The Rage is Near

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by SonOfKalel, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. SonOfKalel New Player

    Hey, guys and gals I was scrolling through my trophies for DCUO and I've noticed there was no trophies for collecting the new pvp styles, but then I seen......wait for it......wait for it trophy for the new DLC 9 I've been playing 3yrs oh yeah happy anniversary DCUO And I know that if the trophies have a arrived then we're a week frm the DLC keep your peepers open rage is near:mad:
  2. Tule New Player

    Can you be full of rage and still say the word peepers? I feel that would diffuse any rage or seriousness.
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  3. SonOfKalel New Player

  4. JLMDaVinci New Player

    excited for Rage gonna test it out on test server tommorw or 1-10-14