What Allies Are You Running And Why?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Dead Reckon, Oct 5, 2021.

  1. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    i tested all of the allies on both single target and multi target sparring targets on the test server at max rank and cyborg did the most damage of all of them
  2. Requake Dedicated Player

    I guess you didn't get it, I mentioned a pretty specific scenario, where the house of legends bot attacks a boss, for some reason (bug?) it deals double ticks.

    I actually went to test this on lvie right now;

    At max level House of legends bot's hits do over 25k damage on average, there's 11 in total counting for 275k damage.
    As the ticks get doubled on a boss, this turns out to be 550k damage

    Cyborg just did 5x 125k on average equaling to 625k damage.

    So yes, in theory Cyborg is stronger, BUT to my knowledge cyborg has the ability to actually miss his target when it moves
    If it misses one, the bot will outshine Cyborg.

    In a realistic secnario, specifcally on a boss that moves, I'm pretty sure the bot will outshine Cyborg as long as said boss will stay in range of the bot's beam attack.
  3. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    i wasn't aware of this bug and i'm sure it will be patched soon anyways so i would still stay with cyborg for damage
  4. gemii Dedicated Player

    Is Nubia worth it for a control role as a passive?

    Do I specifically have to kill the add for the buff to proc


    Can I hit the add and let the group kill add and then the proc will still happen?
  5. BYSIS Well-Known Player

    For my ice tank, I run Oracle as combat(cuz I'm too lazy to get cyborg atm) and for my passives, I run Nubia, (Block heals) and The Fatman who LoLs(random card buffs)
  6. Deathsaurus Well-Known Player

    Zoom before, and now Batman Who Laugh, because i'm a Villain.
  7. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    I use Nubia as my attack (the heal helps), or cyborg of I'm not worrying about heal. Passive: Batman who laughs (the cards and finisher are nice) and Oracle (because I'm cheap and don't want to repair gear). If Nubia is being used for attack, I'll put cyborg in place of Oracle for better power, then Oracle back in to repair my gear.
  8. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I am using Cyborg as my attack and Orcle as my support, but, for some reason, I can't equip a second support ally.
  9. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Just wanna clear something up that I was mistaken about and others seem to be to,
    HoL bot isn’t bugged or broken, it clearly states in its tool tip (now) that it does double damage on bosses.
    Batman also does double damage with his aoe attack but not his single target.
    This is why HoL bot outshines every other ally in the combat role.
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  10. Smashbang Wallop Well-Known Player

    I am guessing BMWL will be 2nd passive for most of my toons (DPS or otherwise) once I have him, but that is gonna take a looooong time as I'll probably just grind it out in game.

    "Baby" toons have Calc in attack at zero and that's it, can't be arsed to level on them.

    Pretty much all my DPS "big" toons and healers use HoL attack and Cyborg passive, with the odd switchout on some content....
    Don't really have a generic 2nd passive for DPS, haven't bothered on most toons
    Pretty much all my support "big" toons use calc attack (most at zero :p) and both HoL and Cyborg passives on troll/tank.
    Buff troll uses HoL attack, Cyborg passive and Nubia #2 passive

    HoL is just too great for single target boss damage, but if there are multiple mobs out then your guess is as good as mine which gets targeted. Seems to stop attacking on some content when going into stealth/invis.

    Cyborg attack is only top damage if you're able to position him so his attack is able to bounce off a wall and come back on your target(s). Positioning in itself before calling him can lose you big damage, so I don't bother.
  11. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    To equip an ally for a passive skill, this ally must be raised to the level from which the passive skill begins - for a rare it is level 3, for an epic it is level 4 and for a legendary it is level 4 and 6.
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  12. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Cyborg for attack and flash and zoom for support because i like the extra speed.
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  13. Max Maximus Well-Known Player

    I changed the order of my allies: Cyborg for damage, Flash for move and Calculator for heal. I liked the mobility that Flash provides.
  14. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Mental DPS/Battle/Buff Troll - HoL w/ cyborg and bat who lols
    Atomic Tank - HoL w/ cyborg and calc. Considered nubia and/or diana but their tank buffs are fairly restricted, and successfully pulling isn't going to happen on a lot of bosses, while nubia's block requirement means she will not proc as effortlessly as calc. May eventually get diana, or just defense with FP batman.
    Celestial Healer - HoL w/ cyborg and calc, but if they do a good healing passive I'll switch.
  15. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Batman who laughs has a nice support passive. For atomic tanking it has the health boost which helps and the stat buffs that also helps. Unfortunately the crits and power regen aren’t as useful for atomic as they would be for a power like fire tanks.

    For a healer it’s the stats buff and the crit buffs that help. The health buff is nice but not as needed and the power regen is helpful too.

    As you know, it’s cards are random so sometimes you’ll get lucky and other times you won’t
  16. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    I never have power issues on my healer, even before cyborg passive, and while the rest is ok, it's not good enough for me to spend 300k ally favor. Crits are great, stats are good, the other 2 are...ok? That's not enough for me. DPS side the crits and stats are obviously good, but I don't need power and health is not bad, but not amazing.

    Kind of a similar situation with Atomic, where the Health and Stats are are both great, but the crits and power regen are meh.

    As my Mental toon when Buff Trolling, I utilize all 4 buffs, and DPSing they're all great except health. So, essentially I'm using 7 of 8 possible buffs in both roles as mental, but only 4 of 8 with atomic or celestial. To me, 7/8 isn't luck, it's statistics, but yeah 4/8 is just 50/50 meh.
  17. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    HoL bot for that sweet sweet double damage ST boss damage
    BMWL because seriously? That might and crit is too good to pass up
    Nubia because what else u gonna use as a might dps? Power not an issue if u know what r doing so cyborg is great but why would any might dps pass on more might AND the whole group if close enough gets the buff too making everyone better