Buy Feats with Old Marks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by StillDeathern, Aug 18, 2017.

  1. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Why not just make it so we can buy FEATS using our old marks? I always see to have an abundance of the old currency as I have already purchased all the styles. The DEV's stated they were looking for ways to help players catch up on SP, is this a possible avenue?

    Being able to directly purchase FEATs we may have missed along our perilous journey would give us options for the excess marks, while allowing us to obtain some additional feats, which in turn would eventually help us to obtain skill points we may have missed out on, or perhaps obtain some for content we just don't like to play.

    Conceptually, and this is very rough it would work something like this:

    25 MARKS - 1 STAR FEAT
    50 MARKS - 2 STAR FEAT
    75 MARKS - 3 STAR FEAT

    I could see it even locked to earlier Tiers in game, say Tier 5 and below. As Tiers were added, say Tier 9, Tier 6 would open up for feat purchase.

    Obviously, you could lock some feats, keeping them from ever being purchased.

    Imagine, not ever having to do LPVE if that's what you hate to do, yet still being able to have all the feats...

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  2. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I would not mind that myself as long as it's done right then why not.
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  3. Twilight Avenged Dedicated Player

    I would rather get them the way the feat describes.

    However I know this games populace would most likely appreciate the quicker method, so solid idea there.
  4. StillDeathern Dedicated Player

    Totally agree, the prefer'd method would always be to earn them, at content level.

    I think the Tier lock would keep current feats relative while allowing players the opportunity to capture some feats from previous tiers they may not have.

    By requiring marks, you aren't giving them away, players aren't buying them directly, content is still being played, albeit perhaps not the intended content.
  5. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Nah get the feats by actually doing the feat
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  6. KratTheDefiler Well-Known Player

    I like it. Anything that takes a grindy game and gives you options on how you want to grind that day is a +1 from me.
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  7. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

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  8. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Ooh no. It's not the worst idea I've heard but no.
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  9. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Uh No.

    Not unless it's a feat you already earned.

    They Already Gave away a ton of feats you had to farm/grind for with the CR 100 Skip Token, and This would make survival feats like EO and One Piece get handed to you on a Sliver Platter.
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  10. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    This post pretty much the same thing i was gonna say.
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  11. PSYL0CKE X8 Well-Known Player

    NO.....!!!!! Just No!!!
    Feats are meant to be earned not brought off by marks. It wouldn't be a feat then. Just do the task and earn it like we all do.
    • Like x 2
  12. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    The idea is nice, but that wouldn't be good for new player's.

    The way I see it one way for everybody is to share feats with league mates.

    But with style or other feats like them.

    Need to be change so they can make more money.

    For styles feats you can't buy the full feat.
    You can only buy each style gear like face, chest, leg, back etc.
  13. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    I'm against purchasing feats you haven't done yet. But I can see this as a great idea for additional ways to unlock feats on alts using in-game currency and not replay badges.
  14. light FX Steadfast Player

    This^ Go do the feats.
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  15. DC REBIRTH Well-Known Player

    Thumbs up from me.

    Phenomenal idea....
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  16. TinoDadzz Active Player

    SMH Lazy

    Dumb Idea
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  17. LORD CAKE Active Player

    i with it as long as you've done the feat. but tbh they already have tons of feats you can buy with marks
    1. vending 22 bot in the pit
    2. t1 - t5 style vendors
    3. other style vendors in the hod

    i just feel like feats should be earned not bought
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  18. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    Buying feats that you havent completed on alts just seems weird to me. How would you get the epic odyessy feat without actually ever doing it?
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  19. Caroline Dedicated Player

    Ugh, can you stop finding yourself reasons to finally start buying feats w/o actually completing them?

    This isn't funny anymore.
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  20. Dene Devoted Player

    *hugs Caroline*

    this x 10000

    adjust it to be another way to get feats on alts and I would like this a lot but to buy them outright, no.