My wish list for 2017.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by darkscarletx, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. Voaxghost Well-Known Player

    Stat clamp you say!? How about no.
  2. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Like i said, scary cats. I`ll never understand how people want dcuo to be better but are so against it. Nothing make sense.
  3. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    This is about to turn into one of those threads, so my apologies. But how does stat clamping make the game "better"? In your opinion.
  4. Proxystar #Perception

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  5. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    If people are against stat clamping it doesn't make the game better, it makes people want to leave. It maybe better for you, but don't go speaking for people that don't want it.

    PS: Don't expect anyone to take your suggestions seriously if you resort to calling people "Scary cats".
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  6. Voaxghost Well-Known Player

    Because I worked hard for my stats & I'd rather not be clamped
  7. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    Okay, let`s all calm down. This is my wish list, and the people on the forum don't represent all the player base. I can say what I'd like the game have, you can say you don't like it and others but i still don't understand too the dcuo mentally and i never will. I thought the devs wanted to raise the player base and add new players too. You want i go when they need more and everyone that doesn't think like you.

    Sorry for calling people scary cats, didn't mean to be rude. The stat clamping turn everyone scared every time it is called tho and a war begin when people just try to help the game. The unsync(clamping) doesn`t scare me. And everyone have the right for their opinion. Just because you don't want it and is against it that everyone in the whole world think the same. Anyone played other mmos than dcuo?

    People don't want to let the players learn and later they are angry that new players are clueless because they got carried all the way. lol
  8. Jacob Dragonhunter Steadfast Player

    "I can say what I'd like the game to have" i didn't have no issues with that, it's the fact you went out of your way to call the player base scared or scary cats.

    The Devs wanted to raise the Player base? Sorry but that doesn't work. Mepps specficially stated that stat clamping won't be implemented until they find a solution that works. Yes the players have offered many solutions, but the developers have implemented none of them.

    "And Everyone has the right for their opinion, just because you don't want and are against, doesn't mean everyone in the whole world thinks the same"
    I didn't say everyone thinks the same as me. And If everyone has the right for their opinion, then why are you calling everyone scared because they disagree with stat-clamping? Last I checked that's their opinion too, and yet you made rude remarks towards those people as well.
  9. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    100% True.

    Stat clamping makes sense for certain things like seasonal instances or LPvE, it creates an unbiased playing field for everyone to enjoy. When you apply forced stat clamping to regular PvE, which is the majority of game play, it becomes a complicated argument. The downside for a lot of players is the thought of going into a regular instance as a weakened version of ourselves. It's not a good feeling to be under powered. The upside for forced stat clamping is we're not running through, demolishing everything and ruining all the lower level's gaming experience. Personally I don't care either way, I've been leveling one of my alts from scratch and have had a lot of issues with high levels in content so I've seen both sides of the fence. What you've suggested in giving the player the option to be clamped or not clamped is a safe middle ground. I just wish there were other options

    This is the other downside, people are being carried to the top with out any clue as to what's going on or what they need to do. And everyone is to blame for this: the game for not detailing what support roles are supposed to do, inexperienced players for not researching game play and mechanics, and the experienced players for not educating the new comers.
  10. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Forget 2016! How about 2015? (I still want Grodd ;) )

    Now of course, nothing was ever 'promised'. The devs are pretty diligent in their messaging - always vague about their plans in order to downplay expectations - but our community always seem to blow stuff out of proportion. Take for instance the OP's very first line:

    He wants everyone to be able to play the way they want. Sounds great.

    But as soon as he uses the term 'stat clamp' to describe syncing, peoples' heads explode... :rolleyes:

    Ah well. Happy New Year to you too, OP. I hope you get some of your wishes.
  11. coco Committed Player

    Nice to see you again! Yea I noticed your references from ffxiv, 2 dps in alert being one reference, although ffxiv don't have trolls not a bad idea. I agree with mostly everything you suggested but can tell you they won't do most of those. Armories already a discussion that would not happen, most of the other stuff mentioned as I'm sure you are aware has been asked for, for many years yet they don't say no but nothing is ever done about it.

    Want to warn you though because it happened to me in my last post g0d forbid you mention what another game has that dcuo should have, or reference a game that isn't a 'superhero' mmo like as if dcuo can only be compared to superhero not all mmo's out there.
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