How would you change support roles?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fatal Star, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. NoPhilosophy Committed Player

    I'd make the descriptions easier for people to read. People should actually be able to master what's in front of them before trying to change things.

    You can make the game as easy as you want, but the players will always suck.

    Sorry been pugging too long.

    Just put big red letters at the start of every power description. "POT" "SINGLE TAUNT" "GROUP PULL" "GROUP STUN"

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  2. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I used to do well with Mental. I'd hit the PoT, hit CC's and debuff's(with bosses/sub bosses) and back things up with power out. In raids I would use Bastion and Word of Power as SC. Word of Power was a great power out power. Sadly, they fudged with Mental so badly that I don't even recognize it anymore.
  3. BipolarDiva Loyal Player

    I've made my views clear on this issue for years. When troll role gets a true powerback am and loses instant power I'll return to the game.
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  4. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    nope mope nope you haven't seen that a electric healer struggles to solo heal because of the stretch we need some range ability. plus a storm cloud healer power type thing would be cool like invigorate isn't what it should be and the group shield is useless unless you have high stats. im high electric and wont switch but take you time a try running as a support role i can see what's wrong because i played so wrong all supports role need a damage am and a support am that's why people run all dpses and 3 or 4 support roles
  5. Lightnings Revenge Committed Player

    we are forced to dual run as healers already because electric can't stretch and some people can't work other powers
  6. Ichiro Loyal Player

    make universal PVE gear so Support roles don't have to work twice as hard to get gear

    Tank - Rage and fire need a defense buff like ice and atomic. now that NPC's hit for percentages of total health instead of set numbers high health is a useless defense.

    Troll - re prioritize recharge to target Healers and tanks over DPS

    Healers - Increase range of heals over time and decrease power consumption per a power.
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  7. Delta796th Loyal Player

    Since when?
    Except for DWF DWFE we have 2 Electricity healers that can solo everything else in game. Hell I've pugged KCT with E healer who was fine thought out the run.
  8. Celestial Powers Committed Player

  9. Owl Devoted Player

    Weapon Mastery Bonus for Roles:
    A successful Weapon Multiple Mastery Combo should produce a bonus for each role.
    • Healer: Restores Group Health
    • Controller: Restores Group Power
    • Tank: Provides Damage Prevention to Group
    Survivability Increase for Roles:
    Since it takes longer for a non-damage role to defeat opponents, they should have increased survivability stats.
    • Increased Health pool
    • Increased Power pool
    • Increased Control Resistance
    Damage Penalty for non-balanced groups:
    When a group gains a role-less bonus for excluding a role, they also receive a damage penalty.
    Multiple missing roles provides a much larger damage penalty.
    • Missing Healer, Controller or Tank = -5% Damage
    • Missing Healer & Controller, Controller & Tank, or Healer & Tank = -15% Damage
    • Missing Healer, Controller and Tank = -25% Damage
    Missing Damage Role Buff:
    When a group does not have a Damager, group members receive damage buff.
    This is only fair because missing a Tank provides Damage Absorption, missing a Controller provides Power Over Time and missing a Healer provides Healing while Blocking.
    • Missing Damager = +20% Damage for Group
    Passive Buffs for Balanced Group:
    • +5% Stats for a group consisting of 1 Controller, 1 Healer, 1 Tank and 1 Damager
    • +7% Stats for a group consisting of 2 Controllers, 2 Healers, 2 Tanks and 2 Damagers
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  10. badusername Level 30

    I would love it if electrics bio charge got a visual update, don't know about anyone else but I find that tiny spark effect impossible to track in raids. Change bio charges animation to a electrical halo or something, that way healers can instantly spot which ally does and does not have the effect and actually pay attention to the battle instead of staring intently and the left hand side of the screen.
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  11. Simply Tensai Well-Known Player

    global:increase power regen from weapon/power combos 100/200/300%
    tank:proton remedy heal/hot for ice/earth
    controller:stackable debuffs x5, change debuff numbers to 5% if they arent already there so we land at 25%, convert power powers to 3 hit shields
    healer:instant revive power
  12. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    OKAY but remember YOU ASKED lol

    Starting with Control.. These days thanks to AM and WM its not nearly as huge a deal for a TROLL to play Energizer Bunny although you still run into players that have no clue how to use their combos right to stay powered up so I can still wind up in some missions hitting nothing but POT and Power Push. I'd like to see the buffs and debuffs enhanced to where they can seriously make defeating any target easier. Oh and while we are at THAT lets allow debuffs and BUFFS both to stack. So IF we have 2 trolls on a team and they both cast a debuff on a boss he is twice as vulnerable to attacks and I any Buffs we cast on team mates can increase defenses or damage output even more.

    Healers.. Let's decrease the amount of power out it takes to heal a bit and enhance those shields to lessen the amount of damage the team takes.. Could actually get to the point where a healer MIGHT be able to actually use some attacks that do damage once in a while.

