Community Style Initiative: Call for Suggestions

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 2, 2021.

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  1. Fhrex New Player

    Kingdom Come Green Lantern (or any Kingdom Come costume)
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  2. Controller Devoted Player



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  3. Controller Devoted Player

    Hat tip to ALL of my Wind-Powered Superheroes -

    Samurai from the OLD SCHOOL Justice League


    Red Tornado


    And Finally - Wind Dragon of the Ultimen from JLU series

  4. Ed Burke New Player

    Isn't it about time for a standard Silver Age style suit with calf-length boots, tights and mid-forearm gloves, so fans can design their own Silver Age period costumes?
  5. Dark warlorck Active Player

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  6. Dark warlorck Active Player

    First Born, Classic Circe, Classic Catwoman, Jennifer Morgan, Warlord / Deimos, Killer Frost New 52, ​​Cheshire, Red X, Baroness Paula Von Gunther, Dark Angel, Aby Arcane, Lady Weeds (Machine Queen), Justice Legion, Dark Metal Hero and Villains, Morgan le Fey Armor, Talia and Nyssa al Ghul, Brainiac Tentacles, Designer, New Style of Red Hood, Black Racer, Dark Flash, Prometheus, General Zod, New Style of Ragman, Lord Satanus and his sister Lady Blaze , Mr Nobody, Superwoman, Tala, Mr Sorrow, Copperhead, Papa Midnight, Glorianna Tenebrae.
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  7. DCUO Post Loyal Player

    If you're referring to Alan Scott's Kingdom Come costume. Its already in-game.
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  8. Cartola Roxo_41 New Player

  9. Cartola Roxo_41 New Player

    Hi, I'm Anderson from Brazil and these are my ideas
    Azrael, a character with a very nice look, especially his cape, would also be cool if you put your flame sword as an item too!
    Mr Combustible, unknown villain, but I think his look is very stylish, then his mask would be that shiny head and the helmet the hat
    King of Condiments, character dear to memes, but also a funny and cool look!


    Brilliant Knight, ancient hero, but deserves respect, very cool armor! deserves even an event of the society of virtue!
    Princess Amethyst, another unknown character, but very beautiful and cool, I think it would be a profit to put her on!


    That's it, thanks, bye!
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  10. Magician Dedicated Player

    New 52 Supergirl, Red Daughter, Supergirl skirt if nothing else
  11. Nuclear Man New Player

    Nuclear Man villain full gear suit would be an excellent addition, in my opinion.:)

  12. Thatguysuper New Player

    I would love to see conner's superboy outfits in game either his classic style or even his comic young justice styles or his 2003 teen titans run style
  13. TomShepard Active Player

    Im sorry im gonna do this without pictures.


    -DOOMSDAY set
    -DARKSEID set
    -PARADOOM style from the last movie
    -DR Fate HELMET
    -GREEN LANTERN costume (slimline based,we still dont have Jordan's gloves after 10 years )
    -BLUE BEETLE set
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  14. DCsDamianWayne New Player

  15. Echo Blue Committed Player


    The easiest way to learn how to post pictures from links can be found in the "Help" tab near the very top of these Forums. After you open the "Help" tab, open the "BB Codes" tab, it's pretty self explanatory from there. Basically, you'll just have to type the code "[IMG.]" and "[/IMG.]" at the beginning and end of your image link. (Ignore my periods, they are just inserted so you can see the code) Good luck. And if you're using your phone you may not be able to do it, it's best to use a computer to post a pic.
  16. Whazues Well-Known Player

    i still say to see an inspired by look from a background hero or heroine even a villain or villainess would be amazing they are not as popular like Crimson Fox for the hero side and the Silver Banshee for the villains side one is pretty much agile and the other has a screaming banshee like voice that can kill the longer someone is exposed to her scream and Silver Banshee's style is pretty much like that of an enraged dead singer who got brought back to life through necromancy with the ghostly like attire, skull painted onto the face, a chain like belt with a skull head latching it together. if you look Crimson Fox up in the comic books her outfit style tend to change a bit but mostly the color switching from a copper like brown color to a magenta purple to that of a crimson red with a utility belt that is seen being added in and out because it seems to clash with the slim skin tight suit.
  17. TheBatGODHAHAHA New Player

    Could u guys pls make a style for dectective comics batman or classic cap marvel
  18. Multiverse Creator League

    ??? We already have that style in the game. ;)
  19. zeusskf New Player

    Eu gostaria de algo divine como este algo divino para combinar com poderes celestiais[IMG]
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  20. KonElSupreme New Player

    Please consider the Superboy Kon-El Jacket - Where you can place your symbol on the front AND Back - and if you can licence it, the S-Symbol [IMG][IMG]
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