Next on PC Test: Game Update 50!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Game Update 50 is now ready for testing on the PC Test Server! All PC players with Membership are invited. We’re looking forward to hearing your feedback. To get started, you can download the test client here.

    This update includes three new Duos per faction in Tier 4, Advanced Mechanics updates for Light, Nature, and Electricity, changes to how healing and damage over time stack, and a displayed Loot Lockout Timer.
    Thank you for testing!
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  2. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Time to bring da Thunda.
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  3. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I wonder is there going to be a new style or base item for the 50th GU ?
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  4. Shadowwyvern Committed Player

    Still no Black Adam.
  5. generalzod Committed Player

    This message is thunder god approved !
  6. Juxes Committed Player

    One of the best updates yet. Extremely long overdue with the overriding issues.
  7. ErnieB Loyal Player

    That's what I like about this dev team, yeah you guys screw up in many things (the marks, really!!), but you exceed on others and I can be proud to still play this game after so long.
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  8. NeedsANerf New Player

    The update sounds very intriguing and fascinating especially coming from the new improvements including the power trees of Light, Nature, and Electricity. The only one thing that I would give a thought to during the development of the game is the animations for some of the powers. Take Light for example, the combos that are implemented in the gameplay of Light are very plain and become very boring once you get the hang of using the power. As a result of this, I highly encourage these improvements that can be added towards the animations of the powers in the game and I am especially talking about Light. Also take into consideration that most of these combos that are used as one with Light are not even close to relate to any of the lanterns in the game. I really hope these thoughts are taken seriously.
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  9. AllanPage Committed Player

    Yay a buff on HL :D
  10. The Cool New Player out for PVP with these changes is all I can recommend. :p
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  11. OrÁcULoª New Player

  12. DaBeama Well-Known Player

    Please make sure that the Regenerative Shielding hands mod works for Munitions. Survive is not listed as being a power that it works on but should be.
  13. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    The changes to HoT and DoT sound awesome and the change to PoT also sounds promising. :)

    I just hope it doesn't influence our ability to double-tic our PoT.
    It's a nice little feature, which makes the difference between a good and a great troller.

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  14. Van_Gho Committed Player

    Since I can't participate in the test forum, as a long time electric user can people PLEASE take a thorough look at everything
  15. Sigeci Well-Known Player

    Are there going to be any feats related to this content? Or maybe some of the rare styles dropping from them?
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  16. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    I was just told it does still work, awesome! :D
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  17. JokeOnThis New Player

    Are you serious, another upgrade for HL. I still don't see anything about rage or anything about legends. Let me guess, its going to be another buff for HL and the next after next. Wheres Black Adam at for legends. Its no fun if we have such little amount of characters to pick from.
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  18. Aemondorth New Player

    Some updates for Light and Electricity...FINALLY! \o/
  19. Celestial Thor Well-Known Player

    Mepps, what about the Max Damage hand mod not working with construct combos? I had posted this bug about a month ago as a separate thread and in the bug report page. Will there be a fix for this or is it working and not being displayed in the current affects tab?
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  20. Jonny Wonder New Player

    Bravo... It's about ******* time!!!!

    o Different players of the same power are now able to use their damage and healing over time effects together for full effect without conflicting with each other.
    o Controller Power over Time Effects
     The functionality of Controller Power over Time effects have been improved. Players may still only have one Controller Power over Time effect applied at the same time. A new Power over Time effect will only overwrite if it is applied by someone with a higher Vitalization than the one currently applied. This will let multiple Controllers function together harmoniously without anyone's toes being stepped on.
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