Lights out, I'm done for now

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fatal Star, May 6, 2017.

  1. saywhaaaaaaaat Well-Known Player

    1 last thing, can I take your spot in the HoD?
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  2. Caroline Dedicated Player

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  3. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Single favorite line from ambush bug
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  4. The Anxient Loyal Player

    You should never drink the bong water
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  5. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    Mine is: "Well hey if it isn't my good friend, a total stranger." But then he chose to judge my decorating so I had to imprison him in a corner.
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  6. BigAl Devoted Player

    Stop crying, ya big baby. You'll be back. They all come back (to leave again). ;)

    Good luck in whatever you do, and have fun.
  7. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Actually, most people just "come back" to cash in the free stuff to cover the possibility that they really migth come back one day. With the last part becoming less and less probable the further Daybreak "improves" their game. I think that some people waiting for the statrevamp could be smart enough to go to the forums first, read about everything that is wrong with it and decide to not waste another month of subscription to experience having that fit themselves. In the end, it's also more healthy :D
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  8. Balton hero Committed Player


    ok, that's fair.
  9. Balton hero Committed Player

    "and it opens, like the cover of an old bible, and out come the wolves. Out come the wolves; their paws trampling the snow, the asphalt. I stand on my head and watch it all go away."
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  10. Nicolas Gallardo Committed Player

    Well done Fatal. Best decision you could possibly make. Just never come back this game is in a terrible state. There wont EVER be a solution for this game, there is no comeback for what they have done. Glad you realised after all this time lol
  11. Ereez Well-Known Player

    Didn't read i find quitting threads a little pointless (they wont listen or care) but yup game is too money hungry right now for me and no issues getting fixed. I cancelled my sub and gonna see how ESO is doing nowadays, they just released a new expansion