Can't login Launcher issue

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lightning EUPC, Apr 27, 2020.

  1. Lightning EUPC New Player

    Can't login on my account in launcher and forum. In launcher and forum same message "There was an error completing your request. Please try again." Posting from my second account wich works. Has anyone come across a similar.
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  2. konstantinomikus New Player

    have the same herei was playing normally but i was luging to much so i turn off and on my ruter from that moment i can log in in game or in daybrake page !!!!!
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  3. konstantinomikus New Player

    but i can log in forum
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  4. Lightning EUPC New Player

    Apparently I'm the only one who has encountered such a problem at the moment. On the forum it is generally possible to find a solution?Or to hear an answer from the developers? I turned to support, the answer was not very pleased: You have submitted a ticket outside of our regular hours. We do not currently offer evening or weekend support for this service.
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  5. Lightning EUPC New Player

    Just tried changing the password, everything worked, the password was changed, but it still doesn’t Login in Launcher or forum with new password. Still same message: There was an error completing your request. Please try again.
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  6. TasteTest New Player

    I'm having the same issue on my main account (this account is an alt). Couldn't login, changed the password, still can't login. I submitted a support ticket and will just have to wait to see what happens, I guess.
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  7. Msaliti New Player

    I have the same issue, and some of friends have it too. We haven't been able to log in anywhere for more than 24 hours already :(
    All my other accounts work just fine except my main one with a subscription. I tried changing password, and it's still exactly the same.
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  8. Lightning EUPC New Player

    The most interesting thing is that this is not the first time this is happening, and constantly with the main account.
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  9. Lightning EUPC New Player

    Now I checked, everything worked, the problem is gone. 24 hour glitch
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  10. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    EUPC? you wouldn't happen to be with Virgin, would you? because Virgin's broadband has been playing up today.
  11. Msaliti New Player

    Some of my friends on USPC had this issue but it appears to be working now.
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