Marks of Victory at Max CR

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MC GreenLantern, Feb 10, 2018.

  1. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    You do realize that there's a cap on ALL marks. So what happens when you hit the new cap on Marks of Victory...what would you do then???

    Reading your response to Reinheld all i'm seeing is that you want the marks uncapped (which will never happen...there will ALWAYS be a cap...999 seems to be the number at this point, but it's STILL a cap)...and at the same time you want to earn more marks from older content...BUT, you don't want to spend them???? So you basically want the "right" to hoard Marks of Victory just because...??? You can't tell me it's anything else, since this is what you have said more or less.

    And you keep saying "no reward"...but that's not even remotely true. Anyone who has played the game past level 30 knows there's more than just Marks in that content for saying "running content for no rewards" is straight up lying...or highly incorrect at best.
  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    But you're not "locking yourself out of content". At best you're getting a reduction in the amount of Marks of Victory you get from said content. Earning Marks of Victory is easy, spend it on what you want/need and keep earning more at the regular pace. Why people feel the need to hoard a large amount is beyond me. That pushes things to a medical level instead of actual necessity.

    By the way, you can be ready for CR removal all you want...not gonna happen.
  3. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So I'm still not following the logic. You don't need don't need don't need might run old stuff to help a friend or to have fun, but are irritated you don't get marks you aren't using anyway. You'll still get some marks from end game which i'm guessing you'd be running, so much so you hit the existing 200 cap. Are you expecting something to suddenly come up that will require MoV and no other currency you'd have to run end game for anyway (ultrabucks here, whatever the next stuff is...Kryptonian bucks?). So lets say in theory, they uncap the suddenly will start running this old content you have almost no reason to run what?... just to stack your MoV pile big enough you can dive into it like Scrooge McDuck in a pile of gold coins?

    It sound like you do not need MoV? What will uncapping it do for you? Sure there is no reason to cap it, but there is no real reason to uncap it either. I guess if that's your biggest issue with the game you are doing pretty well here.

    Hmmmm.....Maybe I'm on board now. I'd like to see that McDuck dive. Yes....uncap the marks. Devs, move to the top of the high priority change list!

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  5. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ok...You've made your... point? I don't agree, and they probably won't change it, but feel free to crusade for the McDuck pile of MoV....I'd rather see them work on the other 100's of things that can change to make the game better for all, vs for the one guy who needs to stockpile 999 MoV, but I for one will not stand in your way or try to discuss further.

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  7. Dene Devoted Player

    You want marks to be uncapped so you can buy what you need when you need it - e.g. you want a gen mod and you want to buy the plans/materials etc all at once

    How about pre-planning.. e.g. buy the plans you need that cost 85 marks... THEN later make the mod.. sounds like you want to buy everything you need all at one go.. That is not how the game works.. part of the game is to plan, organise, prepare...
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  8. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

  9. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

    Yes I get that you have to preplan the cap is limiting for no reason. My goodness, I have been playing this game for a long time too. It would be easier not have to inventory all this stuff you need just for the cap sake. Just like it was easier to make items stack to 99. We didn't need them to do so. The game existed for a long time on stacks of 16 and if you judicially pre-planed it shouldn't be a problem right? Since launch we did not need a auto-sort, but the Devs thought it would make things easier. The Devs have made many decision that made things easier on the gamers and raising or eliminating the cap would do the same.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    As you asked a direct question, I'll respond even though I already said I was dropping the discussion. Yes, I"ve seen the cap message come up. And yes for like 2 seconds I say 'crap....gotta go spend some MoV'....then I spend it, end of story.

    Why lobby for uncapped MoV if your concern is having to spend it on things you will need eventually? Because it clogs your inventory? Why not lobby for FE's or Interfaces to stack to 999? I eat up way more inventory with these than I do mod removal kits, or how about letting us buy unlimited inventory and bank slots...or at least make it so we can add 5 or 10 more if we want to pay for them? How about letting us mail account bound items to our other toons vs having to use our limited shared bank? Why not add cash to the shared bank capabilities? There are a lot of things that people will want as their 'most annoying thing' they would want to fix. Not sure this is the biggest of them, but you go for it big doggie.

    Argh! Got myself sucked in again....No more.

