High Level Cr Players in low level content.....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AlanR80, Jan 17, 2018.

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  1. Cable Committed Player

    Doesn't seem like a very pragmatic solution to the problem for lower end content. Especially if you're a villain, you'll be sitting there all day in LFG trying to find people of similar CR people for something like Arkham Asylum or Star Labs or any number of other lower level alerts, and raids.
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  2. AlanR80 Active Player

    My intention isn't to demonize the high CR player, and I have benefitted from their help :) and do understand you want the alerts done asap, but more asking those that rush ahead to be mindful of the other group members :)
  3. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    And what if we need to go back after the final boss to get investigations/briefings or the "The Question Finally Answered" feat? What do you suggest then? Will you go back with us to clear out the adds so we can survive long enough to do it? Or do we have to make sure we have a tank power so we can spend hours killing the adds you skipped?
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  4. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    See my previous post. We might get feats, but some feats require going back after the final boss. What do you propose we do then?
  5. TRIXTA00001 Well-Known Player

    It's neither new or vet players that should feel any misgiving in any circumstance for "playing" a "game".

    Imo if prestige and marks were NOT subject to cr penalisation. Then people would probably take their time more, be more helpful and bring both new and vetran players closer as a community.

    Ok enough of the hippy shiz :)

    I have been playing dcuo since launch and been legendary pretty much since then. I play other games too but I have never played another mmo game that charges a subscription but then renders pretty much 75% of the gameplay by restricting rewards like prestige and MOV (WHICH IS THE MOST USED CURRENCY IN GAME FOR PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING!!!! League halls and R n D... armour, bases.. pretty much everything)

    If I pay for a full game I want the rewards what I pay for!!! Once you're at end game content you can only farm the top 3 tiers for the only currency that pays for pretty much everything to do with playing the game..... I don't see why everyone doesn't get marks of victory for every instance they run!!! Regardless of cr!!! Same with prestige!! Why is prestige reduced with the higher the cr you are!!!????

    No wonder nobody with a higher cr plays lower content other than to rush through everything!!!! If the caps and returns were more of an incentive then maybe new players and veteran players wouldn't be going back and forth even having a discussion about any time it takes to run an instance....
    Just saying....
  6. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Form a group
    Use the forums to form a group
    Shout in areas where your CR matches theirs, to form a group
    Make a league
    Form a group
    See a pattern yet?
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  7. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    No Black. YOU are solely responsible for getting them their feats/investigations. Running the content with a similar CR group would take too much time. Let's be real here, I don't know why you would even suggest that.
  8. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Get a lot of feats done by racing through as fast as possible? Sorry, the only feats I’ve gotten for that are speed run feats :p
  9. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Yeah, I see that you do not want to take responsibility for how your behavior impacts new players and would rather save time for yourself while expecting new players to slow down their enjoyment of the game to meet your agenda. The pattern I see is that players like you are selfish.
  10. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    And some feats specifically require interacting with adds in some way. Some of them even require being done *before* you kill bosses, such as harmonizing the crystal chimes (which have to be done in the order you encounter them) in Love and War.
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  11. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I'm not asking him to get the investigations or briefings. I know I sarcastically asked that, but players who skip could choose not to skip and make the process of going back for feats/briefings/investigations easier. For 1-2 minutes more of their time, they'd save new players hours (if those players chose to get them then) or weeks (if the players chose to gear up first to make it easier later). Skipping is selfish. There's no other way to look at it.
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  12. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    It's not selfish. Again, personally I burn all the adds to make sure that people can keep up as indeed it only takes 30 more seconds of my time and I just feel bad if I'm the reason that low CRs are left behind. But in my view it's selfish to expect high CR's to carry you and complain about it if they don't do it in the way that you like. You can ask them to slow down and if they don't kick them from the team.
  13. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    Never expected to be carried. I expected in group content to have teammates. I didn't expect to run with players who have no empathy for their teammates.
  14. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Selfish hypocrisy. You’re expecting at-level players to keep up with you as you race through the content (doing it in the way that *you* like) and thus *forcing* them to be carried through by you.

    Not intending to sound like I’m saying you’re doing it (unless you are), Doc, since you did make a point of saying you wipe out the adds, but I couldnt think of a better way to say it.
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  15. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    One of the things that peeves me off. This thread popping up for the thousandth time. Deal with it, I know I do.
  16. Giga Vamm Dedicated Player

    I have no problem dealing with it. My concern is for new players who are being robbed of the experience of instances, robbed of the feats for completing classic investigation/briefings as they run content at tier, and robbed of other feats as a result of players thinking only of themselves. Someone has to point it out to the veterans who behave poorly toward new players that it's not acceptable behavior.
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  17. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    And because people continue to behave so selfishly and poorly, it continues to need pointed out. There’s a reason people say the community in this game is toxic, hopefully in time that can be turned around and the game becomes better and more fun to play overall.
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  18. AnonymousEUPS Dedicated Player

    It’s been pointed out on the weekly for years. I don’t think beating a dead horse is acceptable behaviour. But that would be as subjective as what you deem acceptable.

    It’s not like they are permanently locked from the instance. It’s not like they can’t form their own groups. It’s not like they can’t leave if the don’t like it. Are they not only thinking of themselves? Why is playing their way the only thing that matters? Random queue is random.
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  19. OhSicks Well-Known Player

    It would be nice to see a reward tired to completing everything in the instance. Something that would drive the high CR to run everything and not push through at break neck speeds. Bonus high XP nth metal, or that would always be relevant, perhaps a boost to the probability of a rare drop, etc.
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  20. velvetsanity Loyal Player

    Yes, they can leave. And then *again* spend several hours waiting for the queue to pop *again* just to be stuck with the same situation *again*. As for forming their own groups...I was well over CR 100 before I even heard of the LFG channel, and I only found out about it because I became active in the forums and discord server. Most who are leveling their first characters don’t even know it exists.
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