I love DCUO so can you remove the stat clamp already?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by llllDeathstroke, Aug 21, 2022.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    That fruit metaphor is not correct. “I like apples” so you say “so that means you like all fruit”. Then I say “I didn’t say I like all fruits”.

    Give it to you to straw man a metaphor… Just because I stated that EEG could help players learn mechanics before getting to EG does NOT mean players are incapable of learning anything in EG. Just because I said EEH could help players learn mechanics before getting to EG does NOT mean it will teach all players in EG.

    Your constant need to straw man the argument to meet this agenda you claim to not have is starting to get a bit pathetic tbh. Not sure how much more simple I can make it. You keep trying to twist things into something else just to grasp at anything to have an argument.

    An environment that encourages mechanics to be learnt will ALWAYS be better than an environment that rewards ignoring mechanics. The first is objectively and factually better for teaching for the very simple reasoning of following mechanics makes it easier to do the run.
  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Nah, the metaphor is correct as I wrote it. You have to add the word 'all' to make it incorrect. There IS an implication that you do like fruit from liking apples. And it's a correct one as again...apple is a fruit.

    Anyway. I'll stop replying to you for now. I'll just watch you continue to make your 'could mean anything...yet can mean nothing' statements. While I appreciate your contribution to driving for 400 pages, even I have a limit to how much banging my head against a wall I can manage. Besides, when your main rebuttal for everything is 'strawman', it grows tiresome for the reader, and I'm all about not being boring at least.

    Enjoy your week.
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  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yes you’re right. Adding all does turn it to an incorrect statement. Which is exactly what you have been doing this whole time. I never stated you could never learn in EG. You tried to claim I did. I never stated everyone would be good in EG by doing EEG. That was another statement you did. You keep changing my statements in order to fit your agenda (which once again you claim to not have).
  4. Strife® New Player

    Relatively new player here, played for a bit before stat clamp and came back a week ago. I don't mind the stat/CR clamp too much, but I wanted to increase my skill points that I can obtain in open world, like kill bosses X times etc, basically I wanted to do feats that I dont need a group for (or so I thought) only to find out Im CR clamped there too. Now that effin sucks *** no matter how you wanna swing it. Finding groups to do world bosses is next to impossible in older content (first 20 episodes).

    So if there's anything I'd like to see changed in regards to CR clamping is to disable it completely in open world. It creates too much needless friction when trying to do grindy feats that require a group imo. Either that or reduce the number of times to kill a boss/do an objective.
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  5. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    There was a thread questioning the need for a clamped open world but the naysayers said NAY! And the clamped open worlds will stay.

    A reduction in the number of times to kill a boss or perform an objective is a reasonable request. I'm certain the naysayers will find a flaw in this request and say NAY!
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  6. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    It was 10 days ago when this thread hit 300.

    Now on page 328.

    Just want to point out too all the [PLAYERS] who complain when this thread gets resurrected by someone... usually me, as a joke...

    This is obviously still a hot topic that people feel passionate about.... and you're half the reason we're on page 328.

    So thank you,... and
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  7. Strife® New Player

    If some want to scrutinize my opinions, they are welcomed to do so. All I can do is voice my opinion from a perspective of a new-ish player. I'm always open to opposing views as long as good arguments are presented. At the end of the day, its quite possible that two players, one new and one vet can have opposing views and both to be equally valid, I don't think differing opinions need to be mutually exclusive or one to be true and the other false, both can be true [or false] at the same time.

    Come to think of it CR clamping isn't the real problem per se, its the effect it has on feats or rather the time required to get the feats. I see it as a needless friction that probably doesn't need to exist, at least not to this degree. So attacking this problem from either direction, be it removing CR clamping from open world or restructuring feats to get them faster will work.
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I believe a reduction in number of times to do X for a Feat or complete an objective is a reasonable, prudent request that should be given serious consideration by the Company. The Feat(s) may need to reflect the change in number of times to complete it, but other than that I can’t see any kind of downside or where anyone would have a point of contention against it.
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  9. Plowed In Loyal Player

    This just seems unnecessarily combative. At the end of the day, everyone should feel free to express their concerns, especially when there are a range of solutions/alternatives.

    None of us decide what actually happens, and I’m sure they see all feedback (that’s relevant). As a consumer, sometimes it’s difficult to see all the limitations that a company has - be it tech/budget/system/etc.

