Change Hero or Villlan Side token

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xCypharr, Jul 10, 2023.

  1. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    I have seen it and posted it in there before too. Unless it is the current content or EEG, usually you need league or friends to run any older content.
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  2. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    Those Style Feats became cross-Faction with HoL. When I bought Expert Marksman on Jade from.. whomever-the-PvP-Style-Vendor-in-HoL-is.. and used the 1st, every previously Villain exclusive Feat popped.
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  3. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    There are hero/villain style feats that are still exclusive such as the feats for Gotham Knight and Vengeful Surgeon.
  4. Red Wáve Well-Known Player

    Really? O.O

    Are those PvP Styles?

    I do recall the Vendor PvE Styles in both Sons of Trigon and War of the Light I being added to the Episode List, as well as seeing Ancient Divine Sorceress and 2 or 3 Sets from HoP popping.

    I assumed it was all of them, my bad.
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes those two are PvP styles. There are some others that I can't think of off the top of my head.
  6. OdieBadger Well-Known Player

    I have several villain toon I don’t play anymore, but if I can convert them to a hero I would.
  7. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Sounds like a solid revenue generator.
  8. Multiverse Creator League

    They would probably make a bit of cash..... but it would kill the Villains side.

    So.... would that really be worth it??
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Considering how A LOT of people are now getting to a level of toxicity, to make a point of an actual league requirement to turn Task Force X off as to not help the villain side whatsoever... I don't think they care...

    Edit: I forgot to mention the major amount of flack I've been getting in-game for trying to spread awareness of my Cross-Faction Grouping thread... The hate is real... (Xbox)
  10. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I sure as hell don’t want a faction change . I refuse to play on hero side. I know quite a few villains who don’t like hero side because of reasons
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  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Honestly, I think switching factions should actually mean something, so faction-specific feats should remain something a player still has to accomplish if they switch sides. If you've never run the content before, why should you get any feats for it just because you ran something similar on the other side? I'd have no problem with folks being able to use Replay Badges to unlock those feats if they've already accomplished them on an existing character for that faction, as we can do that right now with new characters.

    Besides that? Betraying the Justice League doesn't automatically mean Lex and the gang are just going to welcome you with open arms, as villains do tend to be rather untrusting and self-serving individuals in the source material. Same goes for heroes, as they aren't just going to trust a bad guy right off the bat because they've finally seen the light and escaped the Joker's influence. Part of this is coming from having run SWG's faction system (you could initially only have one character per server and having a system to change factions was deemed necessary to allow players to experience both sides of the main fight), but I think having some kind of system to earn your way into the good graces of your new faction would be a good idea. It might even be a way to make more use of the Renown we get from early tier missions (STAR Labs, LexCorp, Rogues, etc.) and maybe even expand on the use of that to more parts of the game.
  12. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    If the only thing keeping the villain side alive is the lack of options, is it worth worrying about?

    The devs abandoned the villain side years ago, let the players follow suit.
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  13. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    Although many more hero players are immature and a lot less respectful, didn't know players would be that spiteful, the only reason to turn it off is to get the version for your faction, and only if that instance has faction specific feats.
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  14. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    No you wouldn't, I would be there too... laughing at all the chickens pretending to be heroes.

    Heroes are nothing without villains.
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  15. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Pretty sure we on the villain side, dont want the kids on the hero side coming over an mucking up our chats lol hard pass for me
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  16. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I agree but I don't see them doing that. Permanently anyway; Too much at stake. They just make new characters for that, afterall.
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