Raids you enjoyed the most.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nicolas Gallardo, Jul 25, 2018.

  1. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    Assault and Battery for me. Good old times!
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    PAN E, it was the perfect balance between normal and elite.

    TTBE was pretty good as well.
  3. L T Devoted Player

    Throne of the Dead! Best. Raid. Ever. All the AF2 raids were great. The FoS ones were good also.

    The Machine and Hive are quite good... maybe not quite AF2 level perfection but I'm personally having lots of fun with them.
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  4. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Fos 1 2 3

    Huge superman fan and being inside the fortress for the first time in.a video game for me was amazing...
  5. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club


    Edit: ew, I thought it was a gif. Oh well
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  6. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    Huge lanterns fan here that explains why my preference ! Yeah Fos were great too!
  7. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    Yeah TotD was pretty good too. Dcuo has pretty good raids. But A&B, man you need some coordination for that raid.
  8. Mazahs Loyal Player

    FOS 2
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  9. SuperBoyPrime91 Active Player

    ZOO and Kandor were the best raids, EVER !!! Okay, Kandor may lose to Bombshell Paradox.

    Jokes aside. ToTD, DOX, DWF, UM and so many others before 2016.
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  10. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    TOTD, I just dislike how it was treated was such a good raid.




    Black Dawn, what can I say I liked going into the open world fighting in the street.

    Heck, I liked vengeance as well before they moved the final boss inside.

    Minus all the exploits in a couple of the raids.
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  11. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    I love almost anything DC puts out with a few exceptions: I just didn't like fighting the starfish, in the small room it messes with my camera too much and i found the fight more about managing my camera than being into the fight.

    I know its popular but i personally didnt like Wave that much either, the rolling pissed me off lol. I liked the other bosses just not the main boss. Also camera issues.

    Cant really think of anything else. Raids are fun when people know what they're doing. I hate how people leave after 2 wipes and have no desire to keep learning about the mechanics and their own power.
  12. Requake Dedicated Player

    So few votes for Paradox, epic odyssey was legendary at the time!
    Right behind Paradox I'm putting Throne elite, god that was fun while solo tanking the adds!

    And I certainly have to mention T4 GOT, back in the day where you could clip hard light for daaaaaaaaaays.. But I don't think it's the raid, more the nostalgia to old school clipping :)
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  13. TestReporter Loyal Player

    AF2 Raids were a blast (ToTD is the best raid in the game. It's amazing how such a small map has more mechanics than almost all of the raids we got in the last months together ), DOX , DWF, UM, HH, LD, FOS 2, LaW wasn't bad. There are so many great raids from 2011-2015 and so little after that...

    I must say the new raids look interesting, but I'm not going to play them anytime soon if ever, the artifacts issue is still not adressed and they are always tossing more P2W into the game, so I'll continue just watching.
  14. ObsidianChill Creator League, Community "Trusted"

    All depends on perspective to me, some raids will be more fun to dps than to tank it etc.
    Most Enjoyable raid to DPS - Gates of Tartarus
    Most Enjoyable raid to Tank - Fortress of Solitude Power Core
    Most Enjoyable raid to Control - Darksied War Factory Elite
    Most Enjoyable raid to Heal - Prime Battleground/Happiness Home Elite
    Most Enjoyable raid for the sense of accomplishment - Paradox Wave
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  15. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    'Enjoyed The Most' is certainly a different category than 'Best Raids," so my answer will reflect only my personal experiences.

    Halls of Hades: There were so many player-facing variables here - like deciding whether or not to take the boots/etc. (not to mention arguing over who gets them) to being able to choose the order in which you defeat the mini bosses. Mechanics that you could skip - as long as you were willing to pay the price. The epic feeling of gathering the ancient items you needed to defeat the final boss - who just happens to be a giant one-shotting dog that chases you around the place, always on your heels and ready to gobble you up in one bite. With Punishers involved, even the trash mobs were dangerous. The whole experience ran the whole spectrum of emotions for me, from knuckle-whitening fights to laugh-out loud wipes.

    Other raids have made me happy in many ways (including the most recent HIVE Reborn Raid), but HoH was the whole package for me.
  16. Tilz Loyal Player

    Halls of Hades. Nothing to argue about!
    Still love the raid and the mechanics.

    Love it when fluffly kills ppl, because all are unable to read the screen (me), lol
  17. Balistical Ice Loyal Player

    Assault and Battery is my all time favorite.

    Paradox Wave
    FoS 3
  18. Dr Improbable Dedicated Player

    Prime Battlegrounds.

    Batcave 1-2-3

    FOS 1-2-3

    Must be nostalgia!
  19. nawanda Loyal Player

    I really like nearly every raid they do. Raids are the best thing about the game. We don’t get enough of them.

    I joined during T6 and the only really poor raids since then have been KCT and DD, in my opinion.
  20. Emerald Vibe Committed Player

    Gates of Tartarus
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