DCUO Social Graph... Pretty cool to see all my stats in one place!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by FESTER665, Sep 8, 2014.

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  1. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Over how many years Spack2k? That number really really doesnt seem right.
  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Just remember the old adage, one bad apple spoils the whole bunch. Mob mentality and copying makes for a lot of problems. The guy asking for CR108 for FOS2 may not be asking to be carried, but only asking because other people are asking it. To assure the group will be less likely to fail. People are very cruel and when it comes to information, they can use facts to control.

    Again this comes down to the community is the issue. They shouldn't be provided more methods of being able to alienate than they already do. Before CR, it was come to the WT for inspection. After this, it will be merely "hold on, looking up your name. 125 SP? Nope!"

    I am against this because it is a good tool in the wrong hands. I love this because it is a good tool. I already resigned myself to it coming. The information is there, no longer hidden. It doesn't mean I can't see the problems that will arise.

    I mean DLC5 was the epitome of how our players act towards other players. They are just you know whats and the Devs themselves always get surprised by it. When we see it coming a mile away. I think it comes down to it, the good nature of the developers are being ruined by the bad nature of the players.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i can do lockdown on my healer just fine, but just yesterday i wanted to see what would happened if i told the truth, i was kicked on spot after saying it..in

    i can wholeheartedly understand why people lie about cr
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  4. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Love how this nifty app turned into a SP fiasco.
    What about those Tanks having 15k health? No mention. Just shows the mentality of people that deem SP>everything else.
    Why not just show everyone's SP u search? Seems to be all anyone cares about anyway lol.
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  5. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    ...I'm confused as to why you quoted me specifically and as to how that makes this particular app bad. You can still form whatever groups you want. You can still fill whatever roles you want. You can still form groups without a CR requirement. You can still ignore folks that choose to tell you even though you don't care, you just want bodies. You can still chose to run Lockdown with people you know or by using LFG to get folks and asking for a CR requirement. This app changes nothing about any of that. If people want to require a CR they're going to do it with or without this app.
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  6. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Your looking at it wrong Spicy. If I see someone that performs better than I as a healer or a troll. Why wouldnt I like them up to see how to re distribute my stats and try to improve on my own character?

    Well in this instance I simply dont agree with you. It happens.
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  7. spack2k Steadfast Player

    it shows that this character was 526 days out of ~1000 days online.

    the character was online about 53% of the time the server were available!

    around 13h per day :)

    thats hell of a statistic.

    PS: imagine he has an alt or some alts :p
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  8. cross out Well-Known Player

    this is cool as heck. im so going to be busting people for lying.lol
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  9. kawe Loyal Player


    Do I have anything to hide? No.
    Do I give you info if you ask me? Most likely yes, depends on case by case or info. Stuff I WANT to share are in my sig anyway.
    Do I like this app? ******* No.

    Who even comes up with the idea that my last time I logged in, when I created my toons or my overall playtime has to be of interest of anybody but myself?

    Just because information (I created by playing) exists doesn't mean I want it for everyone to be easily looked up. I like sharing info, if I am ASKED. A simple act of courtesy, instead of just taking the info you want.
    This caters to the type of voyeurism that the internet created, and just because it's possible doesn't mean it's good, or that we should just condone with it "because it'z the internet" if we don't like it.

    The ppl that have their fun with this app can have it, I will treat it as if it was never created, and I wish it wasn't.
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  10. Tazzaxe Dedicated Player

    Thats 13 hours AVERAGE a day. Do you recall ever taking a day or a week off from the game? You really gotta love this game.
  11. BumblingB I got better.

    Answer would be rubber banding for lockboxes. I never did it, so my play time is about accurate +/-100 hours I'm sure. Playing 13 hours in a day is do-able, but I doubt can be kept up for very long. Boom and Ace seem more normal, but even then I'm sure they idled a lot.
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  12. Judgmental Jolt Well-Known Player

    I get why some people are upset and worried. I personally don't see why people lie about CR though. I think it's kind of unfair to the person making the group, even if their claims are ridiculous. They specified the group that they wanted, it's nice for people to respect their wishes with honesty even if they are being an idiot.

    Disclaimer: When I put groups together, I DO NOT make CR requirements. I ask for Role, Power. Sometimes I ask for CR, Role, Power but that's more of a situation of: We have a 104 Gadgets DPS who can Troll, but a 108 Gadgets DPS only wants to join the group. It allows for flexibility.

    I've never kicked a healer or troll based off of Restoration or Vitalization either, the most I ask for a healer is "Have you done this before? Have you soloed? If necessary, can you switch to DPS for someone that CAN solo?" Sometimes I like two heals, sometimes I like one. Depends on the group and the raid. But I don't kick based off of stats, tools, whatever. At absolute worst, I won't reinvite you when you DC if you aren't pulling your weight. Not YOU, you. But general you.

    I like to thank that a vast majority of players, even high tier handle the game more like I do. It's hard to see that if you're constantly looking in LFG and seeing the crazy CR requirements, but I'm pretty sure there is a significant number of players on USPS that legitimately don't care.

    If a person chooses to join a group with a CR requirement while lying about meeting the requirement, the group leader has every right to remove them. No, it doesn't mean the content couldn't be finished, but it means the group leader wanted something else.
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  13. Stark Cold New Player

    The name I'd like...

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  14. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Well that would help some people find their niche I suppose. I think if I wanted to compare, I would use this app to see how my vita or Resto stacks up against players with 175+ Sp. That would let me know how much more work I would need to put in personally.
    I don't see the harm in our virtual characters info being listed at all.
    I can see the points made by some who would rather have a say in the matter. But in this technology age, the reality is EVERYTHING is accessible. Sad but true.
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  15. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    This game don't have 18 million registered (Not Active) members for nothing. Pisses me off so bad..

    The name I wanted for my Main:

    Created: Nov 13, 2011 20:02
    Last Activity: Nov 13, 2011 23:02
    Time Played in Hours: 1
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  16. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    I let my characters Idle a lot, as you said for lockboxes I would say 65% of the time I'm actually doing stuff in game, but I'm not ashamed of it.
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  17. BumblingB I got better.

    Everyone has a right to form the groups they want, but no one has a right to treat another player poorly to get there. This game allows for that. If that person wants to run the content and all other methods fail, including forming his own group, he should have a right to play that content, but if the group former wants one cr above his number. Yeah... lying is wrong, but that group former better as heck be able to assure his whole group he can succeed for the costs he asks for.

    Last night in LFG someone was shouting for a tank with 150+ skill points. Guess what, he only had 135 himself. He didn't lie one bit, but he sure did omit that fact when asking for higher than him. He didn't want to be carried, he wanted someone competent one can argue. But the truth of the matter is that our community is out of hand and adding fuel to the fire just makes it worse.

    This app is great! Love it! But don't kid yourself that knowing this information wont make things far worse. As they don't have to guess to judge you, they see the numbers right there!
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  18. spack2k Steadfast Player

    or to make powertype restriction for tanks ...
  19. SoulflyMike42 New Player

    My hours make me want to stop playing now lol :p Need to get a life, orrr Destiny life ohhhh
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    As you shouldn't be! It's your PS3 to ruin from overheating and overuse! :p
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