Old player coming back…overwhelmed

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Azdrian, Apr 22, 2024.

  1. Azdrian New Player

    Hi all,

    Loved this game since 2012 and played it religiously for years until I stopped a few years back. I just redownloaded it and was wondering what’s the first thing I should do? I’m a mental 212cr controller/Dps

    Mostly looking to run Pve missions, join a league or something. Also what’s the state of powers, is mental still good? I’ve been thinking of switching back to my OG ice power or maybe giving electricity a shot but I wouldn’t want to if they’re really bad, especially early on while I’m re learning the game

    Oh also, I have a 25$ PSN gift card I’ve had forever, what should I spend it on in game? Booster bundle? Membership? (I’m already premium), or the Batman who laughs ally looks dope

    Any help would be appreciated!
  2. Wzlinnkk54 Well-Known Player

    Work on cr it will climb fast, get sp when ya can and get artifacts up the psn if your not legendary I would spend 5 dollars to get that
  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Welcome back!
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It can be overwhelming I'm sure. Get your CR up and work on your selected Artis till at least 80, rotating through them vs dumping it all into 1. Once they are at 80, I'd say you have a choice. Keep working on them till 120, or wait for the ever elusive 2x week that may or may not be coming.

    Run stabilizers every day to get your stabilizers for TCs....do your daily claim at least 21 days a month to get the Destiny token (used for buying seals for those Artis), and probably get HOL bot or Krypto up at least for an ally (I'd say Oracle is worth it too).

    As far as the spending $25. If you are going to sub, do it next month...late in the month. That way you'll get the May AND June daily claims(assuming you'll do the claim every day), so you'll get more of the things you will need (8 Destiny tokens, 2 Full sets of gear, 4x the Fate tokens...etc) to help yourself out. Personally I'd stay premium spending only if you need a 2nd Armory and didn't have one yet. Boosters and TCs are a waste of money unless you are unbelievably lucky. I wouldn't spend it on Allies as you can get those with Source Marks, and they've made getting those stupid easy.

    I'd hold on to that $25...hopefully there will be a spring or summer sale coming, and by then you should have an idea what you'd NEED the money for.
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  5. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Important point regarding all the advice you're getting to get your CR up quickly - you will get a LOT of new introductory Missions for Episodes as you pass their CR floor, which can be a pain to get rid of and might be overwhelming, but on the other hand quite a few give you free Artifacts. Some are very difficult to complete since they tend to have the format of "Complete the Solo/Duo, then the Alert(s), then the Raid(s) in this Episode", and the particularly unpopular stuff like the Teen Titans Raids, BoP: Clocktower, and a few others usually require forming a group to get into, let alone complete.

    Rushing to endgame could also leave you short on Skill Points and levelled Artifacts. but obviously you will play at the pace that suits you. Just letting you know that there are some trade-offs to be mindful of.
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  6. Korlick Loyal Player

    First couple of days, take it slow. Take your time to get familiar with all the new things youll encounter. Artifacts, Allies, House of Legends, your own Power (might be completely different from the last time you played), Omnibus systems, etc.
    Once you feel comfortable with how the game is today, start moving forward.
  7. Aren Sul Committed Player

    First, welcome back :)

    Just to echo a few of the points above, but focusing on daily activities and getting gear:
    • The newest episode (currently, Justice League Dark Cursed) is available for you to play. You can port to it via your map utility. On Duty runs for the newest are also available as "Event" level. The gear rewards for Event play are not at the episode level - as your CR increases, the loot available will as well when you open them. So you've got dailies, weeklies and On Duty (Event level) available to you. You will also get rewarded with Source Marks currency.

    • Omnibus is another gear attainment option. Go to On Duty. Select Solo, Duo, Alert, Raid or All and you will get a random instance at or below your current CR. Once a week, you can complete 3 Solo/Duo, and/or 3 Alert, and/or 3 Raid for an extra reward box from Trevor in the House of Legends. The mission will kick in automatically when you run one and will appear both in your Journal and in the right column of the On Duty window.

    • Of course, you also have the episode dailies, weeklies, and On Duty at your current CR level available. I think, Stemming the Tide (?) in your case.

    • All episode currency lower than two episodes less than the current one (currently episodes 43 and below), are converted to source marks and the gear becomes far less expensive. So source marks gathering is your key for gear until you hit episode 44. (Note: Episode 47 is due in May, so that needle moves up one more level to 45)
    One other note if you consider running alts. At some point - it may have been the Earth 3 episode, they began to award feats for completing the style provided by the episode vendor, which gave a 50% discount on the primary gear pieces. So say your character A is doing Long Live the Legion episode and earns all of the Magnetic Paladin gear styles from the vendor. Using replay badges, your alts can then 'buy' that feat giving your alts a discount when they reach that episode level.
    I hope some of this is helpful.
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  8. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Mental is very good.
    Ice is really meh. But not bad.
    Clunky would fit the description of Ice best and you MUST have supercharge or youre as useful as a knife in a gunfight if you play might-based.
    If you play prec-based (weapon mastery), both powers are decent and balanced but both powersets are better if played might-based for the most part.

