Are chromas Getting old?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Vuri, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. Vuri Well-Known Player

    First I'd like to express how much I loved and appreciate the implementation of Chromas.

    Coming from someone who has almost any material you can name from Void, Liquid, to Unicorn, to Diamond ect, I find it insane that still 90% of my Materials are Chromas. Most of the time when we get new chromas from TCs or wherever I usually end up getting them (Got all power chromes except terrestrial, and most tc Chromes like Dark, bronze, purple, ect, and even the purple, red, and blue from the first Chroma BB).
    Then I realised we've been getting Chromas for going on 7+ months Back to Back.

    Then today after a couple of days gone, I log in to see a new Booster Bundle (yay right?), then I see yet another 2 Chromas that don't even really look different or unique except now it's 100% the color Red and Blue. Am I the only one getting tired of Chromas? especially in the same ol' tired colors like red or blue , I definitely won't be getting these chromas or any future ones.
    Now we officially have maybe 40+ Chromas after the power chromas (We just got I mind you) now it's only getting repetitive. I'd rather something new or original like a color changeable Plasmic Material or a Radiation Material or Radeoactive Material. Nope- but hey here's 6 more chromes in 1 month.

    Are we ever going to get anything New other than chromas?
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  2. Kanmaru Dedicated Player

    Until I get that Cosmic Chroma Material their job isn't finished yet lol.
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  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I like Chromas, Mostly powerset Chromas. I'd love to think they aren't running out of ideas because there are many materials to explore. But since everyone has materials now, it just doesn't feel unique anymore to wear one, sadly.
  4. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    No, I don't think Chromas aren't getting old. With a Chroma giving different materials or colors to the three color channels on a piece of gear, they provide a lot of variety for Material use on character looks.

    Besides, the number of players chasing Chromas (particularly the one in the current TC) kind of says that others aren't getting tired of them either. ;)
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  5. The Anxient Loyal Player

    The new ones aren't Chromas though. They are just metallic materials
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  6. Vuri Well-Known Player

    See, that's the thing. People are chasing the current Chroma (Neon Chroma) because it's the first and Only Chroma that's color changeable. This is why you almost always see the broker flooded with basic Blue, purple, or red chromas or any color locked chroma and never flooded with Neons, voids, liquids, or even Bio materials.

    A material being color changeable is a Huge plus, especially if its already eye candy. Basically, I still like the chromas but I just want to see less typical red and blues but more color changeables like the Neon. If that's all we're gonna ever get.
  7. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    By "chromas" do you mean a metallic look or do you mean that it's three different materials, each with three variations, which is what I believe a chroma is. The new materials included in the booster bundle are not the latter. Personally, I wish they'd go back and make chroma versions of more older materials like the did with the powerset materials. Since they can't make it so we can map materials to color slots, it's the next best thing.
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  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Thank you for pointing out this VERY important distinction (I mean this sincerely, was just about to do it myself).

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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Sorry OP, right now it looks like it's just you. I get wanting more original stuff like the Neon Chroma and all that. We'll see more of that in the future....but by no means am I tired of Chromas nor do I even think they've gone beyond the surface of other possible color combos. There's still plenty for them to drop, and compared to the "one material to cover them all" styles, Chromas bring a very good amount of variety for the styles we already possess.
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  10. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned how many Avatar of Sin wing styles we now have. I think those are getting old.
  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I'm still waiting/hoping for the smaller size wings we get during the Valentine's Day race.
  12. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    Im tired of them just throwing styles at us in general at the rate they do. Im tired of everything. We dont need more materials and more auras. We need better content. Engaging content. Content that makes me want to log in every day. Not feel like a chore. I have pages and pages or auras and materials ill never use. Everytime they drop a new capsule or bundle it doesn't even phase me anymore. Just more stuff ill maybe collect and never use. We spend more time on cosmetic things than actually making the content better.
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  13. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    ^^^ You need to remember that the art department is separate than the game creation department. No one should ever fault the art department for what they've given us.
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  14. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    I didnt say the cosmetics were subpar. Everything they give us looks well done and is appreciated. Im saying im tired of the relentless parade of cosmetics we get constantly. Its over bearing especially when alot of them have feats attached. Its exhausting and its made me barely care when a new cap or bundle drops. Too much of a good thing...
  15. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    3 is getting old??? o_O:rolleyes:
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  16. Brit Loyal Player

    I believe you are confusing "Chroma", which is a material that populates a different effect into each of the three color slots, with "Chrome" which is just a somewhat shiny or reflective material.

    However, I suppose we should acknowledge that when you look at your list of materials, every Chroma will appear 3 times to cover the 3 different orientations of the chroma, which can give the appearance of having a lot more of them. If you picked up 6 materials from the normal powerset materials, it will appear as 6 entries on the list. Get the same 6 as chromas and you'll find 18 materials on your list, just so that you can change placement.
  17. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    not a big fan of the chromas. nice idea but they never color block the way i'd like them to. theres always something off.

    very hard to get excited about a new material or chroma at this point. we've had so many,
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  18. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I don't think that's the ONLY reason people are chasing it. Some look at the rarity and think, "If I can get one I'll make a fortune off the broker!" Some only want it because it provides some feat points. And speaking personally, I'm after it because it will complement a look on a particular character.

    And speaking personally again, I've found the color changeable Materials okay but nothing I stick with because you tend to lose a lot of item detail when you use them. As frustrating as color-locked materials can be, you still retain a LOT of the finer points of costumes when you use them, while the wrong color choice on a changeable material can turn a costume piece into a blob of color.
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  19. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    hear hear
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  20. OG ELITE Committed Player

    Until the void chroma with 3 tintable pallets is released they’re not getting old.
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