The "your mum" insults...... I thought they died out last century or were used by 7 year olds as the best thing they can think of at the time

    I've tanked minus a Troll and it's a pain but you can use sodas or Home turf mods. There's also WM to reduce the power cost of your moves in support role stance. If there's no troll you have to be more careful about the way you use your power but you can still do pulls and cast group buffs to make sure you're doing your job to the best of your ability despite the circumstances.

    The question has to be asked did you queue with role optional on and had they signed up for roles they were refusing to do. Either way from an outside view it looks like errors on both sides but with neither having the maturity to actually sort it out and resort to insults instead. People wonder why this community is called toxic.....:rolleyes:

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  13. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    I have tanked every 4-man instance at entry level without issues. Even without a healer, I have had no problem staying alive with the healer-less buff. To a tank, that buff is amazing and sometimes even better than having a healer because it's constant.

    I've tanked with Earth, Ice, and Fire. I assume you're one of those three since you are not pulling. Rage is the one power that benefits from pulling, so I hope you're not Rage. Ah, missed that you're Ice. You should definitely be able to survive with Ice without a healer. Do you have the regenerative shielding mod in your hands?
  14. jchan0912 Well-Known Player

    I queued in as a dps and switched to tank as soon as I saw everyone was dps. Some of them queued in with both troller and dps roles but they did not switch and had no intention to switch (all 3 of them were controller powers). You are basically telling me to be a selfless godly person and try my absolute best to ensure the smooth ride of other people who just want to contribute nothing more than sitting there with half an eye open and deal safe damage?
    And it's just who I am as a person that if someone is nice to me, I will be extra nice to them but when they disrespect me I am not just going to sit there and swallow it. Hate tells back to the people who disrespect me keeps me sane, I am not Jesus-like like some of you are.
  15. Veritech Loyal Player

    Writing these kinds of threads always brings criticism of the OP. You kind of brought it on yourself.
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  16. jchan0912 Well-Known Player

    I love tanking and have tanked with every tank power in this game. I was an ice tank here as I stated in the post and staying alive is never an issue its the pulling that consumes power and if I do it often when there is no healer nor troller I will not have enough power for shields. It's that simple. As an ice tank, if you get countered or hit hard in between shields you are going to lose health and it's not easy to get the health back when the only thing you can rely on is your soda and the role-less buff.
  17. Pults Loyal Player

    You could have just asked either of them to switch to controller. It wouldn't hurt 'ya now would it? Or just advice them not to get close since you need to maintain your defenses and taunting 24/7 is not an option.
    Passive aggressive attitude on both sides leads to weak communication, which is essential to accomplish anything here.
  18. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    That was more of an issue before we could break out from counters. With most bosses, it's pretty easy to get a rhythm and not get countered, but even if you do, you should only be getting hit for a split second if you tap block after.
  19. ssvillae New Player

    Op im not dissing your gameplay im just suggesting adapt to the situation. Ive learned everything through pugging ive gotten kicked and still get kick, i get good match-ups and sometimes ill get match up like you just had my point is situations like this won't go away no matter how many threads you make
  20. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    Boost your sidekick after the 2 initial upgrades.. It cost 7 marks. The sidekick will now return health n power plus give u a shield similar to the iconic hard light shield.
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