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  11. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

  12. Dene Devoted Player

    To use one of your examples

    The point of limited MoV is not compatible to auto sort - one is Quality Of Life (sorting) one is forcing you to be strategic and game-play & was put n by the devs so people had to plan/prepare & not just hoard & "bam" have everything they need

    Capped marks force you to think.. to play the game strategically. Examples like Auto-Sort are convenient but do not really affect game-play. The stacking of 16 was QOL and freed up space once lifted - so kinda affected strategy (as in what to keep etc). Unlimited marks is not a "QOL" it would directly impact game play

    if i can get 999 marks then what is to stop me - at say cr 50 - levelling up with gear to 70 in a few minutes. Not everything done is to annoy end gamers, other people play too and the game needs to adjust for them too

    I appreciate you've been playing a long time... But I am also assuming you are not at end game ? That you are trying to stay in mark relevancy at a lower CR? I assume this, because, I think, someone who has played a long time would not need to hoard vault gear - since its cr caps before that.
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  13. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

  14. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Actually we did need them to do so. With each new DLC crafting requirements have gotten higher and higher, and since the BIGGEST limiting factor is the acquisition of essences derived from salvaging (with no way to trade them), you wind up having an abundance of crafting materials WAY before you have enough essences to do the actual crafting. That's on top of all the gear we get, including scaling gear which sometimes requires to wait before we can open them for max benefit. Plus trinkets, collections, soders, artifacts, and two varieties of Nth Metal (account bound vs character bound). So yeah, it was and still is a bit of a problem...and they were right to work on that.

    People have actually asked for an auto sort feature for's something basic that should have been around from the beginning, they finally got around to it. The only people asking for what you want are the very few that somehow seem to feel like you can't manage with the cap in place, even though there's no ACTUAL need to purchase everything at once. Hit the cap, buy the things you will be needing soon, rinse and repeat. With Generator plans, it's not like they have to sit in your inventory...collect the plan, boom...done until you need to craft.

    What you're asking for would rank very low on the list of QoL priorities. You say this will help end game players...but they don't actually NEED this. YOU want this, but you don't actually NEED it. I don't benefit from this because it doesn't solve any problem for me...since there is nothing wrong with the way it is right now.

    And again, you keep saying no you actually understand what those two words together mean??? Do you realize that instances have more than JUST marks in them. Like gear you can salvage (for feats as well as crafting materials), some have Iconic pieces that can be sold on the broker, there are plans that can also be sold either on the broker or the vendor (some older plans are need for feats and fetch a decent amount), Compound Omegas, Exobit Clusters, Prestige Tokens, Mark of Victory Tokens that go towards the Marks of Merit feats, Catalysts. It's not just marks. If Marks is all you want, you can earn plenty from cr appropriate content.
  15. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

  16. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    When I said they rank low on the QoL priority list, I meant the Developer's, not ours. They have their own list of things they want to do specifically, things they would like to do if possible, and then as many things that players have been asking order of difficulty and/or R.O.I. potential. Since what you requested isn't a need, and no one has really presented a convincing enough argument to get strong support from the vocal minority, it won't rank high on THEIR list. If we were talking my list, it wouldn't rank at all based on what i've seen people really want and could use.

    And for the record, I do not run a "perfect" inventory....not even remotely close. And I hit the cap frequently....and have missed out on some marks. Remarkably, it hasn't hamperered my gameplay, nor have I lost anything. It's a mental perception thing, and I don't let it bother me. I just make sure to spend and have what I'll eventually need on hand.

    You didn't originally say the only benefit you get from running old content is salvage feat. You stated that the way things are now, you get "no rewards". There's a huge difference between the two statements. It's only now that you even acknowledge that older content has other rewards. That you find them of little value to YOU does not negate that it still a series of rewards. The only reward you seem to value is Mark of Victory....and that's ok, as long as you don't make the very mis-leading statement that there are no other rewards...because that is patently false. Had you admitted this earlier, there would have been far less back and forth going in circles.

    That's not how the reward system works, nor should it. Seeing as how marks have a bit more value than the other rewards you refused to acknowledge for a while there, it doesn't seem right that someone who can trivialize the content should be rewarded the same as at-level players who may struggle in the same instance. This isn't just my opinion...the company obviously feels that way which is why the system is set up how it is. You may not see any harm in raising the cap, but it would derail the Devs intentions (whatever they may be).
  17. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

  18. 0riginal R0CKET Active Player

    Not really much point in this argument. You are happy the way it is and I think it could be better. I am not going to change your mind and you are not going to change mind. We both I think show that we enjoy the Game and want to see it continue to grow.
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