How to exhange money?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by I00III0, Mar 18, 2022.

  1. I00III0 Active Player

    I want to move a large amount of money from one of my characters to another. I know you can't do that by email anymore. Can I trade the money to my friend, for her to trade it back to my other character later? I'm a member. Does she have to be a member too, for this to work?
  2. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Yes you can trade to a friend and have them trade back. Obviously only do it with someone trustworthy. And yes both players have to be members
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  3. I00III0 Active Player

    Thank you!
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Unless you want to move it between a Villain and Hero toon...yes. As Deity said, grab someone you trust (both of you being members) and do the trade. If you need it to move between factions, the only way right now is to do a high ticket broker trade (999,999,999 Ancient Vellum anyone?), which unfortunately means you lose 5% to the broker. List the item on the toon that needs the money, buy it on the toon that has the money.
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  5. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Actually did not know this. Never actually tried trading with a villain
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I does not work. You also can't use a opposite faction portable workbench. Had to salvage some stuff while waiting for an OW bounty...shouted 'Anyone have a workbench trinket they can pop?". Hero popped one, but I was on a go.
  7. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    just one more reason they need to get on with the merging of factions
  8. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Or just come up with a way to transfer money between characters on the same account, like we used to be able to.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    At a minimum, if you are grouped up in an instance you should be 'allies' at least temporarily. Trade still doesn't work in an instance...but supply drops and heals/POT do whereas they do NOT in OW. So there is some trigger that knows you are allied up situational. I'd be fine queuing in as a villain with a buddy, then swapping toons and getting invited back in to the instance to enable V to H trades.

    I mean doesn't really matter to me right now, as I'm off membership, but when I am subbed it would be nice not to have to pay the 'tax' on moving my cash.

    We need to revolt against the unfair tax and dump crates of exobytes into the Boston harbor maybe.
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  10. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    this issue is much deeper than just money transfer
    play any part of open world and you will see the issues
    as a villain you can be working on a bounty by your self
    a hero will see you and might want to help but they cant so they just fly on and there will be a constant stream of heroes but the rare chance of a villain coming along
    and vise versa
    we see a hero drop we cant pick them up
    we cant offer a supply drop

    older content when people are scarce anyway the population gap exacerbates the issue further.

    the idea that we are different is laughable at this point all the content past lvl 30 is the same outside of a few outliers

    they have killed PVP phase so that reasoning is pointless now

    they have allowed the purchase of all the hero and villain styles
    they have merged us into a shared area (house of legends)
    only diehards avoid it at this point

    we are all in this metaverse together all fighting for the same end goals.

    they have merged most of the feats and other barriers to a merge

    the need to


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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    My pitch would still be a 'cash' slot in the shared bank you could deposit to on one toon, then withdraw on the other toon. You could still make it a member benefit so it's 'like' it used to be, but kinda different. Pooled cash across the whole account would change for everyone, not just members.
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  12. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    They might as well at this point.
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