One long time players opinion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Apollo Starr, Aug 28, 2021.

  1. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Your initial point that I replied to was that players who's ideal was to one shot enemies and feel super strong were imposing their will on those who wished otherwise. The point I made when replying was that by doing the exact opposite instead of finding a better median, you're having the same effect on the other side of the fence. This system would not receive the same backlash if the stat clamp was an optional element and players could choose between both.

    I mean... good for you for being unaffected by these changes? I don't see how your skills are of any relevance to our discussion,
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  2. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I swear I saw in the tab that says "change difficulty". Anyways you can't have both that is why testing was available. I was there and in the beginning both sides were upset at how absurb the changes were. The devs rectified that by adjusting the numbers and now there is some form of SUPER to those who are end game players. Players were testing both as low cr and high end crs. Lets be honest here a number of players totally disregard mechanics because they are at end level they feel they shouldn't need pay attention to mechanics. I'm really scratching my head if this game is a single player campaign or an MMO there sure are a lot of players voicing their opinions on only caring about themselves XD
  3. Shalayah Committed Player

    Now that is an applicable argument and I do agree with you on that note. However I do think removing relevancy solves a big issue for players who felt no need to run old content. You can farm source marks out of them, and there are feats attached to running save the universe. While it’s not a permanent fix. It does give players something to do even after maxing out gear without the tedious bounties.
  4. Spider Jerusalem Well-Known Player

    Must be an awful burden constantly worrying about the fun other people are or are not having.
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  5. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    You could have both actually, it works in other MMOs like World of Warcraft (Timewalking) and it's quite successful. Players disregard mechanics because mechanics have been irrelevant for years, they'll need to adapt but that's why I feel like gradually releasing these changes instead of doing a quick 180 would've been a better alternative. Obviously you can't please everyone but I think a healthier medium could've been reached.

    At the end of the day, people have their own interests at heart, including you and me. We care about ourselves before thinking of others and that's sort of why there's a lot of bickering.
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  6. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    I keep to myself buddy but I do see bullies online and I am one of those people who doesn't mind helping other players I'm just mature enough to have a good heart instead of being a complete jerk not caring about anyone else other than yourself so to those that feel that way, go play a single player game.
  7. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Hmmm I read in another thread that some player was mad because they couldn't beat the paradox waves and it so happens they released all the paradox bosses. Before stat clamp that was easy because no one was stat clamp now that it is players still want to do that but then complain about it completely disregarding how that raid works. The devs could have gradually released these changes as you said but 10 years of content is going to take far far more time than it really is and even then we still have players complaining that there isn't enough content or DLCs are being pushed back.
  8. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    Mature people don't run around telling everyone how mature they are, for one, and they don't run around dismissing the positions of others as immature because they don't understand or agree with them.
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  9. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I totally agree that removing relevancy fixed some issues but unfortunately I think it created new ones. Now there's a lot of time in front of us (Hopefully) for the developers to tweak everything and maybe implement new changes. I don't think players are necessarily upset about the idea of having new things to do after maxing out, I think it's just veterans upset that the effort versus reward ratio is unbalanced.
  10. Red Skeleton New Player

    The OP isn’t mentioning the player drop in episodes, they are referring to the clamped content which can’t be completed such as Flashpoint thus requiring constant running. They just ask how long players are going to be interested in running old content clamped which at first will be fun and feel new but at what point will that feeling wear off and it just becomes a chore, especially when success is not guaranteed as it used to be?

    I also agree no raid should take 100 minutes, or anywhere near that long. Any content can be beat with a group of endgame players with max SP, artifacts, and augments but could it be beat by a full group of at level characters who don’t? I believe that all content should be able to be completed by even a poorly formed group, making it where a decent group is needed for every instance does not help new players as this update is intended.
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  11. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I do think the need to form proper groups should slowly start to be emphasised as you approach endgame, but we’re clamped at a flat 10cr over in everything, so this update fails on that count in my opinion.
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  12. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    This is why I keep saying that instead of having a permanent stat clamp, the developers should have made it so every week (or month, or day), certain episodes becoming "clamped" and players can experience them like in the good ol' days and receive unique rewards.

