Devs. . . . .

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by pitbullb3, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. Seethra Well-Known Player

    I must agree, even if I would have worded myself a little differently.
    Let me try to explain myself as best I can at this early hour:

    In a free to play model where subscription are not required to have access to (parts of) the game, there must be some way to generate the required income in order to keep the game going, keep the employees on a payroll.
    I actually think that the method that DCUO provides is rather flexible in this regard.

    > You can subscribe and have access to the whole game. To show their appreciation for this fact, you get a few monthly bonuses.
    > You can, if you do not wish to sub, unlock the parts of the game for a fee that interest or benefit you most.
    > You can remain free to play and even get certain events, such as the open episodes, to allow you to experience the additional content that would otherwise remain locked.

    The F2P model allows everyone to at least experience the game to an extent and DCUO in my humble opinion allows you do quite a few things in this regard.

    While I can understand that some aspects are a little too limiting perhaps such as the cash limit or bankspace, you can still do a decent amount of things to enjoy it.

    I have a difficult time agreeing with the people saying that this is always a cashgrab.
    Surely some things are obviously (such as the cash limit and locking feats for feat/SP hunters behind capsules) a bit heavy, but I don't believe that DCUO overall has such a poor model.

    A subscription or well invested premium are naturally going to give you the most benefit.
  2. XEMD Well-Known Player

    I'm seeing a lot of players drop from the community of DCUO and it's sad to see. I've been with this game for almost 2 years now,maybe 3,I've always come back to it at one point during the year. Right now I've been playing dcuo and other games
  3. ZIM2 New Player

    Yes i do realize that. And I don't mind a cash grab here and there, I understand that you need to make money in a business. But what we have here is just nonsense. It's why I refuse to put another nickel into this game.

    DCUO jumped the shark for me. Even when you are paying a monthly sub, it's still a pay MORE money to win set up.