Shaded Comic Material

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by I00III0, Mar 11, 2022.

  1. I00III0 Active Player

    How do I get the Shaded Comic Material? I don't see it in the broker, and apparently it was in a Booster Gold Bundle back in 2020. Is there another way to obtain it nowadays?

  2. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It wasn't from a bundle back in 2020, it was in the most recent Booster Bundle we had. The reason you don't see it on the broker is because the selling price for the Shaded is well above 1 bil, probably even 2 bil at this point in time, so you only see it circulating through Trade.
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  3. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    Its Selling For A Very High Price It'd Be A Joke If It Was In The Broker
  4. I00III0 Active Player

    So how do I find it off the broker? Do I shout for it in the chat window? I don't ever use the chat window, so I'm not familiar with local methods other than the broker and market place.
  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Hey, don't forget the forum is multi-platform :p
    The Shaded Comic is available for sale on Xbox (via community) still, but I haven't seen it placed on the broker since my last one sold for 60mil. However, if you happen to be on Xbox, I know a few people who are still selling them.
  6. Atrocuis_ Well-Known Player

    To Be Honest You Jus Go To Enable Trade Chat In Settings
    & Well You Jus Shout It In Trade
    Want To Buy (WTB)Shaded Comic Material

    But They Are Going For A High Price i Think You Can Still Get One Cheap For What Its Worth Around 1.7 Billion

    It Was A Smash Hit Material Everybody Wants It
    Looks Really Good On Anything

    Beware Tho The Longer It Takes To Get
    The Higher The Price Its Gonna Be Adventually

    Good Luck
  7. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Also beware...Every "I gotta have that item!" sooner or later gets an almost as good knockoff. Or something else comes around which you may think is even better. And that material is suddenly never used again.
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  8. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    The only way right now is the broker. You will probably find it for not less than 1.7bil and remember it was a exclusive item, which means its only going to get more expensive from here.
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    If you're on the US server you aren't going to see that material on the broker, you can only get it through direct trade. The starting price for that item has been around $2 billion.