    I'd wager that the reason most people complaining about their inability to finish clamped content is because they're new(er) players. I think it's also easy to forget that not everyone is playing to be challenged, I for one enjoyed running old content and blast through it once in a while by myself just for the sake of having mindless fun.
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  13. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    Strange that my comment is towards someone I'm replying to but you feel entitled to reply to something that isn't even towards you and for what? Attention? To have a voice? I honestly have no idea why you even said those things when what I said is positive. Please point to me where in my comment where I was being immature? I said I'm mature enough to care about others but there are others who don't therefor skips adds and one shots bosses because that how "we roll" as they put it. You said I'm not mature because others don't share my values? Do you mean positive values that can benefit the group. Oh that's right this is a ONLINE game where you have to play with others in alerts and raids. You want to act like a child and a jerk then be sure to be kicked from the group. If you can't take that advice I can only imagine how worse it must be to not follow directions such as blocking when a skull appears or separating from the group when it pops up in the screen.
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  14. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    That does sound like a good idea and wouldn't mind if they went that route but how long do you think that would take. They are already short staffed and having the test server up was really helpful. In this case worth of ten years content, just wow, I can only imagine the chaos they have to scramble in terms of numbers.
  15. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I'm no developer but if they have the ability to clamp everything, I'd wager they have the ability to clamp specific episodes. They do bonus weeks all the time, do the same but clamp certain episodes. Example... Bonus week, episode 1-5 clamped with extra rewards. The rest of the content remains untouched, you rotate which episodes are clamped every week and when episodes fall out of relevancy you add them to the rotation.
  16. Apollo Starr Active Player

    I would prefer to base my opinion on history than speculation. Everyone who believes this will improve the player base is merely speculating. People haven’t learned roles or mechanics for a long time, but now they magically will. I am just saying I hope your right. So far in my runs the first people to leave are the lower players. I guess they figured out there roles and decided to try another raid. As far as LFG, that is what I have always done but now we have the Omnibus. It’s hypocritical to say form a group and teach new players. If everyone is running with their mega sp, over geared, 200 arts, tac swapping league of course it is easier, how are new players supposed to learn.

    i know how the game works, so I don’t need the tutorials. I have my opinion and you have yours. Lastly, it is a video game and should be fun not tedious. We will see how it works out. At least I can save $120 a year, but who cares one of those CR skippers will surely take my place.
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  17. Lovora Liaht Well-Known Player


    I came to a group in Throne of the Dead that was stuck on Ares and the Essence of War. My first go with this group was to see if they already knew the strategy, to see where they were struggling exactly. There was chaos everywhere...we wiped. I explained the strategy to get past it. One out of the 5 DPS players (the only one using a Tank type power, Atomic) refused to switch roles just to perform the easier strategy to win the first fight. That DPS left the raid. Another player came in.

    I explained the strategy again.

    It was very satisfying watching them patiently wait for the Tank to KO the Essence so Ares could be damaged...and they repeated it over and over until the fight was done. It showed me there are players that are willing to learn if you just explain. Not saying all newer players will listen, but some will. (^_^)

    I explained the 2nd boss fight and the statues' attacks to the best of my ability mid fight. Mid fight because I had to visually remember what they did. LOL! We made it.

    Hades...still kinda bugged at the beginning...he still appears invisible at the start of the battle...maybe I should report that. LOL! Anyway, we got past that as well after I added a little guidance.

    I also helped a group stuck in Paradox Wave. I explained every bosses attacks and patterns. We finished the raid.

    They even asked questions, which I answered to the best of my ability.
  18. Apollonia Dedicated Player

    The irony escapes you; this wasn't your discussion and you're not the OP here and you weren't invited to participate in this discussion by the OP either. The lack of self awareness is both astounding, dumbfounding and also an indicator of lacking maturity. And welcome to the forums where when you say something silly, you're probably going to be called out on it.

    I did in my previous replies already.

    And again; no, people who don't play how you want them to are not selfish or immature just because they don't play how you want them to. smdh
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

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  20. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    The very essence of what the clamped and non-locked content is about. This is about giving players who dont know, the ability to know an learn. The old system didnt allow for them to learn be ause we steam rolled and overpowered mechanics. Not now and it's great
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