Dimensional Ink how do you feel the new bounty system is going?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by dresserball, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Dimensional Ink maybe you could chime in on the status of the new bounty system?

    Others are welcome to discuss also.
  2. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Every day since the DLC I personally rather its 10am, 5pm or 12 midnight theres always people looking for spam groups and theres always groups spamming it. So people are doing it, rather they enjoy it is another story.

    For me I need is 25ish runs from murk to steppenwolf/kal and I'll have all bounty feats, that's with missing 4 days to farm. Do I enjoy the bounties? Yes it allows me to have something to do that doesn't require $$$ to play again.

    That and I try to pace myself by getting 250-300 aether per day then stopping the farm.
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  3. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    Considering that giant spam groups is not at all how they intended for the DLC to be played (or at least not the only way) I imagine they are frustrated to one degree or another with the difficulty they’re experiencing in tuning these bosses to be able to be played in all the ways they are shooting for. I don’t blame the devs as the test server population is simply nowhere near robust and versatile enough to provide the volume and scope of data they would have needed to at least be close to the mark by launch date. We essentially are the real testers right now. Plus, if I recall correctly, they mentioned the scaling was being done by a brand new system and, as with nearly everything new, there’s always some kind of learning curve.
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  4. dresserball Dedicated Player

    Why do you feel like you have more to do now then before this dlc?

    There are a number of things you could have been doing from running solos, duos, and alerts. You can farm exo materials. You can also do a boat load of dailies all on one toon. All of these would cost you nothing extra.

    I have not been able to run content like I use to. The ques don't pop as quickly as they did, which means this dlc has made me less productive with less to do.
  5. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I don't hate it. it is frustrating. getting into a decent phase is easy enough. usually every phase opens up when the hydra goes down. the wait time between bosses is killing me though. not very happy with the reward system. the whole "you get back what you contribute" isnt really working. you can drop an orbital and go lie down for the rest of the fight and get full rewards. you can go crazy keeping everyone healed and powered up for the whole duration and get half. don't like the mod costs (if youre watching Khalon this is a perfect example of an"artifical grind").

    i think it would have been more of a hit if the bounties were new. Like say we do get a Legion DLC and this idea is applied to the Fatal Five attacking legion HQ and we fight Tharok, Mano, the Persuader, The emerald Empress leading up to Validus. Something like that would have put a little fresh on things.

    Maybe re configuring things. Like if all these bounties were dailies we do once a day. The elite gear could have been feat rewards or we earn a little elite renown to unlock them.

    I do like this dlc much more than recent ones.

    Wish there was another raid.

    Love the solo~not quite as random going in each time as i would like but i like having different sub bosses to fight before grail.

    I really can't wait for the alert to get fixed. the bridge leading to Poseidon may be bugged as all !@#$%^ get out its still an epic perspective. Feels like youre on your way to fight an important boss.

    The biggest problem with the bounties is when everyone gets the gear and feats out of the way. This is why everyone is going crazy trying to get it all done now. if these things arent eventually adjusted to get done by small groups this will become a dead space very soon.
  6. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    Because those daily's, solos you speak of dont count towards feats I need or gear I need still.

    For what it's worth, I did run T4-T9 raids alerts duos solos every week. Or at least the alerts/duo/solos that had items in them worth $$$ still. But this DLC I can at least run relevant stuff after I'm finished with bounty feats, gen mods and 4 elite pieces for the 2 gear sets for aether.
  7. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    My question now to you is the same question you asked me but in reverse. Why is it you feel you cant run your normal stuff too
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  8. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I actually really like it, the first few days were ruff because there was just so many people n my game kept force closing, but i went from 270 cr to 300 way faster then anything else
  9. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I don't have enough time.
  10. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I forgot to mention you can do LPVE. I'm sure you don't have all those feats done. That could keep you busy for another year.
  11. MrPlumberman Active Player

    I wish the objectives actually mattered. For example if we put out a certain number of fires then an iconic would join the fight. Or if we hit a certain number of source shards then Aquaman would send out reinforcements then after a couple more join the fight himself.

