DCUO Bank Problem

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by 0riginal R0CKET, Feb 9, 2018.

  1. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Not that I disagree with the suggestion....but I HAVE to ask...why are you hoarding the vault gear:eek::eek::eek:??? They aren't tradeable (not even on the account)...and there's no value in them sitting in inventory/bank unattuned. I'm just curious to know what's behind all of this since i'm not seeing the bigger picture here.
  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    There is a certain amount of bank and inventory space that comes with being legendary. It goes away when you downgrade to premium even if you've bought the max amount of space.
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  3. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

    I use the gear to help progress my alts. I run content when I need a piece to progress I use them. The vault gear helps to make-up for long q times and bad drops. I find it most helpful in AF3 content. AF3 does not have many gear drop opportunities and it takes between 3 and 4 full sets of gear to advance to the next DLC. You can't completely advance with just green gear but it helps.
  4. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Use that gear or salvage it..... What the heck, man? Hoarders don't have the right to complain about space lol.
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  5. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Found that out the hard way years ago lol. Ugghhhh
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  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Have you tried putting them in the shared bank, league bank or sending by mail to your alts? Give it a shot. Besides even if you could trade to an alt (which you can't), why not put them in said alt's bank for now? Should give you 6x the storage space....again, if you could trade them.

    If you are saying that this is an alt, holding on to all of them makes no sense, unless you are running the vault over about 7 months, I count about 77 items, at 1 vault run every 3 days without doing anything else is a long time to just run vault.

    Funny enough I agree with the idea though, just not for the same reasons. I have lots of other stuff I'd like to keep in my bank, like certain base items (also do not stack), or collections (also do not stack), that I save for when I decide I need them or want to give them to someone else. Luckily those will mail or go into an alt bank, so it's not as big of an issue, but stacking would be nice on all like items regardless of your hording of 180 gear. Guess if they stacked too much, they'd sell less inventory/bank upgrades.

  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I can give you one example that might work. I have a toon which was in the 140CR range when AF3 dropped. That's when this +1 gear started and I think the high CR from the old style gear was 174 or 175 from DWF/RIP drops. I have been sitting on the drops from AF3, Goons, AoJ, E3 etc... while they were on preview. I sit on that gear for now. Until I get this toon mostly DFW/RIP geared, I'll only burn 1 or 2 pieces to fill in a mask or ring or whatever. I run her occasionally and get the vault drops too when I run vault, and when I hit the top DWF/RIP CR or close to it I'll open all that gear like a maniac and hopefully go up 20 CR right away vs having to re-run AF3, Goons, AoJ, E3, etc...just to get these same pieces again. HOWEVER, if my bank space were looking like the OP's I would burn a piece or 2 to fill in my 'lowest' CR piece as I went. And like you said, once you hit 180 gear, the vault gear is worthless....agreed, attune and salvage at that point (more like sell though as most of it salvages for scrap, not mats).

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  8. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    TIL vault gear is tradeable to alts.
  9. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Also, it would be nice if they expanded and give us more inventory slots for bank, shared bank, and personal inventory. Maybe even give us storage slots for bases.

    Now the ps3 is by the wayside bring on more inventory slots all around.
  10. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

    This guy gets it.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Uh...I'm down with the theory, but if you are only running the vault, you won't get the other gear, and if you've been running other content, even vanilla game content for the 7 months it would take to rack up all those vault pieces, you should be at a level where you've maxed your theoretical dropped CR, like say after fully gearing to T4 drops from the duos. Just in the interest of science, on this alt that you screen capped the inventory, what's the CR currently? And I'm assuming this is an alt and that you weren't saying you would trade these pieces to a new alt, not yet created?

  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    THAT was my point. If you have so much of the same piece.. like 8 helms... in your inventory instead of coming here and asking to be able to stack armor use SOME of the stuff up to make room. Looking at the pic he included....

    As I mentioned he has eight helms in his inventory and another 2 in his shared bank. Now no one can have more than 8 armories anywhere and as i also mentioned unless you have special builds for all sorts of things .. MOST of us have 1 DPS and 1 Support build... those that PVP a lot probably have an added 1 DPS (pvp) build and 1 Support (pvp) build. That at most requires 4 of any piece of armor.. WHY not increase the Cr of the armor you have on RIGHT now with those other 4? and free up room in BOTH inventories. Heck the guy has 15 rings... I count 8 trinkets, 6 masks, and an assortment of other armor.. best part is the there isn't anywhere near as much of the stuff that REALLY ups your CR .. I'd be saving Chests and Legs and Shoulders and Helms (but not 8 of them LOL) Not trinkets.

    Also do you notice he he also has one piece of furniture and one emblem in his inventory. WHY? click the furniture and add it to your base inventory or give it to an alt that can use it or SELL it if you have no use for it. Same with the emblem.. Holding on to that will not increase its effectiveness just click the thing and get it into your style menu. He's a horder.. heck look at the Nth metal... Sure if I am out running missions for a couple hours I just let that build up and deal with it before I log off but 84 pieces of one type? That's not from running missions for a while .. that's just not using the stuff NEWS FLASH.. that artifact adds to your stats at every single level so HORDING a huge pile to use and jump up 15 levels at one time just means.. you denied your alt some added stats for days until you got all the metal you needed to make that HUGE jump.

