Devs this was extremely poorly thought out

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Theblackcat456, Aug 31, 2016.

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  1. Theblackcat456 Committed Player

    Not sure about US server but lfg is extremely dead lately simply because there's nothing going on or changed except time capsules. I usually play on villians and there is no lfg messages at all for ages even during peak times its dead. It was never this bad. The devs need to listen to what the people need, countless well received requests are thrown into a dump by the devs such as fix weak powers and walk -in Teleporters and so on...
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  2. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Add a $ to any and all suggestions. See how fast it gets implemented.

    But yea, I made a new toon to level out of boredom and it is truly dead.
  3. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    What do yo want the Devs to do about the activity in LFG ?
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  4. Backseid Devoted Player

    There should have been content set aside for release during this "down time".

    I agree it was poorly planned.

    But, they obviously knew the population would die down during this time. So, I can only assume they found that acceptable.
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  5. DarthJafo Committed Player

    I'm already playing less. Went back to fallout again last night. I'm sick of rip, never seem to get a group that can candle ripe. Is the full nuclear set even available? Countless runs and I've never seen chest, legs, back

    I'm kind of trying to farm older feats, collections briefings and investigations but those get old quick.
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  6. iCeDrAgOn Active Player

    To be honest I think they knew that the population was going to die down some anyways and that's why they had content all summer long basically. Now with a lot of younger players returning to school, and some older ones focusing on other things.

    and what i think they could possibly do to kind of fix the issue is to extend the daily bonus all the way up to the T8 content and not make it a 100% drop, but say a 5%-10% chance to drop say a stabelizer fragment at least that way it might actually get players back in to the instances.
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  7. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    What kind of question is that? What do he want the developers to do about the dwindling population in their game?
  8. Immortal Kyrro Loyal Player

    But hey they just had a great deal for a year membership
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  9. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    Us villain server is almost as bad. It take me 5-10 mins to make a 3 dps healer RIT run as a healer sometimes. This morning i waited 15 mins for duo q to pop. The capsules hardly did anything for the population, just bleed the members still playing
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  10. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    well players are taking breaks with 5 or longer with no new content you honestly can expect players leaving and coming back once the content has return.
  11. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    We need more interesting and unique content. This game can't afford the long break in between content, not when we are seemingly 'bleeding' subs. People get bored quickly, as can be proven by the posts on this forum. Open world boss nights with rare drops, monthly content (again) true balance between all powers, a better solution to RNG (there has to be a better way than gambling in a videogame') and a clear direction of the game would help.
  12. Owl Devoted Player

    Note that during the monthly Episodes there were multiple threads asking to switch back to quarterly content.
    There were multiple threads complaining about monthly content.
    Blame those posters for the lack of content during the transition back to larger Episodes. They asked for it.
    • Like x 8
  13. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    I do. I never asked for the removal of it.

    I think it's the devs to be honest. It has been aknowledged the forums represent a 'small percentage of players' right? If so, why not listen to them and continue with their vision, if they actually have one for this game?
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  14. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    The monthly releases were horrible and repetitive and ruined quality of content and open world and bounties disappeard. People would stil gear up and get bored except you only had 4 pieces of gear to get and no ither content really relevant to u but 2 instances. The population has gone down since monthly not up.
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  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Would it be hard to do any of the following:

    1)Open up all the mentor missions as solo instances set at t8 difficulty.

    2)"Elite" versions of a few old instances: t8 Gorilla Island, Khandaq, Oan SS, Prime.
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  16. Scarlet Morrigan Active Player

    First, I don't think the Devs can make people play the game.
    Second, a lot of FTP people simply can't run higher end stuff because they lack the content or in game money.
    Third, how often new content comes out is not the issue. Some people like every quarter for a big set of content, and some like a smaller set of new content every month. WoW puts out new content every 2 years (that you pay for) and has of 5 million subscribers. I am not saying that more variation in the content or special in game events wouldn't be nice, but that is up to Daybreak.
    And my last thought, I know people who don't use LFG because they are tired of the pugs they get that can't finish the raid (or whatever). Maybe try a very active league if you are looking for people to play with.
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  17. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    You could always just que in. That's what I do.
  18. HEALER35 Well-Known Player

    I think this downtime is perfect because it allows you to work on feats. If the content was still coming out every month, I would be still sitting at 217SP accept for the 1 or 2 SP that you would get from new content. Now I managed to get up to 233 SP with the downtime and I'm shooting for 250SP before new dlc, so I would say just work on feats.
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  19. bjr338 Well-Known Player

    The gear your looking for is in DWF
  20. Simply Tensai Well-Known Player

    remove hero/villain exclusivity on instances, during fishy mic fish fish event last month i was with villains more often than expected, and i have no issues taking down the fish whisperer(arthur)
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