Test Discussion Save the Universe

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Quixotic, Jun 17, 2022.

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  1. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    we run two all the time as one of ours gets stresed in stressful situations and we never have any issues. I dont get the DPS heavy raids most of the time only 2 of the DPS are any good anyway and the extras are so far behind they would have been put to better use as a alt role.

    we will run two tanks two healers even two trolls if it was needed whatever is required if there is something we are trying to accomplish needs it we don't care about some arbitrary quota of roles

    the dps problem is so many SUCK!!!
    I think it is why so many groups rely on the heavy burn they cant do it with out out burning the mechanics to the point were they can hope to kill whatever it is before they get smashed by their ineptness at staying alive

    stepping out now as I'm not testing this content and forgot the thread I was in when posting
  2. Ergotth Committed Player

    Not sure two trollers are needed, especialy if the tanks and healers have Cyborg as support ally, BUT I do like having two healers in a raid, makes me feel a bit competitive to be the better healer and overall less risky, especialy on raids where the boss forces random players to be "innactive" like Perpetua's soul split or Hades grounding you inside the hallways. Whenever I was solo-healing I had a small panic attack since I couldn't heal my team.
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  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I used to go in with two healers AND two tanks. It wasn’t enough.
  4. Multiverse Creator League

    Played the LexCorp Tower Elite....
    Again once with Quantum.... once with Fire. ;)

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  5. Stamen Dedicated Player

    That's probably my favorite solo mish in the game. Thanks for linking up your run, very nice!
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  6. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    - "Seasonal and Event" should be changed to "Seasonals & Events".
    I would personally prefer you just collectively call them "Time-Limited Events" or "Short-Term Events", but at least use "&" to be consistent.

    - Seeing double at Change Difficulty atm, but the important thing is that
    they should be called "Classic Normal" "STU Normal" "STU Elite".
    They are not eVeNt/ nOrMaL/ eLiTe. That is a gross misrepresentation of entry requirements and MUST be changed.
    General players have already been confused which is what last year. We don't need more of that.

    And to those of you expecting normies to understand "EEG Normal":

    - Is it possible to show the health bar of Lexcorp Datascans?

    - Trim down Base Camp Alpha requirements from 5 to 3, at least for the Normal versions.
    It's already time-wasting enough for people who don't know how to taunt.

    ! Important !
    Doomsday Form for players remains broken and this will break the alert, I don't even dare imagine how elite will go.
    The Doctor Richard Cutscene is reverting characters back to their original selves. This is disastrous since we are supposed to face the trio specifically in that strengthened-up form. Our normal characters are not supposed to be able to withstand them.
    If you're thinking of cheating by just nerfing Richards and calling it a day, aside from not fixing the broken narrative, it is possible for players to cheat and maintain Doomed form even in this broken state.

    I cannot stress this enough:
    Fix. the. Cutscene.
    or if you want another trainwreck I suppose I can't stop you...

    - Lex scientists are not getting one-shotted by Doomsday Form. They are not supposed to be as durable as Doomed Civilians. Nerf.

    - Rally Icons on JLA are now basic cogs. Please update them back to the NPC rally icon.

    - Doomcrazed Civilians and Doomsday in the test tube all feature old models, which is especially jarring when they're next to the new Doomsday model, to the point I rather you keep them as they were rather than a half-*** job of updating the visuals.

    Kandor City Tower:
    - For the Resistance Is Futile aspect of Doomsday, update the role icons with your new shiny multi-coloured ones.
    The monochrome version is very easy to miss, especially when it blends into the background so well, so it's best to swap it out.
    The Blue Troll/ Green Heal/ Red DPS icons would make it easier to notice.

    - Is the Chestguard of Omnipotence (Elite) still being dropped in such content?
    What are the current drop rates and any adjustments are going to be made for the STU versions?
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  7. Telnano Active Player

    Is there a way to get more CR to the Gloves? ATM 317 on live and Test :/
  8. Proxystar #Perception

    I would rather they didn't, this particular iteration of the event isn't about statistical progress above that which already exists within the current DLC.
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  9. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I actually like the idea of the gloves being continued on leveling. If even ONLY the gloves. Perhaps the same pattern of being only 5 levels higher than the current episode OP like last time (357 this time), OR perhaps a few levels higher than the current elite gloves (in which wouldn't be too extreme of an increase). Those that deleted the gloves, if you have the feat(s) already they could easily set up a system to reimburse, repurchase, or re-reward your gloves to the highest tier feat you have gotten (there was a feat for getting them to rank 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25. So, for example, if you only got them up to Rank 15 and got the feat, you can get another pair somehow at that rank). Either way, they weren't very hard to level up. I think it would be very fun to have OP gloves exclusive to STU from now on, or even never having to get rid of them because they will still be relevant every year :)
  10. L T Devoted Player

    I like the gloves continuing also. They could break from tradition and make them not higher than the current episode gear, and just useful in any role (and a bit more useful for some support roles.)
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  11. BumblingB I got better.

    Yeah, the last StU was a replacement for a DLC. It gave a whole vendor that was a half step up from Flashpoint gear. So it was essentially a DLC. Where this iteration is an event to tie players over until next DLC.
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  12. Multiverse Creator League

    Xa Du heals himself on the Live Server even if you keep him away from the yellow light projector.

    You can still defeat him..... but he does heal himself quite a bit.

    Although... this being Elite.... maybe it is intended??
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    I don't know if the devs working on StU stuff looks here and there doesn't seem to be a Dev Discussion Feedback thread. So here goes.

    Solo elite is probably a tad too over tuned. Thankfully I completed the feats last year.
    The regular alert's Last Boss needs a tuning pass. If you don't have a healer you are sol. I did not play this instance much and wasn't here on original launch, so I think this is always been the case and should be adjusted. It's too prohibitive for a daily alert clamped or not.
    Elite raid. The crystal doesn't cleanse Superboy like almost half the time. In some cases it bugs out and you can't cleanse him at all. Doomsday's shard attack hits in not the direction he's looking. Like he will face you, the animation goes over your head and the people behind him die like they were the ones targeted.
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  14. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Also Doomsday's Adaptive Resistance fails to show up on-screen AND in chat box 80% of the time, leading players to have to rely on visually seeing his AoEs before knowing it's active. Simple to get around, but annoying not being able to know if it's still active or not.
  15. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    Could something be done about Zod's fire pools sharing the same graphics with fire players' Inferno power? So many times I roll away from one of those fire pools only to find out it is from one of the group's dps, and then when the next pool appears it is the real deal.

    Actually, not just with KCT Zod, but many old bosses could really have their fire pool updated to either have the "red danger" circle on them or just be recoloured to be more red. or maybe it's time to make player fire be blue
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  16. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Since devs updated the spike wave attack, maybe update this too?
    The attack names are [Fire Field] on the 1st boss and [Infernal Eruption] on the 2nd.

    Also, why is there an unannounced schedule change?
  17. Korlick Loyal Player

    I dont know if its related to the STU Event or if it has been broken long before this, but Smallville speed feat is not working.
  18. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Reminder: Kct fire pools would benefit from a colour update.

    Smallville: The Society's rally cog aren't the proper green ones.

    DWFe: Superman appears to have a rally limit for some reason?
  19. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    It is also time for Lashina's Whip Deflection to be a skull move.
    I've seen it wipe groups in seconds multiple times now since it's not easy for everyone to spot it in time.
    A skull icon can really help people with that.
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