    Sorry but everything I see points to the OP hording .. easy way for him to get around lack of space is to just USE stuff as he gets it. hey I have held onto unattuned gear myself for a while until the armor i had on was better so that unattuned stuff would make an even bigger and better difference.. but NOT 8 or 10 of one single piece.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I wasn't disagreeing with you really, but you seemed to not believe there was any reason to keep a lot of unopened gear lying around. I just gave you one that works for me but I'm legendary on that toon and have plenty of space still. And I think the OP made it pretty clear that this was all unattuned gear. I doubt those are 8 different attuned helms and so on you are seeing(if that's the case, dude is straight nuts). As for the Nth metal, he might be at a breakthrough point and does not have the cats yet. I've been in the same situation before...or maybe he's topped at 100 (doubtful if he's only really running vault runs), and does not have the MoV for a 2nd artifact yet. Or maybe he's a genius and was somehow waiting for the unannounced double Nth metal bonus this weekend so he can double up...who knows? Not really the point of the discussion.

    I'd agree that if you are that tight on space, offload what you can to an alt, but 1 or 2 slots won't really make a difference, but you can clear the space up, even if you just mail that stuff to an alt and in 60 days have it sent back to you unclaimed. There are also several reasons you might want to sit on an emblem vs dropping it, assuming he's already applied the style and gotten the feat. Most common emblems are pretty much worthless while a time capsule is current and become worth much more (especially if rare) valuable when the next TC or 2 is in full swing. Go buy a Lantern emblem if you don't believe me...some of them were in the sub 10,000 range when that TC was current and the market was saturated.

    Again, I wasn't really disagreeing with you, just pointing out that there are instances where sitting on unopened gear..maybe even a lot of unopened gear...would have some method to the madness, but inventory management is a game we all have to play and filling your bank/inventory to the point of bursting is not playing it well. Either way I don't see them adding gear or base mod or collection stacking any time soon. I'd think focusing elements or interfaces with 99 stacks would be more likely as they are all crafting items, like exos and mats which became stackable to 99.

  14. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

    The point of this whole topic is it would be helpful if these pieces of gear stack. I am a legendary and run the vault everyday with many of my toons and using the pieces as I get them doesn't always work one week I got 5 rings another week 4 head pieces and 3 trinkets opening these items as I get them would not have helped my character at. I love the theories on what I should do. I am just asking for something simple that would take very little effort on the DEVS part make the gear stackable and drop rates in the vault rate would not matter. It wouldn't hurt the game. It would help with inventory and I could run the vault without getting more worthless things I just end up destroying or give me no benefit.
  15. BestPlayerAfrica Well-Known Player

    no because you have the option to PAY for moar inventory slot :)
  16. inferno Loyal Player

    To be honest, I considered hoarding the vault gear as well but decided not to. When I decide to level a toon, I usually do it in 2 weeks or so for end tier gear.

    With these gear not being account bound I dont have time to accumulate as much. Cr 30 to 165 is levelled easily through drops and vendor gear; I might use 1 or 2 pieces of vault gear throughout this time.

    AF3 and beyond is when these gear is soo useful, with the unique currencies and limited instance drops. But the event instances are usually a much better source for these gear. Right now, you can get 6 pieces of gear a day from the events.
  17. Plowed In Loyal Player

    "The point of this whole topic is it would be helpful if these pieces of gear stack."


    "I am a legendary and run the vault everyday with many of my toons and using the pieces as I get them doesn't always work one week I got 5 rings another week 4 head pieces and 3 trinkets opening these items as I get them would not have helped my character at."

    Either because you're only running the vault and relying only on the green vault drops, or because you're not running actual content enough where you have the chance at blue or purple drops. Maybe you're not too worried about progressing all of your alts, but by that logic why are you concerned with maximizing every vault drop by itself? You've got all kinds of pieces, surely you could use a head/weapon/ring/hands/shoulder and bump up a CR? Are you aware that certain pieces have more impact on CR?

    "I love the theories on what I should do."

    Just suggestions, it's your time/money, play however you wish, no one can force you to keep a tidy house. ;) I'm also one to get bogged down in minutiae from time to time. I've been down a rabbit hole...I'm just trying to offer you a hand to help pull you out. :) It'll be okay if you use some of your multiples!

    "I am just asking for something simple that would take very little effort on the DEVS part make the gear stackable and drop rates in the vault rate would not matter."

    Assumption on the simplicity and effort. Also, to date, I believe no gear is stackable EXCEPT for Time Capsule stuff.

    "It wouldn't hurt the game."

    Agree, but let's set the bar higher. ;)

    "It would help with inventory and I could run the vault without getting more worthless things I just end up destroying or give me no benefit."

    It would help with inventory, but so would making other things stackable that would have a more positive benefit on everyone, like soders, core elements, focusing elements, and other R&D stuff. Salvage some of it and you might get some simple material. Sell simpe material, get cash. Even selling residues from salvaging gives you cash. Trivial amounts, but aren't we already down the rabbit hole of 'trivial'?

    You should stream when you open all those boxes! I'd watch! :)

    Btw - What is your current CR? How many Ancient Coins, War Bonds, Marked Bills do you currently have?
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  18. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

    The after. For all the people who just wanted me to open the items or know the results.


    13 pieces were all that was left over.

    Started Cr 125 0 prestige

    And in 3 days (I know it says 4. I got caught up with the bonus marks weekend and forgot to take a screen shot.)
    I added over 13k in prestige and advanced the character to E3 DLC.


    I ran a ton of stuff and used the gear to advance when q times weren't happening or I no longer had content to run.
    I used the items when I needed to and not because I had to. This would have been easier inventory wise if this gear were stackable. Ended up with a 207 DPS and 206 Healer.
  19. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Can’t see the pics, but woohoo welcome to endgame! :)
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  20. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

    Not sure why you can't see the pics, but thank-you.