Devs. . . . .

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by pitbullb3, Dec 21, 2016.

  1. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Why are you all trying to make combat revolve around replays and capsules? To get op items replays have to be used.
    In the combat change with cooldowns, dps numbers close no matter the skill level, and making support roles dps closer to dps numbers, is going to make dps numbers revolve around time capsules white mods. A lot of people are going to leave if you all keep shooting yourselves in the foot with greed.
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  2. Voaxghost Well-Known Player

    OP items are a want not a need.

    Alot of this close dmg has to do with CR Diff As of now & will hopefully change after #statsmatter

    If you aren't comfortable with your damage that you fell threaten by Support Roles getting a dps Buff then mabye you suck? As for having to rely on TC white mods, don't be daft.

    Can I has your Stuff?

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  3. VictoryMC98 Dedicated Player

    Me 2!
  4. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    How exactly does combat, in your opinion, revolve around Replay Badges and more specifically Time Capsules? Replay Badges are an alternative for people who want to level faster. You still have plenty of time hit CR 190 before the next DLC hits. Don't concern yourself with damage output from support roles, DPS will still be kings of the scoreboard. Unless you're a terrible DPS.
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  5. ZIM2 New Player

    The whole game has turned into a cash grab. Doesn't matter if you are premium or legendary, they still try to squeeze every dollar they can from u.
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  6. Roocck Committed Player

    This is the reason why I hope this #statmatter# fails greatly. Can't wait to see that damage that this #statmatter# will end up doing the the game, we will see a massive decrease of players when this crap hits live. Then maybe you and 20 of your miserable friends can play together and than you can give your stuff away.
  7. Roocck Committed Player

  8. Roocck Committed Player

    Sit back and relax, if it hits the fan, than you can say I told you so.... :)
  9. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    You realize that almost EVERY decent game out there. The one's that don't turn into cash grabs (in one form or another) are pretty bad games.
  10. SixSigma Well-Known Player

    I guess it's good thing the stat update isn't going to fail. It'll force players to be good again and when you leave for other bad games like Star Trek Online or whatever please share your cash with the community, it's the right thing to do.
  11. Roocck Committed Player

    To start off I really like DCUO...... A year and a half years ago I came from WoW to play DCUO which I enjoy very much. The difference between WoW and DCUO is the cost to keep up with players. All class in WoW are pretty well balanced out, there is no massive gap between al classes that it can be considered OP. Now in both WoW and DCUO you benefit from farming and time you put into the game, the gear system is slightly different, type of gear you can get comes from what class you are playing. The class tree is also different you can put in your points into whatever you desire. You can change your role whenever you wish to, Example: you can change your role to Tank, Healer or DPS. Yes you do dailies, dungeons, raids and pvp.... Theres alot more... All this and the cost to play is $15 a month no more no less. It is very costly to keep up in DCUO, you are right you dont have to pay to win, but in all honesty if you don't pay you get lesft behind and no one will want to do certain things with you because of your CR, SP etc..
  12. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    You can't even hashtag correctly LMAO!
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  13. Roocck Committed Player

    Heres your hashtag PLAYER!! Mistakes are done everyday...
  14. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Stop it lol
  15. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    That's not true. I've replayed nothing and I'm at 9/11 on one and 6/something on the other. These are not needs, but wants. I bought the vendor rings and feat, was a mistake. I should have just bought the two collections first. The vendor gear is not that much stronger than the raid and time capsule gear.

    I guess it just depends if you are someone that's needs everything now or are fine with waiting. I'm waiting. Most won't and that's fine. They are not stronger than my toon. There is not much of a difference from 188, 189 and 190. There should be, but it's really not that much.
  16. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

    Illuminati I swear
  17. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I replayed content a total of 4-6 times and have weapon neck and is 8/11 on ring. I'm not talking about now, i'm talking about after revamp. I bet if revamp don't change, dps number, no matter the role, will be who ever have most capsule mods. Numbers on op items will be boosted after revamp too. If you remember, the devs said that support will be doing roughly half the damage of a dps, and the skill gap will be 10-30% between the skilled and unskilled dps. What do that tell us? White mods from capsules will be the deciding factor
  18. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Replays are not required to get op items. Takes 6 weeks to get both w/o replays.
  19. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    But a sacrifice on gear have to be made. I know the difference is small now. Anythingi mention is about combat after revamp
  20. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    Ok, but look. You are talking like the changes will happen while the current DLC is out. That is sooooooo not the case. We are minimum one year out from revamp. They are only working on 3 powers at a time with no limit or time frame laid out. Purple gear is fine. Vendor gear is the best, but not needed. When we see a release date or it looks more like all powers are getting close to the end product. Then it will be worth gear, mods, skill points, ectt...until then, business as usual.