    Use your gift card on Membership due to a 4x value opposed to buying anything specific and because you still need all of the items granted from Membership. However, I would wait until next month so you get as many rewards as possible without the need to renew it. The most cost-efficient way is to log in for 21 days, then buy membership on the last day of the month and play for another 21 days, so you get 2 months worth of items for the cost of one 1-month membership.

    If you have some money left, get yourself an armory for a 2nd loadout/setup if you dont have that already. For example a Dps loadout for hallways and one for boss fights.

    Dont bother with Legendary allies just yet and focus on getting Oracle (passive for power-regen) and Krypto (best combat ally against bosses) to max rank. Batman who Laughs is one of the best allies overall (both passives) but is still only increasing your damage by roughly 2,25% at max rank at best.

    For Artifacts i would highly recommend getting Transformation Card, Grimorium Verum and Quislet all to Rank 80. These Artifacts have 80% of their damage potential very early on and will boost your damage by a lot without a large investment.
    Once you got these, I would save up on Nth metal and speculate on a 2x artifact fortification week, which allows you to get 2x value from all Nth metal sources and even to use your R80 Artifacts to be used for other Artifacts without losing any XP in the process of infusing.
    Meta Artifacts such as Strategist card only shine at Rank 160+, so this is something you wanna save up for over time, or invest a lot of money straight away.

    Role suggestion
    I would also stick to Dps for now, since most of the time you will have someone in your group that has better Controller artifacts than you will initially have and it will only lead to frustration. Controller is one of the most expensive roles currently (Endgame) and at the same time one of the most boring ones too. (Which is why you see so many inventories pop up in youtube videos)

    Augments, Base & Adaptive Augments
    Stick to either pure Might or pure Prec when it comes to Augments/Generator mods and never spec into Hybrid for Dps.
    Get the adaptive augments from the most recent episode (once you reach the CR). Because they are quite grindy each episode you can also use the adaptive augments from Death Metal Washington and get ~75% of the stat buff you'd get from the most recent episode adaptive augments by only spending 10 source marks and also have the effect in the whole game opposed to only a higher buff in the most recent episode.

    Also, dont forget to get your base trinkets and mods (Orbital, Henchmen, Supply drop and White mods) and keep your gear updated with White Mods as you progress your CR. Just put 10 boxes of each mod in your inventory and update it everytime. They're free after unlocking anyway and will give you a nice boost in damage without high cost.

    Oh, something worth noting about ally purchasing with real money. Its only worth it if you have multiple characters you frequently play and also have the resources to rank up that ally on those characters too. So, for the majority of players its much better to simply grind the source marks and rank legendary allies up on their main character once.
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  9. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    When I came back after five years, I spent the first week or two running the instances I remembered. I found that a helpful way of getting the muscle memory back of what buttons do what. I then eased myself into the new instances.
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  10. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I'm surprised he hasn't chimed in already but I think Multiverse has a series of videos on his YT that explain the various systems in the game. I think it's more geared toward brand new players but still, if it's new to you then it's all the same.

    As for good or bad powers for might DPSing (I'm assuming), I can't say they're all equal but they're not that far apart either. Atomic, Quantum and Water are probably the worst but I've ran in to plenty of players who can more than hold their own with those powers, even amongst the sweaty try hards. My alt is Atomic and while that toon is primarily for tanking, I usually hold my own when DPSing with him, even with non-meta artifacts. So play whatever you have the most fun with.
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  11. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    There’s both a paradox of there’s a lot to do but you won’t be able to get a lot done so there isn’t much to do before it gets to be a grind and therefore boring. There’s a reason a lot of players drop out in the first few weeks in this game. DCUO is structured *** backwards and doesn’t barely explain anything. I wouldn’t try and be like other players and rush to do “old feats”. You need to chase endgame before you even try to get a lot of older feats. Get your gear up and slowly work on your SP but don’t be how I see a lot of new players in this game who want to get carried in Elite content, no that’s not fun for everyone. As a returning player you should focus on the most recent episodes and the seasonals. That’s it. I wouldn’t recommend Omnibus with the stats clamp and Elite content if you don’t even have artifacts up to an ok level. The developers put all their eggs in this game’s basket with arts. Just try early endgame content and progress steadily don’t try to rush things. If your friends drag you through old content feat runs and Elite runs well you’ll eventually get a lot of hate for others if you keep failing your role and you’ll eventually burn out. Honestly if you left the first time what’s to say you won’t leave now? OP probably isn’t even watching their thread they probably left again but this is advice to all new players or returning. I’m just spitting facts and if people are like oh yeah do this this this and this instead of just telling you to do what you can they’re out of touch with the new playerbase obviously. It’s a huge hill to climb DCUO just be careful to not roll down it. ;)
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  12. Aren Sul Committed Player

    As someone who once studied/taught Cognitive Psychology, I think this is excellent advice.
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