    And i disagree that the devs didn't intend for us to max out the phases. If they didn't then they are pretty out of touch with the community. Every additional bounty they add to the game, the same thing happens. People max out the phase until they wrap all their feats.

    I just figures after Hand of Fate disaster they would have learned their lesson. I'll be finished by the weekend then it'll be a once a week thing for me.
  12. Legasei Well-Known Player

    Is it safe to say that you don’t like the new dlc and you’re a little miffed that it’s causing the bulk of the community to neglect the content that you prefer?
  13. Brit Loyal Player

    I normally agree with almost everything SekretVillain says. This part hasn't quite been my experience though.

    I work a 10pm through 6am shift with my job, getting off and playing typically from 7am until 11am. From 07/30 until 08/06, I scored exactly 2 World Boss kills. Both were Athena, both were just-barely, and neither was a part of a full rotation that actually spawned Hydra. I advertised in /shout and /LFG. And I followed the bounties on rotation for my full 4 hour play window, doing my dailies while I was in the area of the bosses, and joining in on any of the struggling attempts that started, no matter how small. Those groups of 8-12 that we did manage to get together were just not enough.

    Perhaps there were other shards going full steam during those windows of time, but I never spawned into one and I never got an invite to one. Those morning hours were just entirely unproductive and could not reliably put together groups for farm. On 08/07 and 08/08, however, (Friday and Saturday, a week after the Episode dropped), I finally did see other people in /LFG and /Shout, more than the handful that we normally had. We built full groups and had massive runs of chain successes. I stayed on both days clear til the middle of the afternoon, scoring kills long after I should have been in bed, because it felt like it was winning the lottery to actually see them succeeding.

    On my days off, I took the luxury of playing in the evening and late night hours when I normally would have been at work. There were always multiple shards entirely full and going strong. It was really easy to find a group, but sometimes took up to an hour to actually get phased in to join the group. I actually wouldn't complain about this. I was just thrilled to be able to get an invite, join a successful run, and go along with the farm.

    When they're up and running, the World Bosses are actually kinda fun. There are a few mechanical changes that I definitely would want to see. They could be improved upon, but they aren't terrible in their current state when they're running.

    But for off-hours play, or any attempt on my Nintendo Switch account for example, they are just flatly impossible. There needs to be a good 25 people minimum to start killing the bosses (more if you want to succeed on Hydra), and that does not seem to be happening or possible 24/7 or on certain less populated servers.
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  14. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    I did all the general deats in each map and teamups. I do 1000 x categories
  15. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I'm sorry are you saying you have all the feats?
  16. dresserball Dedicated Player

    I don't dislike the dlc as a whole. I dislike the way bounties were done and the solo.

    I don't have a big love for any certain content. I enjoy variety over just one thing.
  17. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I'm not hating it. 2 characters to run. Start with alt, run dailies, solo, then alert, vault, and stabilizer. Switch to main, run the same then run 3 rounds of bounties per day. Its start of week 2, main has weapon, rings, neck, 1st 2 OP catalysts and more than halfway to third. Counters are all in the 60s. Should be done quick enough (going to continue the pace till generator mods are done) considering we have 4 months, probably 6 really, till new dlc drops. Everyone is in such a rush. Start at 5pm est and end at 8:30pm like clockwork.
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  18. dresserball Dedicated Player

    You must be using replay badges then.
  19. spikeat Well-Known Player

    If you only run the bounties 3 rounds a day, you should be at 33-36. How did you get your counter to double that amount?
  20. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    Weekends, get in what I can. 1st weekend, went pretty crazy and probably knocked out 15 per day. Some days you have more time. 3 is the goal.
    Replays: yup I use some. Mostly on the 1 player, have reset the raid twice. Gotta use that monthly subscription for something and since the arts are done, replay badges it is.
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