    They share as much as they’re comfortable, and if you’ve been around as long as some of us…you remember some of the previous explanations or discussions. I think some of the newer players see that as “being a shill,” but at least from my perspective, I try to share what I’ve previously learned so you can reassess and possibly adjust your own expectations…rather than continue to be met with disappointments.
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  10. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Here’s a link to open world bounties that a single person can do if they try. However, I am not certain your issue is with difficulty doing a bounty but time consumption, am I right or wrong?

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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I don’t see anything combative with my response. Naysayers did say nay to removing the clamp on open world.
  12. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Alternatively, add counter feat weeks (maybe as part of Episode Spotlight), where each kill adds 10x rather than 1x.

    There’s precedence for this with the LPVE weeks (just not sure if they are able to extend the “instance counter done” way it registers over to individual bounty kills…maybe that’s the limitation).

    As far as I remember, they’ve never adjusted downward any counter feats once they’ve gone live. Correct me if I’m wrong!
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  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

    They are designed as group endeavors and not solo missions. They have been scaled down from raid bosses to alert bosses (8-man groups to 4-man groups).

    I would recommend setting a long goal here on these (1 a week over a long period of time). Joining a league or finding a group to persistently tackle these may help!

    Have you done all your solo feats already?
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It wouldn't even need to be that drastic. A 2x week would do the trick even.

    Personally I have all the counter feats and wouldn't object to the idea, however I know some have issues with making the feats 'easier' to get done.

    The only counters I know of dropping were the PvP map run counts, but no OW bounty counts.
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  15. Alushaun Well-Known Player

    328 pages

    Seems worth taking another look at stat clamping.
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  16. Aiden_Warren Well-Known Player

    Why would you take personal about someone of millions and millions that always takes personal.

    I really don't understand why respond to what people say and why take personal about ppl taking personal. There's evil people criminals all around us and we won't say a word to them for their very wrong doings but we wanna say someone to someone online that's not breaking any laws any coming and cruel crime and not hurting anyone.
    The Universe sure isn't giving us a hard time for having disbeliefs and personal views against the existence of actual higher power out there.
    They don't care about what our views are.

    I'm not trying to be in any way negative, who care? Millions of ppl are toxic, if that's what your view on Tiffany. But none of us are innocent ourselves.
    Also, I wouldn't go on speaking negative about someone, you're risking of an on game ban. Toxic is not tolerated on dcuo social media, forums, Twitter and discord.
    She hasn't been negative, said anything negative about anyone. She's been actual tolerant.
    The thing is, who cares.
    My advice to some people. Stay to yourself, go to work, take care of wife and kids, always be positive, keep that very world you got going with your family and don't worry about people and anything going on that has nothing to do with you and your family. There is the actual world is all crazy things going on in life and there's there world of just husband, Wife, kids and work and that world is their own and not following the actual world. They have their own reality.
    Really you are risking an on game suspension or eventually a ban.
    But in my experiences im sure that more men who are married understands.
    Truth is, it's not just her, it's millions of ppl and also many women don't give a reality care of what the world says and goes by, they go by their own nind of life with their family.

    I'm telling you there were some very toxic players back then they really did damage. Who really argued and insulted players for their own personal negative views of things.

    The people on the forums now are far from that. Really should look at the infamous of dcuo videos.
    I'm telling you from experience and just hear me im telling you this just looking out because I know that a ban really hurts. You don't want that.
    I was myself a very infamous person back then of this game
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  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Yarp, numerous times, in many different ways
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  18. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Doubling or tripling the credit for killing one open world boss to make the feats easier is like giving antidotes to someone who won't stop drinking poison. Yeah, it'll work, but maybe it'd be healthier to just take away the poison.

    Feats like these are always grindy. But the grind should never be begging for help. Let people progress to the point where they can pursue feats alone, especially on low population servers, during down times, or when you feel like some mindless button pushing alone time.
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  19. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Tbh clamping open world never made much sense, as those bosses have never been "glitched" from overburn (as far as im aware or ever remembered).

    Unless they were afraid of it possibly happening in the future? Or it could have been implemented just merely to match the rest of the content in terms on fairness and/or so players don't ask why the instances are clamped but not the open world.

    The world may never know.
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  20. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Bingo! It’s about having an even feeling between the open world and instanced content. Otherwise players would constantly be rubber-banding back and forth between friction and no friction…
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