Doctor Fate's Daily Rewards - November 2021

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 1, 2021.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager



    November arrives with new rewards! Remember, each day you log in this month (before December 1) unlocks rewards - from stabilizers and source marks to the new Fate and Destiny currencies.

    This month's gear features the Enhanced Son of the Manta Style, inspired by Aqualad from the Atlantis episode.

    And log in at least 21 days this month to claim the new Two-Toned Cape Box (member only), featuring a new two-toned version of a classic, split, and tattered capes.


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  2. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

  3. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    Congrats to all the robin inspired toons out there, that two toned cape is gonna serve them well.

    The enhanced son of manta style feels underwhelming to me; but maybe someone like Snowy can do something cool with it and I'll change my mind.

    Thanks for keeping up with these monthly rewards guys.
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  4. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    This is a big let down the enhanced style can easily be gotten off the broker now with unlimited cash and the three capes are from the character creator from the beginning of the game years ago and the effects can be done with most materials already .
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  5. The Owl New Player

    Are the capes frome the Two-Toned Cape Box gonna be unlockable for every characters on account ?
  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Just to clarify, the cape box is all three not just one, correct?
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  7. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Yes and yes.
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  8. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    Honestly, I like the updated versions of the older capes.
    There are a lot of older styles that would be nice to have as "enhanced".
    I get that some existing enhanced styles are going to be used at the beginning but I hope to see some original styles as well down the line.
    Especially in months where seasonal aspects come into play.
    Overall, this month's log in styles aren't that bad.
  9. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Asked and answered.
  10. Multiverse Creator League

    Awww.... already made my video. :(
    i would have included them pictures. ;)
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  11. nawanda Loyal Player

    The Dr Fate helmet will have sold a few memberships. This won’t.
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  12. Boss Dark Side Well-Known Player

    Two-toned capes! Sweet! My Batgirl toon is very happy.
  13. bubble New Player

    Could anybody please tell me the name of this hairstyle? Thanks in advance :)
  14. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I stand by what I said . The enhanced Aqualad style is easy to get as drops or off the broker . The three capes are old style that clip terribly and with the amount of materials we have in the game the "effect" is easy to get .
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  15. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    a two-tone tattered??!!! oh, you beautiful beautiful people! it will be mine!!!
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  16. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    1) Cool? Already mentioned its valid feedback if not narrow but yeah, cool.

    2) Easy for You to get or buy. I'll look out for those $50 postings so. Thanks for volunteering, its appreciated.

    3) Still couldn't possibly be more false but i'll take it thats why you skipped past the question that was put to you. Remind me again though, i'm gonna want a cape thats bright pink on the outside and deep orange on the inside, which material should I be failing to buy because they're either overpriced, not available anymore or especially in this instance, don't exist?
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  17. Aduzar Light Dedicated Player

    For the time being, November's rewards are more motivating to unsubscribe than to subscribe. I hope December will be more amazing than this...

    Doctor fate's helmet is magic, but here, recycling...
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  18. PhilOsyfee Active Player

    So just letting folks copy paste Dr Fate's head on themselves isn't? I understand it's not an Iconic item, but don't treat the other things as though they were top notch either. A trio of floating jpegs doesn't really motivate me to sub either.
  19. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    Since you guys are getting back to work on capes, why don't you make them look like they do on Superman? I mean, more fitted to the neck, dunno if I made myself clear...
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  20. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Jeez, I bought the Enhanced Son of Manta style from the broker in August...

    Ahhhh! Oh well, now two of my other characters get it too, lol.