Ingame Chat Moderators

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Diablo Sama, Apr 30, 2024.

  1. Diablo Sama Active Player

    Well, we have some very smart and bright people in LFG talking about politics and how they can fix everything
    so my thought is that we have to push those people to do it in real life instead inside the game since they are so smart, how about we hire 3 chat moderators to rotate shifts and chat ban those people? and no the usual "just add them on ignore" dont apply here, LFG means Looking For Group not looking to argue about politics
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  2. the solowing Unwavering Player

    I mean what's wrong with ignore?
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  3. Hraesvelg Always Right

    There's a limit and with all of the spambots, it fills up kinda quick. Then you're playing the "remove from ignore" carousel to free up spaces...kind of a pain.
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  4. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

    No. What you want is everyone to agree with your politics and the ones that don't, you want removed from the game. No player in this game should have that kind of power.
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  5. Ryll Committed Player

    I have always wanted a vote kick option from the global chats.
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  6. Knight Racer Well-Known Player

    If they're so smart, can't we just hire them?
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  7. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

    That would be an abuse of power.
  8. Ryll Committed Player

    Lol no it wouldn't. Votes can fail you know.
  9. Owlman 2 Well-Known Player

    So if there was a kick for Global Chats, what would stop people from kicking a pug, who is horrible at the game, always comes in last, eats and snores in the mic, can't find a league because they play like they have 2 left thumbs being kicked from LFG chat trying to run content?
  10. kallader Committed Player

    Just imagine the work banning all political talk they would have to ban all the sentence with orange-loser-dictator-traitor-unfit-incompetent etc
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  11. KidKretz Committed Player

    i made a few changes to your post just to see how you would feel about it? what's that saying...oh yeah, what if the shoe is on the other foot?

    <Well, we have a very smart and bright person on the forums talking about other ppls politics and how this person can fix everything
    so my thought is that we have to push this person to do it in real life instead inside the game since they are so smart, how about we hire 3 chat moderators to rotate shifts and chat ban this person on the forums? and no the usual "just add them on ignore" dont apply here, forums mean a place to discuss the game and not looking to argue about other ppls politics>

    let me know your thoughts?
  12. SolarSniper23 New Player

    Chat problems is on the devs. If the devs want it useless and filled with chat bots spam ect that's on them. Their game. Maybe they don't want content ran or just want the messages. If the chat system is broke by whatever means just turn it off. With all the broken stuff in game, it's just another one to add to the list. We should be upset as it destroys communication with our friends. I suggest finding a alternative means of communication. Perhaps another device, hint hint. With no DEDICATED community manager there's little hope for anything.
  13. Ryll Committed Player

    Again. Votes can fail.

    That's why its not an abuse of isn't a sure thing to succeed.

    It wouldn't be a unilateral decision.

    There are already time limits in game if we vote in the process of kicking someone. Regardless of if its successful or not. The only way to avoid the 3 hour lock is to not vote in the kick.

    So your completely irrelevant, outlandish, infinitesimally small percentage of happening examples for something that is not an abuse of power.
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  14. iLazy Well-Known Player

    So the game is lacking of staff. So hard that they don't disable this April fools thing,dont give informations about anything etc.
    But now they should hire people to moderate the ingame chat 24/7?on any server? Just 3 ppl? Hell you would be a terrible taskmaster (?).
    Even the kids that have to gather materials for smartphones have more free time than this 3 would have.

    And: No. The ignore isn't the best way maybe but it works. And AFAIK it's not limited.
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  15. Diablo Sama Active Player

    i dont talk about politics and i do not care, im here for the game if i wanted i would go on a group chat and do but still i dont
  16. Diablo Sama Active Player

    i dont see where i argued about politics but more like to exterminate anyone who talks about it in the game like you said "forums mean a place to discuss the game and not looking to argue about other ppls politics" same thing applys for the actual game, i dont wanna hear who you vote or what you gonna do after you scratched your left sack, the game is a place to game.
  17. KidKretz Committed Player

    "chat ban those people"

    " like to exterminate anyone"

    do you hear yourself?

    please tell me you are not a former art student reincarnated!
  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That works for a single-player experience, but falls apart when you start introducing people to one another in the game environment. MMOs in particular have always been as much about the social experience as the game experience, so people will chat with one another given the chance.

    What they talk about may not be your particular cup of tea, but folks talking to/with/at one another is inevitable.
  19. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Ppl don't realize that a player mod system is voluntary and only accessible through a vetted system. "Abusing power" or false reporting in any way, could result in not only losing modship, but facing disciplinary action on their account.

    This system works flawlessly on RuneScape and had done so for literally 20 years. I was one of those Player Mods over 10 years ago. You had to play by the book, and had a private communication system/forum to directly talk to devs and/or other player mods (especially to see if the correct action is about to be or was taken, such as 48 hour mute of another player, until the report is viewed by the team that deals with player disciplinary action).

    Any abuse, false reporting, or even discussing anything in those forums/mail/chats anywhere elsewhere or with outside sources, would result in permanent removal and possible account action. It was basically like signing an NDA when we signed up.
  20. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    im all for chat moderation. I want it added to the game, but nothing is wrong with the ignore. Dont come here being like "Dont give me the 'add to ignore excuse'" when ADD TO IGNORE is in the game for this EXACT REASON. Without an ignore list, there would be some form of moderation, but because we have free will, we can moderate our own chats. Didnt think of that solution did you? Someone say something you dont like? Ignore them. If they say ToS stuff, Report them and they will (hopefully) be dealt with.

    Just stop asking for chat moderation when you can do it yourself for like 2 seconds at a time.
    And before anyone says "BuT ThE IgNorE LiSt CaN GeT FuLl". Remove the old bots you have on there. Simple as said, they will not be back because they are deleted, they will not be back because they would have been banned.

    Just get over it. We have chat moderation. Its called "ignore list". The best type of moderation. One where YOU are in control of what you see and dont see.

    Edit: I know i said the same thing over and over again, this is because some people just dont understand and need different words for them to understand lol