    EDIT: almost forgot this one and it comes to you straight from COH: add a power that allows a healer to REZ fallen team mates. No not a count down to click like we have now and actual power that will allow a healer to move to a fallen team mate and cast a Rez that, for the sake of argument, would bring that player back to life with say 50% health and power (much less likely to die 2 seconds after they stand back up thanks to the bosses AoE). There would be no time limit on using this power so if it took 90 seconds for the healer to make it across the room to get to the fallen player he'd still be able to rez him.

    With Tanks I could definitely see a move toward making more of them work like Atomic where they have combo attacks that help them heal, so the healer can deal more with the rest of the team, and possibly decreasing power loss so they can stay focused on pounding on the boss in their face more.

    After we complete all of that... INCREASE the amount of damage all of the support roles do. Not to the point where DPS becomes obsolete but to a point where They'd be able to hold their own on any mission and decrease the supposed need for 5 or 6 DPS on a raid. I REALIZE this will shock and disturb the DPS RULES Crowd but there are FOUR (4) roles available in this game and they should all be able to contribute equally. CAN you tell I came here from City of Heroes where when a Controller showed up to help with a Giant Monster battle he was welcomed with open arms because NOW the dang thing would take damage and die? LOL
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  13. DRAGONxNOGARD Active Player

    idk ppls nature as healer is not bad but flora dps totally suck due alot weak damage roots or traps and fauna dps is too not bad but i feel that is weak so for me is usseless power

    edit: or i didnt tried nature in 100%
  14. DRAGONxNOGARD Active Player

    i vote for this water can revive KOed player
  15. Multiverse Creator League

    I would get rid of Support roles.


    Now before you guys freak out..... read the rest.

    Too many people are not willing to play support roles.....
    And even amongst those who are willing to switch to support roles...... too many just do not know how to play a support role.

    Heck we see MANY examples of that on these very Forums with people who want to play Battle Healers.....
    or who want to play with 50% Troll gear and 50% DPS gear.

    Too many people just do not know how to play support roles.

    Instead of support roles...... have everyone be DPS.
    But depending on the power you use...... you would give power or heal or etc..

    For example.....
    if you play as a Light, Quantum, Gadget, Munition..... everytime you use a power or use your weapon..... you give a bit of power back to everyone in the group.

    If you use Celestial, Nature, Sorcery, Electric....... everytime you use a power or use your weapon...... you heal the group a little.

    I was going to only say everytime you use your power....... but remembered the many who only spam weapon attacks and never use any powers.

    So.... no more roles.

    Everyone is DPS...... but depending on the power they will heal or give power.... etc.

    But that would required a HUGE change in the game...... so that will never happen.

    So we will be stuck with Healers or Trolls who play as if they were DPSes. :(
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  16. Pults Loyal Player

    I think that depends on the viability of having unified gear in PvE and Mods not being directly placed on gear pieces but instead in armories or base generators.
    Yes and no, Flame Cascade opens up to vulnerability, now if it was removed in tank stance that would be grand.
    Wouldn't "stats matter" fix this?
    I think electricity healing does need slight adjustments - egen to work on more than two players at a time, ionic drain to burst on inital cast and continue as a HoT(maybe), Bio-Cap to set on all 8 players (right now you just need to split the group into two and set it on both parties, having it be 8 player would just be logical), maybe a bigger overall powr reduction due to WM being an important part to healing (electricity tends to be on the slow side due to being high on burst and low on HoTs) and maybe increase eburst range and allow it to work on non-electrified targets.
  17. Backseid Devoted Player

    I'd make their abilities stronger so that can perform on per with DPS.

    DPS is so popular, because it's so highly effective in all types of content, whereas Support stance is not. Especially Troller role.

    That, or have the Devs put out a statement that Support is just that. Support. Not a main role.
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  18. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    This, but would like to add reinstate the Dominance rule, if your Dom is higher than the NPC it should effect the NPC per the amount above.

    If lower rebuffs should be effected, no stun applied or an immediate breakout occurs.

    It is a sham to advertise the role to be a Controller and have it to where everybody can stun adds without regard to the Dom rule.

    Solo's should be exclusion, duo's should have Dom rules being that the rock, paper, scissors. ( Healers can heal through damage, tank can aggro take damage, controller can control adds or DPS can burn adds, assuming the other role being damage only).

    The damage of all support should be boosted by at min 25%, being that Damagers got well over 300% increase from where it was when support could beat out a weak DPS.
  19. Avian Dedicated Player

    Up their damage so they do about 30-50% less damage than a DPS. Not being able to do damage as support is what turns a lot of people away from playing them in the first plays IMO.
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  20. Pults Loyal Player

    Eh, Rage bringer need a lowered power cost since it's the one of those moves that helps to stack health, also both breakouts since in most cases they are mandatory for survival.